How to increase eyelashes: technology and nuances


Holders of extended eyelashes know how much wearing this cosmetic product makes everyday makeup easier. Thanks to artificial eyelashes, you can give expressiveness and visually increase the size of even very small, deep-set eyes. The procedure itself is a lengthening and increase in the volume of hairs framing the eyelids, using an artificial or natural ciliary material.

Eyelash extension techniques

Eyelash extension methods are quite diverse. Among them there is no better or worse, each technique for eyelash extensions has its own characteristics. Each client has his own way, and he should be given preference for subsequent extensions, without changing each time one eyelash extension technique to another. According to the types of the procedure, the following techniques of eyelash extension are distinguished.


The classic way to eyelash extensions. With this technology, small bunches of artificial or natural hairs are attached to your natural eyelashes. The procedure will take about an hour, and re-eyelash extensions performed in a month.


This method involves gluing a hair step by step on each eyelash. This is the best way to achieve a natural, expressive look. Minus - eyelash extension procedure lasts almost three hours, so please be patient.

"Incomplete Volume"

The most gentle technology - extensible cilia are attached through one hair or they are glued only in the corners of the eye. This method is suitable for girls whose eyelashes are naturally thick and long.

2D and 3D eyelash extensions

This technology implies fastening on one eyelash 2 - 3 hairs. The procedure is very laborious and time consuming. Extended eyelashes look very thick and dense. The technique is not suitable for those who have their own eyelashes are weak and brittle.

Rhinestones for artificial eyelashes

When going to the salon for eyelash extension, you will be offered to choose this or that technique, as well as additional services (decorating the extended eyelashes with sparkles, etc.). However, for the first time we recommend using hairs of standard black or brown colors.

Eyelash selection

The material for the manufacture of eyelashes and their location on the eyelid when building it is the choice of the master and, of course, the client. To choose the right material for the procedure, you should have minimal knowledge of its characteristics. Eyelashes for extension vary in hair thickness and intensity of coloring. However, the list of requirements is much broader, the parameters of the characteristics include:

  • The length, bend and thickness of the cilia;
  • The composition of the material of manufacture, its parameters, including rigidity and flexibility;
  • Selected equipment for the procedure;
  • Other conditions (is there a desire to decorate eyelashes with rhinestones, etc.).

In order to correctly determine how long the hair should be used for extension, the individual characteristics of your natural eyelashes are taken into account. Depending on the length, the stackable material is characterized as follows:

  • 7 mm - hairs for the lower eyelid;
  • 10 mm - "gold standard". This is the optimal length for the natural effect of thick, long lashes;
  • 12 mm - the material of this length is suitable for girls whose eyelashes have at least 8 mm in length. The hairs look more noticeable, but are suitable for everyday wear;
  • 14 mm - if you want to achieve a stronger effect and have natural eyelashes, which are naturally quite long and thick by nature, you can use this type of material. But the length of 14 mm looks quite defiant, so it is used for special occasions;
  • 15 - 20 mm - eyelashes for special occasions and theatrical makeup, in particular. They are increasing for a one-time event and removed almost immediately. Wearing such hairs for a long time can not be: they break off and bend in a dream.
Eyelash selection table

If the master has enough experience, he will personally tell you which eyelashes should be chosen for extension in your case. Do not be surprised if you are offered combine hairs of different lengths: this technique allows to achieve the effect of maximum naturalness. Shorter cilia are fixed in the center, and those that are longer are placed in a corner, which gives the look openness and expressiveness.

Useful advice: before building it is useful to familiarize yourself with the master's portfolio in order to assess the level of his professionalism and see the potential result.

Types of effects that can be achieved with eyelash extensions

Also eyelashes for extension are selected on a curve of a bend. Its types are differentiated as follows:

  • J - hair has almost a straight line, the bend is barely noticeable;
  • B - slight bend, corresponding to the shape of natural cilia;
  • C - this bend is most popular in the salons for building, eyelashes twisted and well framed look. Their use will allow to do without the use of curling irons;
  • D, CC - strong bending. These eyelashes are used for special occasions.

