Haircuts lunar calendar for july 2013


Many of us go to the hairdresser just because that day is in a good mood. This is understandable. When you want to see yourself especially attractive, the best way is to make a new hairstyle. However, so that the visit does not become unsuccessful, be sure to exclude the unfavorable days that astrologers note. It can be a full moon, a new moon, as well as days of a solar eclipse. To choose a day for going to the stylist is quite simple - with a growing moon, hair grows just fine, especially when the days coincide with the passage of the moon through auspicious constellations. It is believed that this occurs during Taurus, Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius. Smaller hair growth is observed under the influence of Pisces, Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio. These days it is good to carry out healing and strengthening procedures. In July 2013, the full moon is expected on July 22, under the constellation Aquarius. The new moon on July 8 will be held under the sign of Cancer. The beginning and end of the month passes under the constellation Aries and Taurus, which suggests that cardinal changes in appearance should be carried out in the middle of the month.

Haircuts lunar calendar for July 2013 - hair waving

Hot July overdries the hair without perm, so when planning a trip to the hairdresser, remember that the hair will be subjected to additional exposure. Chemical products, even in small and gentle doses, will dry your hair even more, make them lifeless and dull, especially if you dye them in light colors. Therefore, in this and next month it is better to abandon chemistry altogether and give your hair a rest. Treat them with masks and decoctions of herbs, and if you really want curly curls - wind wet hair into small curlers and walk with them until completely dry. If you firmly decided to do a perm, right now - choose the right day using the lunar calendar. Favorable will be precisely those days when the hair is not influenced externally very strongly - the time of Pisces, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This is some time before the full moon (July 18, 19) and immediately after the full moon (July 23, 24, 25, 26).

Haircuts lunar calendar for July 2013 - hair coloring

On average, hair needs to be tinted every 6 weeks. Never before has the production of hair dyes reached such a technical level. Today you can just tint your hair, make the color deeper and more saturated, and you can do this both in the salon and at home. The coloring lotion can be washed off with unpainted lotions. These lotions are used and obvious gray hair or bleached hair. The only drawback of tinting dyes is that they can only be used for darker tones. Make hair lighter can only be bleaching. If you just want to experiment, choose tinted dyes and do not forget about the horoscope of hairstyles. July is very suitable for experiments, especially the first half when the moon is waning and the paint is washed off very quickly. When you have already determined exactly which color suits you best, in the second half of the month you can use more resistant paints. Plan trips to the hairdresser for the period from July 15 to July 18, and also after the full moon from the 23rd.

July 2013 haircut lunar calendar - favorable haircut days

As for haircuts, in the very middle of July, from 11 to 22, it does not make sense to restrain your imagination. Any undertakings can only be positive. Experiment with asymmetric haircuts, complex styling, in combination with unusual colors, you will look simply stunning. Hair treatment is also beneficial. It is best to get a haircut from the new moon to the full moon, from July 12 to July 21. After the full moon, it’s best to just adjust the hairstyle, cut the bangs, align the ends. On June 24, you can start other things - a course of treatment, general cleaning of the house. The constellation of fish at this time increases the level of intuition and contributes to an in-depth knowledge of the world, as well as self.

July 2013 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

The full moon is known to affect women the most. During this period, they are more irritable and biased. Female life cycles are close to the moon, with a waning moon, the body is very well cleansed. On the eve of the full moon, the woman’s life is harmonious and natural, however, on this day (July 22) you should limit yourself in many endeavors, and certainly, you should not risk taking haircuts. The constellation Cancer on the hair has a somewhat calming effect, and already in the next days you can safely go to stylists, do hairstyles, dye your hair and strengthen the roots. You should also not plan procedures for the new moon on July 8.

July 2013 lunar haircut calendar - conclusion

In general, July does not promise us any special changes. Astrologers do not pay our attention to certain days on which we must be especially careful, so we can calmly surrender to rest. The exception is the traditional full moon and new moon. From the point of view of astrology, the lunar phases are especially dangerous for people, when the Moon in its monthly courses of movement around the Earth is located between two bodies - the Earth and the Sun. For the observer on earth at the new moon, the moon is not visible at all. That is why this period is called the "dark moon". This is a unique moment for our planet, and therefore for its inhabitants. Historically, the new moon meant the beginning of the month, earlier on that day in a certain month the New Year came. By the way, during the new moon, you will not see the moon from any place on Earth.

Under certain circumstances, a new moon may coincide with a solar eclipse. It is noteworthy that the same zodiac sign can be repeated only once every 18.5 years. During the growing moon, it is customary to plant all living things, so it gives good growth. The day of the new moon closes a person on himself - all emotions are exposed, the psyche is influenced, deviations from habitual behavior are noticed. That is why astrologers caution against going to the hairdresser, calling for only medical procedures. Do not cut your hair this day, especially since the very next day you can be completely sure that a visit to the hairdresser salon will be much more successful.


Gulya 04/03/2016
Thank you so much for this article! It may seem silly to someone, but I try to live in rhythm with the lunar calendar, at least not to resist it. We are very dependent on the moon, much more than it seems. And especially such things as a haircut, and indeed any actions with hair, a very serious “ritual”. You can’t be negligent about all this.

Barbara 04/03/2016
July 22 under the sign of Aquarius will be a full moon. Let's have some fun! The full moon generally awakens all sorts of passions, glows the atmosphere, so also with Aquarius. Of course, I don’t go for any haircuts to get a full moon haircut! Is this complete madness, or stupid not knowledge ...

Aldina 04/03/2016
I am glad that at least some especially dangerous days will not be in July. Whatever you say, you believe it or not, but after reading such articles, in any case, let’s think a little! still I don’t want to become a victim of my own mistrust.

Julia 04/03/2016
ABOUT! also the paint will not hold well in the first half of July! No, after all, it really happens that you paint, and so steadily it turns out until the roots grow back - the paint does not wash off, but it happens quite the opposite - if you do not have time to show off, you need to buy paint again.

Elizabeth 04/03/2016
July is very suitable for experimentation - good to hear. I was just about to change my image this year. True, I have not yet chosen what I want ... But, until the middle of summer I’ll decide somehow!)) Moreover, it is written in the first half of July - it’s not so long to wait.


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting (June 2024).