Cake "Enchantress" - a bewitching taste! Recipes of the famous Enchantress cake according to GOST, with cocoa, bananas, marshmallows and chocolate


Enchantress is a terrific cake. However, the name speaks for itself. Dessert with enchanting taste will decorate the festive table and cheer you up on a normal day. You can cook it according to different recipes, they are all simple and affordable.

Cake "Enchantress" - general principles of preparation

This cake is always made from biscuit. Other cakes will not work. It is best to impregnate the base, although no syrups are added according to GOST. The classic version uses a simple custard with vanilla flavor. But that is not the rule. You can modify the layer at your discretion. Often fruit or berries are laid between the cakes.

The enchantress is always coated with chocolate. It can be prepared from dessert tiles or boiled from cocoa powder. After decorating the cake, the dessert is allowed to soak and infuse in the refrigerator.

The Enchantress cake in accordance with GOST

Gostovsky recipe for the cake "Enchantress", which does not tolerate deviations from the norms or any changes in the ingredients. But, as mentioned above, it is better to soak cakes, it will be tastier. Korzh - ordinary egg biscuit.


• premium wheat flour 1 cup;

• 10 g of ripper;

• four eggs (1 category);

• 1 tbsp. sand.


• whole milk 0.2 liters;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 2.5 tbsp. l wheat white flour;

• 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;

• 1 g vanilla;

• large egg.


• 2 tbsp. l cocoa powder;

• 3 tablespoons of milk;

• 50 g of oil;

• 7 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


1. Separate the proteins, transfer to a clean bowl and refrigerate for a while. Add half the sugar to the yolks and beat. Wash the mixer, beat the whites until fluffy with the second part of granulated sugar.

2. Combine the proteins with the yolks, sift the flour, pour the baking powder into the same. Gently stir all the ingredients with a spatula.

3. Arrange test form.

4. Bake a biscuit at 180 until cooked. Cool.

5. The egg for the cream must be beaten with sugar so that all the clots break. Add flour with milk and a little vanilla. Cook en plate.

6. Remove the thickened cream from the fire, leave for ten minutes, then add softened oil to it, stir until melted. Cool the cream well.

7. Cut the biscuit in half to make two cakes. Pave a thick layer of cream between them. He must leave completely.

8. Combine cocoa with granulated sugar and milk, grind first, then warm until smooth.

9. Cover the "Enchantress" with prepared glaze, soak in the cold for 10 hours.

Cake "Enchantress" with butter

The recipe for the spell cake "Enchantress" from stunning shortcakes with butter. Unlike the classic version, this dessert is much more tender.


• 180 g of sugar sand;

• 10 g baking cultivator;

• 140 g flour;

• 140 g butter 70% fat;

• three eggs.


• 160 g of oil;

• egg;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 95 g of granulated sugar;

• 250 ml of milk.

Chocolate icing:

• 3 tablespoons of butter and cocoa;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 70 ml of milk.

For impregnation: 120 ml of water, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of cognac.


1. All oil must be removed beforehand so that it becomes very soft. Separate the part for the dough, beat for 4 minutes at the highest speed of the mixer and add granulated sugar.

2. As soon as the sand has dissolved, we introduce one egg at a time and throw a pinch of salt, kill another couple of minutes.

3. Next, pour the flour, pour one bag of the cultivator and mix everything together. We bake cakes in the form of up to 23 cm.

4. Mix the ingredients of the cream, except for softened butter. Cook the milk mixture over low heat until it acquires the consistency of condensed milk. Cooling down.

5. Beat the remaining butter and add the brewed milk in small parts.

6. To prepare the impregnation, you need to combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. You can use rum instead of brandy, I love. Essence at its discretion.

7. Cut the cake into three plates. Pour one syrup, grease with cream. We also act with the second cake.

8. Top just soak. We put the cake in the refrigerator for now.

9. We proceed to the preparation of the glaze. Just mix everything and melt over low heat.

10. We take out the cake, coated on all sides, re-sent to the refrigerator.

Cake "Enchantress" banana flavor with chocolate

A variant of a very tender and juicy "Enchantress" cake. Bananas are used for the interlayer. It may take a little more or a little less, it all depends on the size of the fruit and the thickness of the cut.


• four eggs;

• by bag of ripper and vanilla.

• a glass of flour and granulated sugar.


• 250 g of milk;

• chocolate bar floor;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 yolk.

For the filling you will need 3 bananas, for the glaze 120 g of chocolate and 50 ml of cream.

To soak 120 ml of sweet tea or just water with sugar.


