Man and woman: find 10 differences


Women love horoscopes. If this is not enough, then we climb into the interpreter of names to learn more about the person. We adore all sorts of classifications and typologies. Don’t feed us with bread, let us find the similarities and differences in various characters. But we often forget about the most important thing ... all people are divided into men and women! We’ll talk about their differences today.

I am not happy with spring and birdsong ...

When a woman is bad, she goes to friends. The first story can last an hour or two, the retelling will take about thirty minutes, the third friend will learn about all the details in five minutes, and the sixth already has nothing to tell, that's all nonsense.

Men experience everything in themselves. They try to stay alone with themselves, often close. A man talks about his misfortune only when he really needs advice. Not consolation, but information. By the way, if a lover does not ask you, then you should not instruct him on the true path, thereby you question his masculinity. He is able to make decisions independently, he is already a big boy. Patience, let alone be until the moment when the passions in his soul subside. Then come off.

You do not understand me

Probably, every woman ever thought that a man did not understand her at all. The thing is that we live with feelings and emotions. We love to exaggerate and simplify, so that he understands, and he clings to words.

Suppose you are tired of going home and back from work. Bored of TV nights and routine. You want to tell your lover that you are missing him. You need his care. I want to take his hand, feel that you are together, get out somewhere. Feel pleasant emotions, it's so great when you are together! In this case, more often than not, you just tell him that you want to be together, without going into lengthy discussions. Everything is simple and clear, only shorter. What does 8 out of 10 men answer to this? “Aren't we two together now?”

Men are too straightforward. Even in the soul of the most sensitive, violets rarely bloom. The strong half of humanity cannot be blamed for this. We are just different, that’s all.

By the way, women often themselves do not understand their lovers. Suppose you know that a man has problems, but he answers monosyllabic to your questions: "everything is fine." What do you think? It will seem to you that he does not care about you. He does not want to share his problems, because he does not trust. Particularly nervous, it will reach "our relationship has cracked." What does the man think, answering that "everything is normal"? Never guess. He tells you that everything is fine! He will cope, you have no reason to worry.

Before thinking about horoscopes, think about the most important thing, that you are a woman, you were raised differently, you are a weak defenseless creature. In theory, you should embroider, spin, sew and give birth to children. Your beloved man is a protector and support. His task is to kill animals in various ways. He is a predator, and you are ... different.


Alesya 11/15/2016
Not enough ....

Masha Smirnova 10/31/2016
And where are the 10 differences? The article describes two differences. Where are eight more?


Watch the video: 12 Main Differences Between Men and Women (June 2024).