Best adjika for the winter: travel around the world in search of a recipe. How to cook the best adjika for the winter: choose an option for your taste


The word adjika has Abkhaz roots. The basis of the best adjika for the winter in any kitchen in the world is not hot pepper, but a love of spicy food.

The best adjika for the winter - the general principles of preparation.

Variations of the best adzhika for the winter are present in the national cuisines of many nations, even in those countries where there is no winter, and there is no need to look for a recipe for the best adzhika for the winter. Components of spicy seasoning have a local flavor and are associated exclusively with the climate, causing the growth of ingredients in a particular area.

Types of the best adjika for the winter

The traditional idea of ​​the best adjika for the winter involves preparing a fairly thick, spicy sauce. But spicy seasoning has become so widespread that it has become a favorite addition to food, including among people who, for various reasons, prefer to use spicy seasoning with a milder taste. Likely, so there was a "sweet" adzhika. A success in cooking is a mixture of dry peppers and spices, called "dry adjika".

Preparing dishes and vegetables for the best adzhika for the winter

For winter harvesting, there are some general rules, compliance with which allows us to provide vitamin products to every family, until the new crop.

The basic rule of canning is sterile dishes and carefully selected vegetables and fruits, so that the effort expended please with a jar of the best adzhika for the winter.

Glassware and lids must be sterilized without fail. Reliable and fast way: wash the cans in soda solution (1 tbsp. L / 1 l of water), rinse under running water, then put the dishes on a baking sheet and calcined in the oven at a maximum temperature of about 5 minutes. The time of roasting dishes in the microwave - 1-2 minutes

Natural preservatives for the best adzhika for winter

Fortunately, nature fully provided humanity with natural preservatives, which greatly simplifies the task of storing winter preparations.

• Hot pepper - the main component of the best adjika for the winter, is at the same time an excellent natural preservative.

• Salt. For conservation, you can not use vacuum or iodized salt - only the dining room (cooking), coarse salt: it contains sodium chloride, almost in its pure form. Additives in the form of synthetic iodine and other chemical preservatives contained in fine and very white salt are not suitable for blanks.

• Sugar. The property of sugar is a mystery of nature. An indispensable component for the fermentation reaction, it is also a preservative.

• Vinegar. For canning, unlike salt, you need to choose synthetic table vinegar (9%).

• Vegetable oil. In many recipes of the best adjika for the winter, vegetable oil is present. If you can not do without it, then even refined oil must be calcined in a separate bowl before use in conservation.

• Garlic. Its antibacterial properties help to cope with many harmful microorganisms.

• To mitigate the effect of capsaicin in hot spices, tomatoes, cranberries, and other acidic ingredients are often used that contain an additional preservative.

• Spices containing phytoncides and included in the composition of the best adzhika for the winter, not only increase the taste properties, but also help to preserve the “tasty” jar until the new harvest.

Thanks to the natural preservatives, which are at the same time the main ingredients of the best adzhika for the winter, the process of harvesting and storage does not cause great difficulties. Most recipes for spicy seasoning do not need sterilization: it is enough to boil them and cork in sterile jars.

For each recipe of the best adjika for the winter, there are separate rules for cooking, pasteurization and storage. But read about this in more detail in the selection of the best adjik for winter and summer, and to any dish.

Using the recipes described below, you can make sure that they can cook the best adjika for the winter not only in Abkhazia.

Recipe 1. The best adjika for the winter in old Russian recipes: cranberry sauce


• Oregano - 1 tsp;

• Mint (pepper) - 0.010 g;

• Juniper (berries) - 0.030 g;

• Cloves - 0.005 g;

• Pepper "Spark" - 0,050 g;

• Garlic - 0.150 g;

• Onions - 0.250 g;

• Cranberries (or lingonberries) - 0.500 g;

• Honey - 0.150g;

• Water - 0.250ml.

Cooking method:

The ingredients are maximally adapted to modern conditions.

Cranberries through a sieve. Add 0.250 ml of water to boiled skin and boil. Wash garlic, onion and other spices, peel, pound in a mortar and tie into a cloth (gauze). “Bag” and cranberry juice add to water and boil. Pull out the bag, add honey and boil until thick, similar to jelly.

