Psychology of male adultery


Agree, it is strange that with the universal desire of men to change, we live in a monogamous society? If not all, then very many, if not physically, then at least in thoughts, if not in thoughts, then unconsciously change. With a great desire to have many women, rulers once decided that there should be only one wife and cheating on her was wrong. If we were told from childhood that there was nothing wrong with infidelity, we probably would have thought so.

Take the primitive society - then there was no talk of marriage, I grabbed the first one that came around the fire - by the hair and into the cave, to raise the demographic position of the planet. In ancient Greece, the situation changed, but it’s not very much, it seems that the state and marriage are already ... but not only women and not necessarily into the cave were dragged by the hair, the ancient Greeks were inventive people. Even Muslims, who can take as many women as they like, sometimes even glance at the neighboring harem. What is the reason for this behavior? Of course, women and men are very different, and it can be difficult for us to understand each other.

Women do not so much physically change as they put an end to their previous relationships. Changed - it means everything, "I'm not interested in you, I don't love you anymore." Remember Anna Karenina or Catherine from Ostrovsky’s play “The Storm”, they don’t fall in love with the new boyfriend as much as they say to their old one: “I don’t need you, I feel bad with you, I don’t love you.” Treason women avenge their men for an unhappy life, for the fact that they lack emotions, love, and the same sex!

Why are men cheating? What do they want to say by this? I would not like to upset the reader, but, unfortunately, men are ruled only by lust, they just see a woman and want her. To better understand, imagine a domestic situation. All his life a man drinks coffee in the morning. He loves this and is not going to give up his habit, but one fine day he sees sausages. He really wants to try a sausage. This does not mean that he no longer loves coffee, this does not mean that he had a break in his relationship with coffee, he did not like to see a sausage, to be honest, he used to get used to coffee for more than a week. He just once opened the refrigerator and saw a sausage ...

Of course, resisting this temptation is easy for someone, not all men are cheating. Others see nothing wrong with that. In fact, not all representatives of the male hearth can understand why their girlfriend is upset. They do not think that resentment is because their views on treason are different. A man loves his woman, but he decided to try someone else, just like that, it was boring.

But if initially this flirting is not something serious for them, why do the guys go to their mistresses? Honestly, this is extremely rare. Most often, the woman herself is to blame. If you start to guess that a man is cheating on you, then what you will think about first thing is to stop loving. At this moment, the memory and logic are knocking women away. They completely forget about how they once won the love of their neighbor and begin to use rather strange methods of return: scandals, tears, persuasion, torture and interrogations. But the lovers are okay with this, she gives the man a "rest" from his grumpy old woman, surrounding him with love, affection and sex. The man understands that his mistress will not always be so sweet and caring as now, but living with the old dreamer is no longer possible. Relationships have outlived themselves ...


Watch the video: Jordan Peterson - The Psychology behind getting cheated on (July 2024).