

Among the trendy, super-stylish, mega-popular and trendy things, insidious anti-fashion, which can not be deduced by labels or a new collection, has appeared. It lurks like a skeleton in a closet, hanging, calloused by its inappropriateness. At first, you may not notice it, skip it or ... regret it. After all, until recently he was the pride of the wardrobe, and you wore it on rare solemn or memorable days, not noticing how you yourself created an invisible aura of untouchable exclusivity over it. Let us recall interesting traditions: Italians before the New Year throw away old things, appliances and furniture from windows; the Chinese generally try not to "litter" the home - the fewer things in the room, the easier the qin, the energy of life, enters the house. Maybe we should try to conduct an audit in our cabinets and fortune, like Gulchitai, will turn to us and open his face?

Let's get started ...

No - no, not that!

Forget this phrase! even if you have kept tight jeans from your student days as a moral reference and a powerful motivator to lose weight. How much time has passed, and you are still faithful to the fitted silk dress in which you went on a date with the former? Collect these things, fold them neatly - because they symbolized something important, something that now brings only remorse or annoying memories. Now think about where to put them?


How pathetic in the movie they burn fashionable things to start a new life! Change and change - this is certainly fine, but why so radical? You can give an expensive dress to a friend or a slender niece - they will definitely suit them, and you will give “your charm” to your native and caring hands. If it’s inconvenient for you to offer beautiful, almost new, even once worn, things to your relatives, give them to the orphanage in the form of all possible assistance. There are also dusty bags in the attic and now small shoes.


If you do not want the shelves to be suddenly empty or there are currently no funds to buy new things, you can sell or exchange things on special sites. In addition to sports and purely feminine excitement, a pleasant pastime, and maybe the suddenly discovered talent of a PR manager on the site’s advertising platforms, it’s quite possible to exchange, for example, a Gucci jeans set for a fashionable phone or a beautiful crocodile leather handbag. What matters is not how much and what you sell or change, but the process of revitalization and updating.

Text: Elina Yultieva


Watch the video: Antifashion 90s in english (July 2024).