A bouquet of red roses: the meaning of such a presentation


Red roses are flowers of divine beauty. Regardless of the number of buds in the composition, the bouquet always delights the recipients. In addition to the luxurious look and wonderful aroma, roses have a special meaning, which varies depending on the shape, shade and condition of the buds.

What red roses give: the history of tradition

For a long time, the tradition of giving red roses has created a special language of flowers that can say a lot. Such plants are most often chosen as a gift by self-confident individuals who stand firmly on their feet.

The Greeks considered the rose to be a symbol of infinity, since the flower has a round shape, which has no beginning or end.

Moreover, the captivating, but not long-lasting beauty of the buds was associated with the transience of human life.

Throughout history, the symbolism of roses has improved, and the meaning of flowers has undergone many changes. A bouquet of red buds acquired a love character only in the 19th century. From that moment on, roses embody the deepest feelings and serious intentions of the giver.

What does the number of red roses in a bouquet mean?

The number of flowers in a bouquet can tell a lot about the intentions of the donor:

  • 1 - means "you are my only";
  • 3 - express the man’s loyalty, as well as his willingness at any time to go with his beloved to the ends of the earth;
  • 5 - declaration of love. So many roses are usually given by indecisive guys who are embarrassed to say directly about their feelings;
  • 7 - express the most serious intentions of a man;
  • 9 - a hint of friendship;
  • 11 - show the admiration and respect of the donor;
  • 13 - a hint that the chosen one has tremendous talent. Such a number of flowers is not recommended to be given to superstitious persons, since they can perceive the gift in two ways;
  • 15 - express regret and desire to make peace;
  • 19 - a hint of life together;
  • 21 - target the most beloved and luxurious woman;
  • 25 - the man is fascinated and admired by the beauty of his beloved;
  • 27 - intended for beloved wives;
  • more than 50 - mean "you mean a lot to me";
  • 101 - a hint of marriage.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the language of flowers. Therefore, the chosen one may not understand the meaning of the bouquet. In this case, it is recommended to hint that in the language of flowers means the number of buds presented.

Varieties of red roses

Varieties of roses of the same shade will say the following:

  1. Tea Room - a man always remembers and thinks about his chosen one.
  2. Chinese - will indicate the uniqueness of a woman who has sunk into the soul of the giver.
  3. Musky - reports on the charm and charm of the lady of the heart.
  4. Damask - a symbol of sparkling youth. Most often, this variety is presented to young girls.

What are the shades of red about?

Depending on the shade, roses have different meanings. Given this factor, you can choose the appropriate version of the bouquet, which will fully correspond to a specific case.

Bright red roses

Roses of this shade are the most popular and common flowers in bouquets. They symbolize unbridled passion, irresistible desire and strong endless love of the giver. Bright red flowers usually give their lovers on various holidays, or without much reason. A woman can be confident in the feelings of her chosen one and fully trust him.

Burgundy roses

Such flowers are in demand in the business sphere. The dark red buds on long stems express respect, gratitude and recognition of the donee's merits. To arrange such bouquets, florists use decorative leaves and branches that muffle sensual notes and a love subtext of the gift.

Burgundy roses also symbolize eternal renewal and unfading femininity. Therefore, they are often presented to ladies of age. The color of burgundy buds will emphasize the status of a woman, as well as tell about her attractiveness and nobleness. An excellent occasion for a gift will be an anniversary or wedding anniversary.

Red orange roses

Such a bouquet will tell about the charm and admiration of the donor. Red-orange buds symbolize cheerfulness and emotionality. Therefore, they are most often presented for a birthday.

White roses with a red border

Multicolor roses of white color with a red border on the petals are very delicate and beautiful flowers. Presenting such a gift, the man clearly compares his chosen one with these buds. The tandem of white and red in one composition symbolizes spiritual closeness and a reverent attitude towards his beloved.

When can I give red roses?

Present a luxurious bouquet for a holiday or an important event you need to proudly. Red roses will be a great gift for the following occasions:

  1. St. Valentine's Day. This holiday is considered the most touching and sentimental. On this day, a bouquet of red roses is considered an independent gift, which does not need to be complemented by other unnecessary presents. With the help of a flower arrangement, you can confess your love, or remind your soulmate of your feelings.
  2. Wedding. For such an event, it is best to prepare a bouquet of white roses with a red border on the petals. A delicate composition is considered the most appropriate gift for a wedding celebration. It is better to refrain from burgundy and red roses for such a case.
  3. Birthday. A bouquet can be presented to friends, colleagues or acquaintances. It is best to look at the composition of red and yellow roses. This bouquet symbolizes a sincere wish for happiness and success in all areas of life.
  4. Graduation from school or university. For teachers, it is best to give burgundy roses. It is advisable for women to choose rounded and not very high compositions, and for a man, bouquets with a long stem and large buds.

It is recommended to make a bouquet with the help of a florist. The great taste and skill of the specialist will surely create a bright and unique composition that will definitely make a positive impression on the recipient.

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Watch the video: Infinite Love: 12 Red Roses (June 2024).