A simple salad with ham - help for the hostess! Recipes of delicious salads with ham and vegetables, mushrooms, crackers


What can be prepared from a piece of ham?

Of course - a sandwich.

Well, if you try, then a huge bowl of salad. Simple but very tasty.

And instead of a dry oven, you can fully have dinner, lunch or get a wonderful addition to the main course.

Simple and tasty ham salad - general principles of preparation

Ham for salad does not require any preliminary preparation, except for slicing. Sometimes the product is fried, but very rarely. Usually the packaging is removed from a piece and simply cut into strips or cubes. Ham salads are mixed or flaky.

What is added with ham:

• fresh or boiled vegetables, greens;

• eggs, cheese;

• canned food: corn, peas, beans, etc .;

• fresh or pickled mushrooms;

• crackers, chips.

Salads are seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream, and sometimes butter. From spices they add salt, pepper. If the composition includes fresh cabbage and other vegetables, then you can add lemon juice. Garnish with herbs or products that are included.

Recipe 1: A simple salad with ham, beans and crackers

A variant of a very quick and simple salad with ham, the preparation of which will take no more than 10 minutes. We will use any beans, the color of the beans does not matter, but it is important that they be in their juice, without tomato.


• 200 grams of ham;

• a pack of any crackers;

• 1 can of beans;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• ½ bunch of dill;

• 80 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Cut the ham into cubes.

2. Open a jar of beans, dump in a colander. We rinse under running water from pouring. Let drain while refueling is being prepared.

3. Add chopped garlic, chopped dill (may be without it) to the mayonnaise and mix.

4. Combine the ham with beans, mayonnaise, crackers and you're done! This salad should not be allowed to stand, otherwise crackers will become limp. Do just before use.

Recipe 2: Tasty Ham and Mushroom Salad

To prepare a delicious salad with ham, you will need a jar of canned champignons and 15 minutes of time. If there are no mushrooms, then you can use other pickled mushrooms.


• 200 grams of ham;

• 1 can of champignons;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 onion;

• 2 tomatoes;

• salt;

• mayonnaise.


1. Cut the ham into strips, throw in a salad bowl.

2. Shred the onion in half rings, fry in oil until transparent.

3. Drain the pickle from the mushrooms, cut the mushrooms into strips, and send them to fry to the onion. Cook a minute after evaporating the liquid and cool.

4. In tomatoes, remove the place to which the peduncle was attached, and cut into cubes. Mix with ham.

5. Add mushrooms with onions.

6. Salad, season with mayonnaise and you're done!

Recipe 3: A simple salad with ham, tomatoes and fresh cucumbers

A light and simple salad with ham, which will especially help out in the summer, when it is full of fresh vegetables and herbs. A wonderful option for a light dinner or addition to the main course.


• 350 grams of ham;

• 2 cucumbers;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 1 bunch of onions;

• 1 bunch of dill;

• 100 grams of cheese.

As a dressing, you can take mayonnaise, butter, sour cream or yogurt. We choose the option to your taste.


1. Rinse and wipe dry vegetables, cut into arbitrary pieces.

2. Add chopped greens.

3. Cut the ham into strips or cubes, add to the salad.

4. Salt and mix with any dressing to your taste. For piquancy, you can add a little lemon juice or mustard. And you can both.

5. Top with three large chips of cheese and you're done!

Recipe 4: Tasty Ham and Korean Carrot Salad

To please relatives with a delicious salad with ham, you can not even get a chopping board with a knife. Do not believe? We use ordinary Korean carrots without meat, mushroom, fish additives.


• 200 grams of ham;

• 200 grams of carrots in Korean;

• 50 grams of mayonnaise;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 1 bunch of lettuce.


1. Take a coarse grater and rub ham.

2. Next, we also rub the hard cheese.

3. Add Korean carrots to them. It is not necessary to merge the marinade from it.

4. Tear with your hands lettuce leaves that need to be washed and shaken off droplets of water. Throw in a bowl.

5. Add mayonnaise, mix and done! Great snack in 2 minutes from a minimal set of products.

Recipe 5: A Simple Salad with Ham and Pineapple

A variant of a simple ham salad with canned pineapples. You can take rings or pieces, it doesn’t really matter, since anyway the product will need to be cut.


• 200 grams of ham;

• 150 grams of pineapple;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• 2 cucumbers (take a fresh vegetable);

• a handful of pine nuts or walnuts.


1. We take pineapples from the marinade, let the liquid drain. Then cut into cubes.

2. Also cut the ham, send to the pineapple.

3. We remove the tips from the cucumbers. Also cut into cubes.

4. Season the salad with mayonnaise, if necessary, then salt.

5. Sprinkle nuts on top and you're done! If there is time, then the nuts can be slightly fried in a pan or in the microwave, it will be even tastier.

Recipe 6: Tasty Ham, Tomato, and Cheese Salad

A recipe for a deliciously delicious ham salad that is layered. You can do it on a flat dish, but it’s simpler and easier to put all the products in a deep bowl.


• 200 grams of ham;

• 2-3 tomatoes;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 onion;

• mayonnaise and greens.