Gravy packaged in sterile jars.

Why our ancestors cooked honey - is unknown, but the gravy is very combined with poultry meat baked in the oven.

Recipe 2. Best adjika for the winter - "Horseradish"

This recipe has many names and many options. But the main ingredient is horseradish root.


• Tomatoes - 0.500 kg;

• Hot pepper - 1 pod;

• Horseradish - 0.200 g;

• Garlic - 0.200 g;

• Salt and sugar - to taste;

• Refined oil - 0.100 ml.

Cooking method:

Pick, peel, wash, and peel the tomatoes. Horseradish chop on a grater. Beat all the ingredients in a blender.

Pack in sterile jars with a volume of not more than 0,200 ml. On top of the contents pour pre-calcined refined oil. Banks cork.

Recipe 3. The best adjika for the winter in Mexican cuisine - "Salsa"


• Tomatoes - 0,500 g;

• Onions (bulb) - 0,100 g;

• Garlic - 5 small cloves;

• Chili pepper - 0.075 g;

• Lemon juice - 0.050 ml;

• Salt - to taste;

• Sugar - to taste;

• Cilantro, parsley (fresh greens) - 0.050 g.

Cooking method:

Finely chopped prepared vegetables. Add lemon juice, sugar and salt, mix in a blender. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Packed salsa in jars with a volume of 0.200 ml.

Recipe 4. The best adjika for the winter in Italian cuisine - delicate "Pesto"


• Red pepper, lettuce - 0.500 g;

• Tomatoes (dried) - 0.050 g;

• Garlic - 0.100 g;

• Black pepper (ground) - to taste;

• Chili pepper (powder);

• Olive oil (first extraction) - 0.250 ml.

Cooking method:

Prepared vegetables, garlic and pepper, without peeling, bake in the oven. After cooling, remove the peel, stem and grind in a blender, adding spices and dried tomatoes. Pour olive oil in small portions.

Ready pesto packaged in sterile jars (0,200 ml). This type of pesto is combined with rice and pasta dishes.

Recipe 5. The best adjika for the winter in Italian cuisine - spicy "Pesto"


• Parsley - 0.100 g;

• Green basil - 0,100 g;

• Cilantro - to taste;

• Thyme - to taste;

• Refined oil - 0.500 ml;

• Lemon juice - 0.100 ml.

Cooking method:

Wash and chop greens in a blender, adding oil and lemon juice. Packed in sterile jars (0,200 ml).

Recipe 6. The best adjika for the winter in Indian cuisine - "Chutney"


• Dates - 0.250 g;

• Prunes - 0.200 g;

• Raisin (dark) - 0.50 g;

• Pepper (sweet) - 0.400 g;

• Apples (sour) - 0.400 g;

• Onions - 0.400 g;

• Sugar - 0.160 g;

• Vinegar (apple) - 0.250 ml;

• Cayenne pepper (powder) - 0.005 g;

• Mustard (dry) - 0.020 g;

• Salt - 0.075 g.

Cooking method:

Remove peel from peppers and apples. Steamed dates, raisins and prunes for 15 minutes. Finely chop all vegetables and fruits, put in dishes, of sufficient volume, add sugar and other spices. When the mixture runs the juice, boil for an hour. Pack in sterile jars, carefully cork and forget for a month about the delicious Indian "adzhika": in a month it will become even tastier.

Keep away from the stove.

Recipe 7. The best adjika for the winter in Georgian cuisine - just red adjika


• Chilli pepper, red - 0.400 g;

• Garlic - 1,000 kg;

• Walnut kernels - 0.200 g;

• Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley) - 0.200 g each;

• Hops suneli - 0.050 g;

• Salt - 0.030 g.

Cooking method:

The main ingredient is Suneli hops, a special Georgian seasoning; sold ready-made. Without hops, suneli is a good, but not Georgian adjika. For lovers of acute adjika: do not remove pepper seeds. Soak pepper in water for 0.5 hours. Wash greens, finely chop and grind in a blender.

Pack in sterile jars of 0.200 ml, store in the refrigerator. Cans should be tightly sealed so that adjika does not dry out.

