Mushroom sauce - the best recipes. How to cook mushroom sauce correctly and tasty.


Mushroom sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

Mushrooms are nutritious, rich in minerals, vitamins, and delicious, after all! And what is their aroma, especially dried. Therefore, they are often used in cooking - boil soups, fry, add to sauces. Mushroom sauces are very popular. Their popularity is explained by a specific, unlike anything aroma, piquant taste, accessibility and ease of preparation. He is able to revive and ennoble the most ordinary and ordinary dish. Pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals with mushroom sauce turn into a holiday dish - bright, catchy and tasty, very tasty. Mushroom sauces are prepared with the addition of cream, cheese, sour cream, tomatoes. The thickener is most often flour. They are served with fish, meat, vegetables, potato patties, casseroles.

Mushroom Sauce - Preparation

To thicken the consistency, add flour to the sauce. In order for it to dissolve well in a liquid, it must first be calcined, i.e. fry in a dry pan. Additionally, the fried flour brings a pleasant nutty flavor to the sauce, rather than the paste like raw flour.

Mushroom sauce - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Dried Mushroom Sauce

Now and in the winter there is no problem in the store to buy fresh mushrooms. But real mushroom pickers know that no artificially grown champignons or oyster mushrooms can be compared in real aroma and taste with real forest mushrooms. Therefore, they always have in reserve a bundle of other fragrant forest fungi, and they can easily at any time prepare a hearty, thick, mushroom-like sauce, with garlic and sour cream. It can be screwed with meat and chicken, and simple boiled potatoes.

Ingredients: 15-20 g of dried mushrooms, mushroom broth (broth) - 0.2-0.4 l, parsley (greens), flour - 1 tables. l., salt, pepper, sour cream - 100g, 1-2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

Rinse mushrooms, pour boiling water. Leave overnight. Add to the saucepan where the mushrooms were soaked still water and boil there. Strain the water, but do not pour out, it will still be needed.

Heat a dry frying pan and sprinkle flour, fry it until it starts to change color, i.e. will become slightly creamy. Pour in the remaining water (mushroom broth), stirring vigorously, otherwise the lumps can spoil all the beauty, that is, a homogeneous consistency. Pour a glass or two of water to the desired density. When the sauce thickens, add mushrooms, sour cream, salt and pepper. Boil for four to five minutes, making a quiet fire. At the end, add chopped herbs and garlic, let it brew for a couple of minutes, and you can serve.

Recipe 2: Mushroom Sauce with Cream Cheese

This sauce just gushes with tastes - cheese, mushroom, and even a couple of tablespoons of wine are present. If there is no Sherry, any white fortified one will do. Well, or completely without it, although undesirable. A trifle, but contributes to the bouquet. Better if you find processed cheese for soup, it dissolves faster and never folds. In general, you can take any cheese.

Ingredients: mushrooms (champignons) - 0.6 kg, processed cheese - 1 pc. (200g), milk - 150 ml, 1 onion, salt, pepper, 2 tbsp. spoons of sherry (wine).

Cooking method

Chop the onion in half rings, mushrooms with arbitrary medium-sized slices, slices or slices and fry it all in oil. Pour in milk, add cream cheese. If it is soft, such as Amber, put in a spoon, if hard, finely grate. You can freeze slightly to make it easier to rub. Boil for about five minutes. The cheese should go without any lumps. Add salt, pepper and wine. Stir, bring to a boil and turn off. All is ready. You can sprinkle with a green beam. Tasty with meat, and cereals and pasta.

Examples of dishes with mushroom sauce

Recipe 1: Meatballs with Mushroom Sauce

It seems to be a simple dish, but tasty. It can be cooked for dinner, quick. Delicate meatballs, spicy mushroom sauce and the whole family well-fed and happy. If you don’t have a great friendship with spices, limit yourself to black pepper.

Ingredients: minced meat - 0.6-0.7 kg, mushrooms (oyster mushrooms) - 0.3 kg, cream - 0.3 l, 3 onions, flour - 1 tbsp, l., A pinch of marjoram, cinnamon, white pepper.

Cooking method

In order not to waste time, turn on and heat the oven (200С).

Minced salt, mix with herbs, spices, roll meatballs and fry them to a crust over high heat.

Finely chop the onion and mushrooms and fry until soft. Add salt, flour, lightly fry, pour in the cream and simmer until the sauce thickens.

Put the meatballs in any fireproof dish, pour the sauce and bake for 15 minutes. Serve with a side dish - mashed potatoes, pasta.

Recipe 2: Meat with Mushroom Sauce

Meat, and even with mushroom sauce. This is a big application for a masterpiece dish. Dried mushrooms are specified in the recipe (for a greater flavor), if they are not, take fresh ones, 300-400 grams. This recipe deserves to be cooked at least once in order to try how incredibly delicious it is. Mushrooms are not cut into pieces, but are twisted in a meat grinder. If the mushrooms are fresh, as an option, you can grate it coarsely. Pork can be replaced with chicken breasts, but pork tastes better.

Ingredients: pork (pulp, tenderloin) - 0.7-0.8 kg, 2 eggs, salt - a teaspoon, pepper - 0.5 tsp, breadcrumbs. Sauce: dried mushrooms - 20g, a glass of water, butter - 20g (1 tablespoon), flour (1 tablespoon).

Cooking method

Cut the meat into long strips, about 10-15 centimeters long, 4-5 wide, 1.5 thick. It is clear that you don’t need to run with the ruler, it’s true, the approximate dimensions for a guide. Slightly beat off, do not need to flatten out much. If the flesh is tender, you can not beat off.

In a deep bowl, mix the eggs with salt, pepper and a quarter of a glass of water (1/4). Put the meat in this mixture, making sure that each piece is saturated with it. Leave to marinate for 2 hours.

Pour oil into the pan, generously, without stinting. The meat should be immersed in it at least a third. Bread in each piece of meat and fry until tender. To make it soft, it should be put in a dish, covered with a plate or a lid.

Grind the mushrooms in a meat grinder, add a glass of water and cook for ten minutes. Pour in the egg fluid where the meat was pickled.
Anneal the flour in a dry frying pan until it becomes dark golden. Mix it with mushroom sauce, not forgetting to mix intensively. Add butter, salt. Give a minute or two to boil. Serve meat with meat. Garnish - rice, potatoes, pasta.

Mushroom sauce - useful tips from experienced chefs

- To sour cream does not curl in a hot sauce, add some milk to it.

- When reheated, the sauces lose their taste, so it is recommended to cook them at once.


Watch the video: Steak with mushroom sauce recipe video (June 2024).