Slimming rope: the opinion of a professional trainer. Can I lose weight with a jump rope?


A person who decides to lose weight knows that cardio training is the main physical tool for burning fat (sometimes abbreviated as "cardio" is used).

Cardio training is a long-term physical activity, which is aimed at increasing the level of endurance of the human body, strengthening the cardiovascular system, as well as improving the functions of blood circulation and respiration. During cardiotraining, the source of energy for the body is glycogen (a substance that accumulates mainly in the liver, as well as in muscles) and subcutaneous fat, the burning of which, in fact, leads to weight loss.

There are many options for cardio workouts for weight loss: running, jumping rope, classes on cardiovascular equipment (treadmills, exercise bikes, stepper stairs, Jacob’s ladder, elliptical trainers, orbit tracks, etc.).

To achieve the greatest result, professional trainers recommend cardio workouts early in the morning on an empty stomach or at the end of a strength training. This is due to the fact that in the first case, the body has not yet received a charge of energy from eating, and in the second, it has already spent a large amount of energy on performing power work. This means that in this case, the body will be forced to take energy for cardiotraining mainly from subcutaneous fat, since the glycogen supply in the liver will already be used up, thereby increasing the efficiency of the fat burning process.

Among the problems that cardio training can deliver, there is an increase in pressure above normal. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to measure the pressure before starting cardio workout, as well as monitor your heart rate throughout the entire period of exercise, which should not exceed 1 hour. As a rule, problems with blood pressure during cardio workouts occur in people suffering from hypertension. Therefore, such people must consult a doctor before starting training.

Cardio workouts should be done outdoors or in a room that is well ventilated. This is necessary to avoid oxygen starvation of the body. Lack of oxygen during cardio training can disrupt oxidative processes in the body.

It is also important to adequately measure your level of training with a given intensity of workload. In other words, the cardio training of beginners in the initial stages should be shorter than the training of more experienced athletes. In the case of training on cardiovascular equipment, the intensity of cardio training is determined by the speed of the treadmill, the resistance level of the pedals of the exercise bike, etc.

As a cardio workout for losing weight at home, running and jumping with a rope is best. And if the weather factor is important for jogging, running in the winter in the snow or in heavy rain is not the most pleasant thing, then you can perform rope jumping at home if there is enough free space.

Scientists argue that classes with a skipping rope for energy costs are similar to long-distance running, but with significantly less time under load. 15 minutes of training with a skipping rope burn about 200 calories. Regular exercises with a skipping rope not only help to lose weight, saving the body from excess subcutaneous fat, but also tighten the skin on the legs, and also tone the muscles of the legs: calf, hips and buttocks.

How to choose a rope

The choice of a rope, as well as the choice of any other sports equipment, must be approached with care, as too long or vice versa - a too short jump rope will not allow you to fully perform the exercises and will hamper the movement.

To choose a rope of suitable length, you need to fold the rope in half and extend your hand with the rope in front of you, its ends should touch the floor, but only touch, and not lie on it.

For a more accurate choice, you need to take the rope in both hands, feet to stand on its middle. Skipping rope handles of a suitable length should be approximately at chest level when taut.

Today, the selection of skipping ropes is quite large: from the simplest to skipping ropes with a jump counter and calculation of calories burned.

For cardio training with a skipping rope, it is important to choose the right clothes and shoes. Clothing should be free, not restraining movements, of high quality breathable materials. Sneakers should be thick flexible soles and preferably with a fixed heel. This type of shoe will help to avoid microdamage and discomfort during exercise.

Before starting cardio training with a skipping rope, just like before any other workout, it is necessary to warm up to warm up muscles, joints and ligaments. This is necessary to avoid various injuries. It will be enough 5-10 minutes of various twisting and pulling movements. Particular attention should be paid to warming the ankle and knee joints, as during rope jumps, they bear the main burden, which is not quite typical for everyday life.

The correct technique for performing exercises with a rope

When jumping rope you must:

1. Keep the body straight, look forward, not under the legs;

2. Perform the exercise at a calm, measured, comfortable pace for the body. In the first minutes, the pace should be very low, allowing the body to prepare for the upcoming load. After a few minutes, the pace needs to be slightly increased;

3. Press hands from shoulder to elbow to the body, and lower the elbow to the sides, holding the hands at the waist;

4. Rotate the rope with the forearm, holding the hand above the forearm in a stationary state;

5. Jump, springing on toes, gently lowering the feet. Bend your knees slightly;

6. Do not jump too high. The norm is considered to be a jump height of up to 5 centimeters.

After the training with a skipping rope, it is necessary to stretch the muscles.

Variety of exercises

There are several options for jumping rope. This can be both classical jumps, and double, and sometimes triple, overlap jumps, jumps on one leg or with alternate changes of legs, reverse jumps, as well as running through a jump rope in place, which is often used, for example, boxers. Such a variety of rope jumps will not only make the training more diverse and interesting, but also speed up the process of losing weight, as each exercise option gives the body a new, unusual load.

Cardio training with a skipping rope, like any other physical activity, alone will not bring great results in losing weight.

Training must be reinforced with a properly selected diet and recovery time.

From the diet should be removed foods that contribute to the deposition of subcutaneous fat: confectionery, fried foods, etc. It is worth giving preference to steamed dishes or during cooking.

When practicing with a skipping rope, you do not need to sit on some kind of rigid diet, since in this case the body simply will not have enough energy. On the contrary, you need to eat quite often, about 5 times a day, in small portions, in which the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as fiber, is balanced.

Another important factor in losing weight when exercising with a skipping rope is drinking enough water. Jumping rope, like any other kind of cardio training, seriously depletes the human body. Therefore, to maintain water balance in the body, it is necessary to drink water not only throughout the day, but also during training.

A jump rope is a great alternative to expensive cardiovascular equipment and gym memberships. The rope is available to everyone, because its average price is only 150-200 rubles. It is very easy to use and does not require any special training or supervision of a professional trainer. Compliance with the training regimen with a skipping rope in conjunction with the right diet and sufficient recovery and rest time will help to achieve excellent results in losing weight and bring the body into good physical shape.


Watch the video: How Long Does It Take To Get Results Jumping Rope? (July 2024).