1. Immediately set to boil the eggs. After cooking, clean and cut into cubes.

2. Finely chop the onion, scald with boiling water for a few seconds and cool. If we use a sweet salad onion, then you can not sprinkle with boiling water.

3. Cut the ham, put on the bottom of the salad bowl, grease with mayonnaise.

4. Top with prepared onion.

5. Now lay the eggs in a layer, coat with mayonnaise. This layer can be slightly salted.

6. Dice the tomatoes, put on the eggs. We apply a light mesh of mayonnaise, do not smear a lot.

7. Three cheese, well greased with mayonnaise.

8. Decorate the salad with herbs and you're done! It can be allowed to stand or be consumed immediately.

Recipe 7: A simple salad with ham, corn and crackers

There are two options for this salad: with and without garlic. We do it to your taste. We use crackers neutral or with meat flavors (barbecue, bacon, ham).


• 1 can of corn;

• 300 grams of ham;

• 1 pack of crackers;

• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• 120 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the ham into cubes, put in a bowl.

2. Add chopped onion.

3. Drain the marinade from the corn and send the grain to the salad.

4. Add the diced cheese. You can grate it, but in this salad slicing looks prettier.

5. Pour crackers, season with mayonnaise and immediately serve. Like other snacks with crackers, this one does not need to stand.

Recipe 8: Delicious Salad with Ham and Bell Pepper

A variant of an elegant and delicious ham salad. Bulgarian pepper is added to it, it is better to use pods of different colors, it will be even more beautiful.


• 3 bell peppers;

• 200 grams of ham;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 cucumber;

• mayonnaise;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 150 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the bell pepper into cubes, put in a salad bowl.

2. Also chop the cucumber, send to the pepper.

3. Boil the eggs, cut and throw into the salad.

4. We also cut ham and cheese, combine with other ingredients.

5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add to mayonnaise, mix.

6. Fill the salad with salt, prepared sauce, serve immediately.

Recipe 9: A Simple Salad with Ham and Peking Cabbage

A light but hearty ham salad. Peking cabbage can be replaced with white or red cabbage, but it is important that they are juicy, with tender leaves. Stale and winter cabbage will not work.


• 400 grams of cabbage;

• 200 grams of ham;

• ½ lemon;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• salt;

• ½ cans of green peas;

• 1 Bulgarian pepper;

• a pinch of black pepper;

• 5 quail eggs or 2 chicken.


1. First, cook hard-boiled eggs, let cool and clean.

2. Cut the cabbage into cubes, add salt, lemon juice and mix.

3. Cut the Bulgarian pepper in half, remove the entrails and chop the straws. Mix with cabbage.

4. Add the chopped ham.

5. We send peas to the salad.

6. Pour in the oil and mix.

7. We cut the quail eggs into four parts and place on the salad. If you use chicken eggs, then we cut somewhere into 8 parts and also lay on top.

8. Sprinkle the eggs with black pepper on top and you can put it on the table!

Recipe 10: A Tasty Salad with Ham, Cucumbers and Cheese

For cooking, you need pickled cucumbers. You can take any cheese, it turns out deliciously even with sausage cheese. Puff salad, decorated with olives on top. Those who do not like them can use green peas or corn, they also turn out deliciously.


• 200 grams of ham;

• 3 cucumbers;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• 4 eggs;

• 20 olives;

• 1 onion;

• a little vinegar.


1. Cut the onion into cubes, pour 3% with vinegar and leave to marinate until other ingredients are prepared.

2. Boil the eggs.

3. Cucumbers and ham are also crumbled into small cubes.

4. At the bottom of the salad bowl spread a layer of grated eggs. Salt and grease with mayonnaise.

5. Now put the ham.

6. Onion squeezed from the marinade. A little grease with mayonnaise.

7. We spread the cucumbers. This layer is not lubricated.

8. Rub the cheese on top and grease with mayonnaise.

9. Cut the olives into rings and sprinkle the salad on top.

A simple and tasty ham salad - useful tips and tricks

• For the preparation of cold ham appetizers, it is better to use a product with a minimum amount of fat, as dressings will still be added to the salad. In addition, lean ham is easier to cut into neat slices.

• Mayonnaise - a common, but not the only salad dressing. Sour cream sauces with mustard, lemon juice, pepper and garlic go well with ham. In addition, they are much more beneficial for the body and less caloric.

• Before adding onions to the salad, pour boiling water over it, the bitterness will go away and it will become sweeter. You can also marinate the onion in vinegar (table, apple, wine) with the addition of granulated sugar.

• Salads with tomatoes let a lot of juice flow down to the bottom of the bowl or to the edges of the dish. To avoid this, you need to remove the watery part with seeds from the fruit and use only fleshy patches.

• Appetizers with the addition of fresh vegetables should preferably be salted and seasoned with sauces just before serving, otherwise there will be a lot of juice in the dish, the look and taste will suffer. Without dressing, the dish can stand in the refrigerator for up to a day if stored in an airtight container.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. July 7, 2019 (June 2024).