Before the extension procedure, carefully study the composition of the material of the proposed eyelashes. Today in the course of artificial and natural hairs. Their classification is as follows:


Made from a monomer, a low molecular weight component that forms a polymer in a polymerization reaction. It imitates natural eyelashes well and gives them sufficient flexibility. Suitable for creating 2D, 3D effects.

When selecting a material, consider all characteristics, including length, volume, color.


Sable - standard cilia is 0.2 mm. Sable is not recommended if the conjunctiva is hypersensitive. Mink - the best option to create a natural effect Silk is a lightweight plastic material that holds any shape well.

Regardless of the chosen material and method of extension (bundles or separately), the tools necessary for the procedure will be universal.

Required Tools

If you decide to do eyelash yourself, the first and most important rule - never save on tools and consumables. This is especially true of products that are in direct contact with the organs of sight (glue, degreaser). So, for the procedure you will need:

Degreasing liquid.Pre-prepares the surface for better adhesion to the adhesive backing. To do this, the composition of the liquid contains components that remove the product of the sebaceous glands from the skin surface.

Glue.On the professional cosmetics market today there are many types of this material available, differing in price, duration, composition and resistance to water. The choice of the ideal glue for attaching eyelashes is not easy, but we recommend reading the reviews of professionals and not choosing cheap options. Some makeup artists prefer a transparent, discreet glue, while others use a black adhesive backing that enhances the visual effect of eyelash size.

Solvent.It is used to remove residual glue from the ciliary edge. When choosing a product, carefully study the label, preferring hypoallergenic products.

DebonderAlternative to solvent. This is a special composition with a creamy texture, gently dissolving adhesive resin, due to which eyelashes are removed especially easily.

Several tweezers for fixing hairs (minimum 2).The best are steel products that have a curved or straight tip shape. Aluminum and plastic models are advised not to use.

Cosmetic mirror with approach.In general, you can use any convenient mirror.

Capacity for glue.It is convenient and speeds up the process of work.

Holder for a container with eyelashesmounted on the arm and also facilitates the work.

Consumables.Toothpicks to separate glued cilia, cotton swabs, cotton pads, disinfecting wipes.

Organizer for storing tools.

Instrument sterilizer (see next paragraph).

Sterilization tools

In order for the eyelash extension procedure not to lead to the development of conjunctival infection and inflammation of the hair follicles, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect and sterilize the instruments used in the work. The master uses sterile, pre-prepared devices for each client. The preparation of the tools involves three steps.

Stage 1: Disinfection

Disinfection of devices is intended to destroy viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms that cause various diseases. Not only instruments are disinfected, but also the working surfaces and hands of the master. Quartzing is regularly held in the room itself. The air is disinfected with a bactericidal ultraviolet irradiator.

All tools that come into contact with the client’s skin are immersed in the disinfectant solution immediately after the previous correction procedure, so that the contamination does not undergo drying. Keeping in solution-disinfectant carried out during the time specified in the instructions to the chemical composition of the liquid (time for each solution individually). Then the instruments are cleaned with running water for 5–7 minutes and subjected to presterilization treatment.

Stage 2: presterilization treatment

Disinfection Fluid

During this procedure, mechanical, lipid and protein contamination on the instruments, as well as the remnants of drugs, are cleaned. Processing is done manually (with gauze tampons and brass brushes), as well as immersion in another container with a sterilizing solution with full immersion of tools. The master machining devices wears protective gloves. If the instrument shows signs of rust, it is replaced with a new one.

Stage 3: sterilization

UV sterilizer

Keeping tools in special devices: dry heat cabinet, autoclave or quartz ball sterilizer. Sterilize only pre-dried instruments unfolded or unassembled. After processing, they are stored in a sterile environment - UV sterilizers or disposable sterile bags. The shelf life of devices in this form - 3 days.

