Dima Bilan passed the drug test


Dima Bilan, who was recently at the center of the Timati scandal, passed the text on drugs. The singer did this for the sole purpose - to debunk the speculation about his drug addiction, which in no way leaves some of his colleagues. The certificate is already in the hands of the singer, his producer Yana Rudkovskaya hurried to announce this.

According to Yana, Dima passed the test to prove the purity of his reputation. And he succeeded - the test result is negative.

A bit earlier a similar test was passed by the instigator of the scandal, rapper Timati. The chief narcologist at the Ministry of Public Health, Yevgeny Brun, who recently declared that all domestic performers had to take a similar test, said that Timati had received a negative test result. Then Bilan refused to undergo laboratory blood tests, which, of course, was unequivocally interpreted.

Now, when the situation has cleared up, Yana Rudkovskaya said that the text on drug addiction can be donated only voluntarily and no one has the right to force anyone to take such tests.


Watch the video: Dima Bilan Eng subs Personal Belongings - Part 2 (June 2024).