Adjika can be used as a seasoning for meat and vegetables.

Recipe 8. The best adjika for the winter in Abkhaz cuisine - traditional green meat seasoning


• Green pepper, chilli (hot) - 0.200 g;

• Garlic - 0.100 g;

• Fresh cilantro - 0.100 g;

• Salt - 0.030 g.

Cooking method:

Pepper, cilantro, garlic, wash, peel and very finely chop in a blender, to a pasty consistency. Packed in dry, sterile jars.

Recipe 9. The best adjika for the winter in Bulgarian cuisine - "Lutenitsa"

There are a lot of variations of this Bulgarian seasoning, with different vegetables. Bulgarian cuisine is moderately spicy, slightly sweet and spicy.


• Salad pepper (red) - 1,000 kg;

• Tomatoes - 0.600 g;

• Garlic - 0.050 g;

• Pepper "Spark" - 2 pcs .;

• Refined oil - 0.100 ml;

• Salt - to taste;

• Sugar - to taste;

• Coriander (ground) - to taste;

• Ground bay leaf - to taste;

• Ground cloves to taste.

Cooking method:

Bake pepper in the oven, remove the peel, remove the testes and stalks. Peel the tomatoes and remove the cores. Grind prepared and chopped vegetables in a blender and add spices. In a deep frying pan or stewpan, calcine the refined oil and pour the lutenica into it. Boil down to the consistency of thick cream.

Bulgarian “adjika” needs to be sterilized: banks of 0.200 ml for 10 minutes, 0.500 ml for 20 minutes. Cork tightly. Storage is possible at room temperature.

Recipe 10. The best adjika for the winter in Moroccan cuisine - "Matbuha"


• Tomatoes - 1,000 kg;

• Onions - 0.500 g;

• Salad pepper, red - 0.500 g;

• Hot pepper - 0.100 g;

• Garlic - 0.150 g;

• Refined oil - 0.100 ml;

• Spices: coriander, zira, cardamom, cloves - to taste;

• Sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Grind the spices in a blender or coffee grinder. Peel and tomato peel, remove seeds. Cut all vegetables (you can large) and fry individually. Transfer to a large pot and cook until 2/3 of the liquid evaporates. Add garlic and ground spices at the end.

To sterilize adjika: 10 minutes - 0.200 ml cans; 20 minutes - cans of 0.500 ml.

Recipe 11. The best adjika for the winter in Thai cuisine - "Nam Prik"


• Ginger root (fresh) - 0.200 g;

• Garlic - 0.050 g;

• Chili - 0.025 g;

• Lime juice - 0.050 ml;

• Fresh cilantro - 0, 050 g;

• Refined oil - 0.050 ml;

• Sugar - 0.150 g;

• Soy sauce (dark) - 0.050 ml.

Cooking method:

Peel ginger and garlic. Remove stalks and seeds from peppers. Finely chop vegetables and cilantro. Heat a pan or wok, pour vegetable oil and quickly fry chopped vegetables and cilantro so that they do not burn. Cool and add lime juice, sauce, spices. When the mass cools down - grind in a blender, reheat in a frying pan and put the hot Thai “adjika” in clean jars. Keep refrigerated.

Best adjika for the winter - tricks and tips

• For sharp sauces or adjika, it is better to choose dishes of small volumes so that an open jar can be consumed in 1-2 meals: a printed jar can not be stored.

• “Suspicious” vegetables, with damages, cannot be used for preservation: they can contain rotten bacteria, which at best “blow up” the cans, and at worst - cause food poisoning.

• So that the workpieces are not a tedious task, you need to think through the procedure in advance and prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

• Try to process peppers with special gloves. Even if there are no cuts or scratches on the hands, capsaicin is absorbed into the skin of the hands, which can cause discomfort. You can remove the smell of garlic on a cutting board and other dishes with a lemon peel: rub the surface into which the smell of garlic is absorbed. When slicing onions, it is best to first hold it for several minutes in cold water, and then dry.

In the ripening season, homemade “mini-canning factories” are activated, because the best adjika for the winter is home-cooked!


Watch the video: Аджика на зиму (June 2024).