DIY birthday present for dad. 100 wishes, a holder for the phone, sweets and pleasant things for dad


It’s hard to come up with a present for a loved one.

On the one hand, I want to give a useful and necessary thing, which, as a rule, is expensive. On the other hand, donating a trinket is a shame.

For my beloved dad I want to try so as to surprise him and make him happy.

He will certainly appreciate the time and work spent on the idea.

Do-it-yourself coupons with wishes as a gift to dad for a birthday

Such a gift belongs to the category of creative. Only men with a sense of scream will appreciate it. The gift is suitable for dads of absolutely any age. Coupons are not difficult to make. Even a child is able to prepare them on their own.

For the manufacture of leaflets with desires you will need: colored decorative paper, scissors and a pen. Decorative paper can be made on the printer. It is enough to develop coupon sketches in a suitable program and print it on white paper using a printer.

Ideas for desires can be different: wash dishes, kiss dad 100 times, sew a button on a shirt, give dad sleep in on a day off, go to the cinema, make breakfast, have a massage after a hard day. The list is very individual and may include, in addition to comic phrases, real, innermost dreams of a person.

Desires may also be limited in duration. Let the head of the family hurry so that everything is fulfilled.

Do-it-yourself phone holder for Dad’s birthday present

A holder for a mobile phone is a very practical gift. All people with a phone charge it daily from the network. And where only the intercom does not lie at this moment: on a shelf with which it can easily fall; on a table where it constantly interferes; on a chair or on the floor.

Here is the perfect solution that will save dad from suffering and worries. It is made only by hand and according to a simple scheme. This homemade.

Useful for work: plastic bottle, stained glass paints from the store for artists, brush, scissors.

Step 1

The shape of the holder is cut out of the plastic bottle, as shown. This step is recommended to entrust to an adult. Cutting a shape out of a bottle with a knife or scissors can be difficult and dangerous for a child.

Step 2

Painting by paints. The pattern can be varied. As far as imagination allows. Perhaps even writing wishes and congratulations on the birthday.

Do-it-yourself original birthday present for dad is ready!

DIY sweets for Dad's birthday

Sweets can’t do on such a holiday. You can cook an unusual cake that the birthday boy loves. You can also bake cookies with a secret.

Every sweet horn hides a wish. Congratulations can come from all family members at once or he each specifically. Of course, the female half of the family will present such a gift.

But such a paper cake can be cut out by the male half of the family for the beloved dad as a birthday gift with their own hands.

All parts are made exclusively of colored paper. Pieces are cut according to the pattern shown in the figure.

The highlight is that each box is filled with different things. It can be sweets, gifts, cards, wishes and so on - all that the birthday man loves. Lovers to give socks for dad's birthday is a great idea to put them in every piece of cake.

DIY do-it-yourself easy crafts for dad

Most often, dads get on their name day clothes. Why not decorate a T-shirt or shirt. In an extreme case, not even a new one, but a well-worn one, to give this thing a second life.

For the manufacture of such a pattern, only "paint on the fabric." They can be applied with a brush or fingers. The latter option is suitable for small children, but you should know that acrylic paints are a type of quick-drying. Drawing needs to be applied very quickly. From the hands of such a paint will be washed off for several days.

After drawing the paint should dry. For paints of some companies, after fixing the surface, a fixative is applied. It is like a wooden surface after staining with a colorless varnish.

Decorated clothes can be washed in a washing machine at high temperature. Most companies produce acrylic paint designed for this.

Most often, family members give tools as a birthday present to dad. Why not decorate them with love. The head of the family will remember you and the holiday every time he picks up, for example, a decorated hammer.

In the figure, the tool is painted with the same "paint on the fabric." This paint is extremely versatile and good for applying to such surfaces. In addition, it has good wear resistance.

Even the baby has every chance to beautifully congratulate his beloved dad on the holiday. Of course, you can’t do without mom’s help.

The letters on sheets of paper are printed using a printer or drawn manually with a felt-tip pen. It will be more difficult to conduct a photo session with the baby. Children do not like to stand in one place for a long time and obediently hold objects in their hands. But dad will definitely appreciate the work of the family.

From the resulting collage, you can make a fridge magnet, a photo in your wallet, a passport, a small calendar in the diary as a bookmark.


Watch the video: DIY Gift Ideas! 10 DIY Christmas Gifts & Birthday Gifts for Best Friends (June 2024).