1. Break the cooled eggs into a dry bowl, beat for about five minutes. After that, without stopping operating the mixer, we introduce sugar in parts. At the end, pour a mixture of vanilla with a cultivator and flour.

2. Stir the dough, bake ordinary biscuit cake. It is important to give it a few hours so that it cools well.

3. Cook the chocolate custard. Mix the flour and sugar, add the yolk, and then add the milk. We make the mixture on fire. At the end, add crumbled into small pieces or grated chocolate, stir and cool. Cream without oil.

4. Bananas are cut into plates based on the bookmark of two layers.

5. Cut the baked cake into three parts.

6. We put one plate of biscuit on a dish, soak it with syrup or sweetened tea, grease it with cream (we spend half), and put slices of bananas. We repeat all this with the second layer.

7. Cover the bananas with the last cake. Impregnated.

8. Melt the chocolate bar with cream, it will look like a ganache. Coat the "Enchantress" with a thin layer.

Milk cake "Enchantress" in white glaze

We prepare the biscuit for this cake according to any of the previous recipes. You can make butter cake. For icing you need good white chocolate.


• Pack of oil;

• 300 g of thick condensed milk;

• 120 g of white chocolate;

• 50 g of glaze oil.


• 130 ml of milk;

• 60 g of sugar;

• 1 g vanilla.


1. Boil milk with sugar, add vanilla, cool the impregnation so that the cream does not drip.

2. Beat a pack of oil, which must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and softened. We introduce condensed milk in small parts, beat until smooth. You can also add a pinch of vanilla to the cream.

3. Plast sponge cake in three parts.

4. The first layer is slightly sprayed with milk impregnation. Then we spread half the cream, level it.

5. Cover with the following cake, also spray, grease.

6. The top of the cake is well saturated, as it will not be covered with cream.

7. Break the white chocolate into small pieces, put in a dry bowl. Add softened butter and place it in a water bath.

8. We cover the "Enchantress" with milk glaze.

Cake "Enchantress" with marshmallows

For this version of the popular cake, you can also use any sponge cake from the recipes above. Cream, for a layer also used vanilla marshmallows, you need a little of it.


• 350 g cream;

• 130 g of powder;

• 200 g marshmallows;

• some vanilla.


• 120 g of chocolate;

• 60 g butter.


• 130 ml of water;

• 4-6 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Combine the ingredients of the impregnation, boil and cool.

2. Whip the cream into a lush foam. For everything to work out, choose a product with a fat content of 33% or one with a label for whipping on its packaging.

3. As soon as the cream turns into a strong and thick foam, we introduce a spoonful of icing sugar, pour a little vanilla.

4. Marshmallow cut into small cubes. If it sticks strongly to the knife, you need to periodically wet the blade with hot water.

5. We collect the cake. Cut the biscuit into three identical plates. Soak, cream, and marshmallow slices. Similarly, you can diversify the dessert with marmalade.

6. Cut the chocolate, add the butter, put it together in a water bath. Warm up, cover the delicious "Enchantress" with glaze.

Cake "Enchantress" with cocoa

The version of the chocolate cake "sorceress", which consists of cakes and cream with cocoa, is also covered with glaze. It will take almost 100 g of powder.


• four eggs;

• 120 g flour;

• 25 g of cocoa;

• a glass of sugar.

Chocolate custard:

• 250 g of milk;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 25 g of cocoa;

• 1 yolk;

• 120 g of oil.

Glaze: 40 g cocoa, 40 g sugar, 70 ml milk, 25 g butter. To soak a cup of coffee.


1. Cook the usual biscuit dough, but only with cocoa. Stir it into flour. Beat eggs up to splendor with sand. Combine, pour into the form. Bake cake to 23 cm in diameter. Leave to cool for several hours, you can bake in advance.

2. Combine the flour and sugar, immediately put the cocoa, then pour the egg yolk and breed with milk. Cook the chocolate cream. Remove from heat, put the softened butter in a hot mass, quickly stir. Cooling down.

3. We cut chocolate cakes, make three identical layers.

4. Soak in cooled coffee, spread two layers with cold cream.

5. Cover with the last part. We just soak the top, no need to lubricate.

6. Cook the icing over low heat, cover the top and sides with chocolate.

Cake "Enchantress" - useful tips and tricks

• Top cake should be better saturated with syrup, as there will be no cream on it, and the cake may turn out to be dry.

• Biscuits are perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days if they are not lubricated. It is enough to pack the cooled cake in a cling film or in a bag. In the freezer, the base easily lies for several months.

• Impregnation can change the taste of even the most primitive cake. Add vanilla or some cognac to it, take tea or boiled coffee as the basis.


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (June 2024).