Taurus is the master of his life


Representatives of this sign can be characterized in two words: perseverance and constancy. Inner power, nobility and strength distinguish Taurus from other signs. These conservatives by nature value artwork and music. Confident and peaceful people. They do not recognize pettiness, do not enter into adventures, avoid noisy, dubious companies. You can rely on them, because patience and determination will lead to the intended goal.

The element of this sign is earth, the heavenly patron is Venus. In the life of Taurus, events must occur according to plan, otherwise he loses his balance. For him, stability and predictability are important in everything. But often careful, unhurried deliberation of the situation leads to the loss of profitable offers. Conflict is not peculiar to Taurus, but when he loses his composure and poise, he can’t find an opponent fiercer.


Zodiac sign Taurus is a symbol of conservative people. They are famous for old-fashioned judgments and views. Keep traditions and family values. In the circle of friends, Taurus is soft and kind. This is a reliable and devoted comrade. He is always hospitable and friendly. He has an independent opinion, but often makes attempts to impose it on others. Trusted, avoids lies. It takes care of the appearance and makes a good impression, since the opinion of others is valuable to it. He has a great sense of humor, but he himself does not accept it when he makes jokes about him.

Taurus does not like to attract attention, he is laconic. Prefers high-quality clothing inconspicuous colors. Noisy gatherings are not his element. Being a homebody, she will be happy to spend the evening at home in a comfortable armchair. Forced relocation and a change in the circle of friends can permanently unsettle him. Staying in nature will give Taurus the opportunity to restore strength, streamline thoughts. Feeling comfort and stability, he achieves significant results in work.


The opposite sex is always in the center of attention of representatives of this sign. Physical stamina and sexuality make them wonderful lovers. External restraint hides a sensitive and sentimental romance. Taurus know how to choose gifts for lovers. They give preference to what further fills the family nest with luxury (paintings, jewelry, crystal, beautiful clothes, perfumes).

Taurus will never rush into the pool with his head. His passions need time. When Taurus has confidence in reciprocal feelings, neither the advice of friends, nor criticism of the chosen one will be able to lead him astray. Not aggressive perseverance and stubbornness, manifested in love relationships. The Taurus family is looking for constancy. This is the real owner of the house. Intolerant of scandals and family squabbles. He’s having a hard time breaking up a relationship.


He chooses a profession consciously. From a young age, he ponders the creation of his "empire." Ready to work long and hard for the sake of what was planned. He tolerates the routine perfectly, shows hard work and patience, successfully overcomes obstacles and goes to the goals set. You rarely find unemployed Taurus. Independence and the ability to start “from scratch” in their blood.

The inherent reasonableness of Taurus will not allow them to take part in financial fraud, tricks and frauds of a different nature. They will not risk property for the sake of dubious and dishonest benefits. Their inherent spirit of adventurism.

Taurus chooses specialties in finance, economics, banking, trade, real estate or construction. Thanks to diligence, she masters professions in which she can be creative - design, floristry, cooking, architecture. Among them are many artists, writers, artists, poets, musicians.

The material goods Taurus are treated as a means of providing comfort. Make every effort to ensure a decent standard of living. In their understanding, the presence of their own housing, car, furniture and delicious food is a prerequisite for wealth. Taurus can not be called greedy, but they are thrifty and economical.

Taurus is not a minion of fate. Able and likes to make money. The property that he possesses is earned by his own efforts, without outside interference or unforeseen luck.


Watch the video: NEW! TAURUS 2019 ANNUAL TAROT! You Are The Master Of Ceremonies In Your Life!! (June 2024).