Useful advice: before going through the procedure of building up in the cabin, ask the master if the instrument sterilizer is installed in the office. A negative answer will be an occasion to think about whether to build up in this place.

Step-by-step eyelash extension instructions

If you decide to do eyelash extension professionally or you want to do it at home, familiarize yourself with the step-by-step process of the procedure.

Step 1. Wash your face thoroughly with cosmetic soap and blot it with a clean, dry towel so that there is no moisture on your skin (and especially on the eyelids).

Step 2. Remove the fatty film from the eyelids with a special eyelash degreaser. If not, use a primer or make-up remover. On the lower eyelids, place cotton or gel wipes for protection.

Step 3. Remove the eyelashes from the package and try them on forever. If their length does not suit you, the hairs are shortened with sharp scissors from the outer corner.

Step 4. Apply glue over the entire length of the patch material, well missed tips. Wait 30 - 40 seconds before proceeding to the next step.

Step 5. Artificial eyelashes are taken with tweezers and applied as close as possible to the base of the growth of natural hairs, the initial part is taken from the middle of the century. Squeeze them in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the nose and press with a cotton swab or toothpick.

Step 6. Lash of the eyes requires more skill and patience. You will need 80 - 120 artificial hairs. Each eyelash is captured with tweezers, dipped in glue to half and applied to your eyelash, making an indent of 1 mm from the eyelid.

It is important to consider:

  • The distance from the base of the natural eyelashes to the beginning of the hair should be at least half a millimeter (preferably one millimeter);
  • At the base, press the hair most intensely so that it will clutch well with the surface;
  • Try to avoid gluing. Glued extended eyelashes cause great discomfort to its owner;
  • If a series of eyelashes are glued, attach the hairs in one direction, otherwise they will look messy.


For extended eyelashes to preserve the natural look and aesthetic beauty, regular timely correction is required. It is considered timely to conduct the procedure once a month.. Yes, it is really necessary, and this is one of the disadvantages of wearing extended eyelashes. If for some reason you decide to refuse them, removal should be carried out only in the cabin, to be performed by a specialist.

In extreme cases, artificial eyelashes can be removed at home. To do this, apply to the ciliary edge thick layer of fat cream for 15 minutes. After a specified period of time, the cream is removed with a cotton pad, and then gently with your fingers trying to separate the adhesive base from the eyelid. It is strictly forbidden to use tweezers: this is the right way to injure the eyes and hair follicles.

Attention: correction after the very first eyelash extension procedure is carried out in 2 - 3 weeks.

It is possible to wear extended cilia during the correction once a month. no longer than half a year. Then the eyes need to rest for about 30 - 40 days, after which the procedure is repeated. Note that it can affect the state of the natural hairs bordering the eyelids and lead to their fragility and loss. This is due to the failure in the natural cleansing of the interspinal space and the deterioration of the function of the sebaceous glands.

Care for extended eyelashes

Artificial eyelashes simplify the ritual of daily makeup and appearance care, but they also require careful maintenance, which allows to extend the life of the product. Immediately after the hair extension procedure framing the eye incision was performed, restrain tearing. If you are by nature quite emotional, you have to restrain yourself: the moisture of the tear fluid eats away at the adhesive backing, which damages its structure. For the same reason, it is recommended do not wash in the first 2 - 3 hours after the procedure, and in the next 3 - 4 days, washing is carried out as gently as possible.

Rubbing your eyes is strictly forbidden: this way you not only damage your eyelashes, but also injure your conjunctiva, which will cause inflammation. At best, glued eyelashes will have to be removed, at worst - surgical intervention by an ophthalmologist will be required.

