Unexpected Diabetes Product


French researchers who observed over a thousand and a half years for 60 thousand women in order to identify the relationship of their diet with the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes, came to amazing conclusions: it turns out that this disease develops in women who ate large amounts of meat . Such ladies are 56% more likely than others to suffer from diabetes than those who eat less acid-forming foods, which also include meat.

Type 2 diabetes develops even if, together with a large amount of meat, healthy foods are also consumed, as they are not able to compensate for the negative effect of acid-forming foods.

According to reports, type 2 diabetes is one of the most common forms of this disease. Millions of people suffering from this disease do not even know about it. The main risk factors for type 2 diabetes are obesity and a tendency to eat foods that are high in sugar.

In addition to meat, the formation of type 2 diabetes also contributes to the excessive consumption of fish, potatoes, cheese and cereals. Among the products that form the least amount of acid in the human body, doctors include coffee, vegetables and fruits.


Watch the video: Unexpected Side Effects Of Diabetes. Naturamore. Lifestyle plus. Netsurf. VelanGir Somnath (June 2024).