The whole truth about frigidity


Many copies were broken when discussing what frigidity is and whether it is?

Frigidity is the lack of sexual desire in women. It is found in a sufficiently large number of women and can be both temporary and permanent.

Specialists distinguish the following types of frigidity:

  • Weak libido. At the same time, women are quite capable of experiencing an orgasm.
  • A disorder of sexual desire and arousal, as a rule, is present in women with normal libido, however, she is not able to become aroused or maintain a certain level of sexual arousal during sexual contact.
  • Orgasm disorder. A woman is not able to get sexual satisfaction or rarely gets it.
  • Unpleasant (or painful) sensations during sexual intercourse.

Due to the presence of one of these types, a woman can be irritable, distance herself from her partner, many have a feeling of guilt and a feeling of inferiority.

If one of the above problems is present and interferes with normal life, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

There are several reasons for female frigidity:

  • Various physical disorders: urinary tract problems, headaches, fatigue, etc. All this can lead to imaginary frigidity. In addition, taking various medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, blood pressure lowering drugs) can lead to a woman not being able to get normal sexual satisfaction.
  • Hormonal disorders. Thus, a lowered level of the female sex hormone estrogen may well lead to the fact that women become practically not susceptible to sexual stimulation. If a woman has not entered into sexual relations for a long time, the walls of her vagina lose elasticity and sexual intimacy can lead to certain painful sensations.
  • Very often, women who have recently given birth suffer from vaginal dryness, resulting in a decrease in libido. However, everything quickly falls into place as soon as women restore their hormones.
  • Various psychological and social problems. Depression, increased anxiety, stress in the absence of proper treatment can cause frigidity.

Diagnosis and treatment of frigidity

As a rule, the first doctor who is contacted by a woman who has found a weakening of libido is a gynecologist, who, as a result of a conversation with the patient, makes a detailed history, performs a gynecological examination to identify various physical changes in the pelvic organs.

The choice of treatment for frigidity largely depends on the causes of its occurrence.

Non-drug treatment of frigidity

  • Psychological counseling.
  • Open communication with a partner. Very often, after a heart-to-heart talk, the sex life of couples becomes more harmonious.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Eliminate alcohol and smoking from your diet. Move more, because physical exertion strongly influences the state of health, helps to control a possible stressful state.
  • Use lubricants during sexual intercourse that destroy vaginal dryness, which negatively affects sexual contact.

Drug treatment

  • Estrogen therapy. Various ointments, which include estrogen, can increase the tone and elasticity of the walls of the vagina, stimulate the production of vaginal lubrication.
  • Androgenic therapy for the treatment of sexual dysfunction has quite controversial reviews among specialists. And although it is often quite effective, a number of studies show that the use of androgens with frigidity gives practically zero results.


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Watch the video: The Frigid Doom. Critical Role RPG Show Episode 64 (June 2024).