At first, after eyelash extensions give up the sauna, steam and infrared saunas, swimming in the pool or the sea. Chlorinated or sea water is not the best medium for ciliary glue. If you have to have contact with water by occupation or simply because the time has come for a holiday and you cannot go to the sea, be sure to use sunglasses (on the beach), as well as goggles and a diving mask.

To artificial eyelashes at home do not lose their shape and shine, learn the basic rules of care. Never rub the eyelid area after bathing with a towel.. Of course, the use of washcloths is absolutely unacceptable. To dry eyelashes, gently attach to them cotton pads and hold for a few seconds, not pressing on the eyes.

When wearing extended eyelashes, it is prohibited to use alcohol-containing lotions and tonics, cosmetic oils and fat creams. Application of additional mascara on artificial eyelashes is not recommended.. Especially dangerous is to use waterproof mascara: its components can enter into a chemical reaction with a sticky base, which provokes an allergic reaction.

Always apply moisturizing compositions at a distance from the ciliary edge. To safely cleanse the skin of makeup and dirt, use micellar water. It is moistened with a cotton disc, which gently cleans the eyelids.

It is allowed to use eyelash curlers if you are not satisfied with their natural shape. At the same time, proceed with extreme caution so as not to damage the base of the hairs, which will lead to their breaking. Damaged eyelashes not only lose their shape, but also quickly fall off. Every day gently brush your hair with a special clean brushused only for this procedure.

Also, care for extended eyelashes implies their protection from mechanical damage. To do this, you will have to sleep in a special position in which you are not allowed to sleep with your face in the pillow.

Contraindications to the procedure

The consequences of incorrectly extended eyelashes

Before you go to the salon for an eyelash extension service, you should find out if this procedure is suitable for you for medical reasons. There are a number of states and periodic features in which eyelash lengthening is not recommended. Absolute contraindications include:

  • Ophthalmologic diseases - corneal inflammation, conjunctivitis, barley on the eye, demodex (ciliary tick), etc .;
  • Дерматологические заболевания - нейродермит, дерматит, псориатические бляшки на коже лица и др.;
  • Онкологические заболевания глаза - доброкачественные, злокачественные (ретинобластома) и местнодеструирующие опухоли;
  • Астма - химические компоненты в составе клея при испарении способны спровоцировать приступ удушья;
  • Склонность к сильным аллергическим реакциям - такое явление достаточно редко, но клей для наращивания ресниц может стать причиной развития аллергической реакции вплоть до отека Квинке.

Также существует ряд условий, при которых наращивание ресниц не противопоказано, однако особое состояние организма в момент проведения процедуры может сказаться на сроках носки ресниц:

  • Сбои в эндокринной системе и дисбаланс гормонального фона, вызванные приемом оральных контрацептивов, периодом беременности и лактации, менструальным циклом;
  • Прием антибиотиков;
  • Прием спиртосодержащих напитков;
  • Прием психотропных и транквилизирующих препаратов, наличие психических заболеваний и/или расстройств нервной системы;
  • Полученное незадолго до наращивания (менее чем за трое суток) окрашивание ресниц. Используемая краска ухудшит адгезию клея, и ресницы быстро осыплются;
  • Использование косметических уходовых средств за кожей век и ресницами на масляной основе;
  • Повышенная чувствительность слизистой оболочки (конъюнктивы), повышенное слезоотделение.

При ношении наращенных ресниц и контактных линз возможны частые аллергические реакции. Причиной этому становится конфликт химических составов клея и физраствора для линз либо механическое раздражение роговицы и века из-за наличия инородных тел.

Чтобы наращивание ресниц не вызвало появление неожиданных побочных эффектов, способных повлиять на остроту зрения, перед процедурой посоветуйтесь с мастером и обязательно расскажите ему об имеющихся у вас хронических или иных заболеваниях (перенесенный гепатит, ВИЧ) или других причинах, относящихся непосредственно к состоянию здоровья.


Watch the video: Strip Eyelashes class; How to apply it with glue and tweezers by Esther Bolkin (July 2024).