Egg shells: use of calcium source, rules for its use. Eggshell: product harm


Few have heard that with a lack of calcium in the body, it is recommended to use eggshells. Surprisingly, it is. This "product" is a valuable source of not only calcium, but also other beneficial trace elements. In order for the egg shell to bring maximum benefits to the body, you need to learn how to cook, use it correctly.

What is included in the eggshell?

This "product" is most often simply thrown into the trash. However, having familiarized yourself with the composition of the eggshell, you can understand how valuable it is for the human body.

The eggshell contains:

• 90% of the composition is calcium, you can also find magnesium carbonate and phosphate;

• The most important trace elements - iron, zinc, silicon, sulfur, aluminum, manganese, copper;

• collagen fibers;

• amino acids - cystine, lysine, methionine.

Proper use of eggshells will saturate the body with all the necessary amino acids and trace elements to maintain its health.

Egg shell: product benefits

Egg shells are useful in gardening for the preparation of fertilizers, in the household. Also, the product is extremely beneficial for human health.

1. It is highly recommended that women use it during pregnancy, since it is during this period that there is a lack of calcium in the body, which is important for the formation of bones of children in the womb.

2. With curvature of the spine and rickets, the eggshell is prescribed to children from an early age, it also replenishes calcium deficiency, which is why an improvement is noted.

3. The product helps to fight diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, is prescribed for ulcers, gastritis.

4. Egg shells are recommended for women as a prophylaxis. It strengthens the nail plate, accelerates hair growth, prevents the cross-section of the tips.

For the eggshell to be as healthy as possible, fresh eggs must be chosen. The best way is to take them "from the grandmother in the village."

How to cook eggshells

1. Fresh eggs must be washed thoroughly (along with soap). Color does not matter. Then, within 5 minutes, they must be boiled, cooled.

2. The shell is detached from the egg itself along with the film, which is on the inside. Everything is laid out on a dry towel to dry.

3. Now the shell must be ground to a powder state. You can do this either manually or using a blender, coffee grinder.

4. The resulting powder is stored in a glass container. The place must be dry, otherwise lumps will form.

About 1 teaspoon of eggshell accounts for about 700 mg of calcium. If it is difficult to use the product in its pure form, you can pack it in soluble capsules and take it daily as regular tablets.

Egg shells in traditional medicine: the best recipes

It turns out that eggshell benefits were known even in the days of our great-grandmothers. With its help, effective homemade medicines were prepared that perfectly coped with some ailments.

1. Means for a fracture, stimulating the strengthening of bones, their speedy fusion. It is necessary to prepare 20 eggs, 500 ml of ridge and fresh lemon juice (of 20 pieces). The eggs are placed in a glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters. Then the juice is poured there. The neck is well rewound with gauze. The can is cleaned for 20 days in a dark, dry place. When the mixture darkens, it must be filtered and mixed with cognac. It is necessary to take medicine 4 times a day after meals. The same recipe can be used by girls to strengthen the nail plate, improve hair condition. The course of taking the medicine is 1 week, then a break is taken.

2. For ulcers and gastritis, egg shell powder must be taken dry. In the morning before meals, 1 tablespoon of the product is fried for 1 minute in a dry pan. Such a fasting procedure reduces the acidity of the stomach, relieves of unpleasant pain, heartburn.

3. In case of burns, it is recommended to sprinkle the affected area of ​​the skin with eggshell 4-5 times a day. A wound will heal so much faster.

It is believed that the shell from which the chicken has just hatched will be most useful. However, it is impossible to get such a “fresh” product in urban conditions. When buying eggs in a store, you need to pay attention to the letter "D" standing on them. The implementation of the dietary product is only 7 days.

Egg shell: powder application in home cosmetology

Egg shells can be harmful for external use only if there is an individual intolerance to it. This product is considered a valuable cosmetic product. Masks prepared on its basis will support the beauty, health and youth of the face.

Egg shell masks: universal recipes for all skin types

1. Beetroot. Half a teaspoon of powdered shell must be mixed with fresh beets (grate 100 grams on a fine grater). Fat sour cream (1 tablespoon) is added there. All components are mixed, applied to the face for 15 minutes. The mask is characterized by a pronounced refreshing and tonic effect, eliminates black spots and tightens the skin.

2. Curd mask is extremely useful for the fair sex at any age to maintain the beauty, natural shine of the face. Half an orange must be turned into a homogeneous mixture with a blender. There are added 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of egg shell powder. The mask is recommended to be done 2 times a week, applied to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. The effect will not take long. The face will always look fresh, rested, the bags under the eyes will disappear, the skin will remain toned, supple.

Eggshell: product harm

Egg shells can also sometimes be harmful. It is no secret that even the most useful product has its own fly in the ointment.

1. Salmonella. In no case should you use shell powder if the egg has not been previously washed, boiled.

2. With an excess of calcium in the body, shells should not be used for medicinal purposes either.

3. For people with cancer, the product is not recommended.

Egg shells are truly an incredibly valuable product. It can be used not only for medical, cosmetic purposes, but also in the household. For example, 1 tablespoon of powder is recommended to be added directly to the drum of the washing machine when washing white things. True, clothes are placed in a fabric bag. The shell is believed to be the best bleach. In addition, it is also an excellent fertilizer for home plants. It is necessary to place several eggs in plain water for 3-4 days. This liquid is very useful to water the flowers.

Egg shells (only from fresh eggs) are a product that will always find useful use in the house. A good housewife with her help will take care of the health of loved ones, her beauty. The main thing is to wash the eggs thoroughly and boil them before preparing the powder.


Watch the video: Protection from Blossom End Rot? with Xtreme Gardening's CalCarb Foilar Nutrient. (June 2024).