Breathing exercises for children: what are the indications? Effective breathing exercises for children, the right technique


Diseases of the respiratory system occupy a "worthy" place in the structure of all pathologies of the human body (especially regarding visits to a pediatrician). As a rule, it is difficult to treat such diseases: an integrated approach is required, which only an experienced pulmonologist can choose.

The basis of therapy is medication and, in part, physiotherapy. But many forget that there are effective complexes of respiratory gymnastics. Especially important are such "exercises" for children because the respiratory system is just being formed.

What exercises should be done and, most importantly, how to perform them? It should be sorted out.

Indications for breathing exercises for children

The child’s body is a complex and very fragile mechanism, so not all exercises are beneficial. Moreover, it is impossible to use special complexes for adults, adapting them for children. This is fraught. There are clear indications for breathing exercises:

• Pathology of the respiratory system. The main ones are bronchial asthma, laryngitis, tracheitis. Other diseases are rare in children, but options are still possible (COPD, acute and chronic bronchitis).

• Pathology of the organs of the cardiovascular system. Descriptions of respiratory gymnastics for children often include a paragraph on indications that indicate pathologies of the cardiovascular system. If a child has heart defects, it is necessary to approach breathing exercises very carefully: complications are possible. You can’t start practicing without consulting a pediatrician and pediatric cardiologist.

• Frequent acute respiratory infections. Complexes of respiratory gymnastics help to increase immunity, and hence resistance to diseases.

• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The effect is achieved by saturating the blood with oxygen. Thus, there is an improvement in the nutrition of the affected musculoskeletal structures.

• Diseases of the excretory system. Including pathology of the kidneys, genitals. No matter how strange it may sound, breathing exercises also help with the pathologies described.

• Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, intestinal motility disorders.

Complexes of breathing exercises are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases.

Contraindications to the implementation of respiratory gymnastics complexes for children

There are a number of contraindications. They are absolute: if a child has one of the problems described, it is strictly impossible to engage.

• A history of heart defects. A heart affected by a particular disease is not capable of fully fulfilling the functions assigned to it. Breathing exercises help improve lung ventilation, and, accordingly, improve cardiac activity: the heart begins to contract more intensively. A diseased organ can not withstand increased stress, it is very dangerous.

• Acute lung disease. Bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases in the acute phase are a contraindication to the implementation of complexes. Do not overload the already suffering lungs.

• Respiratory viral infections in the acute phase. The body is poisoned by toxins and does its best to "drive out" harmful substances. Breathing exercises accelerate blood with toxins. This is fraught with a deterioration in general condition. It’s not worth the risk.

The rest is no contraindications. But still, before starting classes, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Exercise effect

The effect of exercise is based on the improvement of pulmonary and cardiac activity. Specific effects include:

• Increasing the body's resistance to infections. Immunity increases due to improved blood supply to tissues.

• Improving tissue nutrition. The basis of the effectiveness of gymnastics is to increase the nutrition and oxygen supply of tissues.

• Acceleration of metabolism. For children, this is especially important: during early childhood, active metabolic processes occur that promote the growth and development of the body. This means that breathing exercises help the normal maturation of a small patient.

• Increased muscle tone. This is also an important effect. In childhood, muscle weakness is a direct path to bone deformities like rickets. Respiratory gymnastics helps to keep muscles in good shape, due to improved blood supply.

• In addition, breathing exercises help increase bone nutrition. This is the key to the normal development of the musculoskeletal system.

These are just some of the beneficial effects of gymnastics. It is necessary to deal with it, but it is necessary to approach wisely.

Exercise Complexes

The easiest breathing exercises for preschool children

Aged 2 to 4 years

At this age, preference is given to simple exercises. Since the child himself is not able to correctly fulfill them, the main role lies with the parents.

1) Put the child straight, feet together. The back should be straight. Start taking a breath. Hands should be spread apart, then all with the same breath, the arms rise up, while the child should reach as much as possible, as if wanting to reach the ceiling. Now a sharp exhalation begins and a return to the starting position.

2) Put the child on his back. Arms folded on the stomach. On account of "one" is a slow breath. Only the stomach is involved in the breathing process. During the exercise, he should inflate, like a ball. On exhalation, the stomach is "blown away" in the same way.

3) Starting position - standing. Legs together. Now the child must imitate the movement of the wheels of the engine with his hands, at the same time saying "choo-choo." Continue this way until the end of the air in the lungs. Then a sharp breath is made, after which the patient says "tu-tu". This exercise increases lung capacity.

4) The initial position is lying on your back. Legs should be brought together, hands placed along the body. Now the child raises his arms above his head and inhales deeply through his nose. Next, you need to linger in the indicated position for 5-10 seconds. If possible, hold your breath at the peak of inspiration. As you exhale, gradually return your hands to their original position, while pronouncing the word "down."

5) Take any comfortable position. Now the child holds his breath, inhaling through his nose. Breathing is delayed for the maximum available time. This exercise also helps speed up blood circulation and increases lung capacity.

6) Put the child level. Legs at shoulder level, arms at the seams. On inhalation, the arms straighten. Hold your breath and stay motionless for a while. Now exhale slowly and return to the original position.

This complex is suitable for children of all ages, starting from 2 years old. The set of exercises described is performed once a day. The number of repetitions when performing gymnastics: 6-7 times. No longer needed: do not overburden the patient.

Aged 4-8 years

At this age, you should complete the past complex as a whole, adding a few new exercises.

1) Sit on a chair with a back. Hands hang freely. According to the account, "one" inhale sharply through the nose, bend your arms at the elbows, raise your palms with the inside up. Then, making a slow exhale, return the hands to their original position. This exercise is aimed at training the lungs.

2) Take a standing pose (as convenient). Inhale sharply, through the mouth, inflate cheeks and hold your breath. In this form, go a few steps forward. Pat on the cheeks so that all the air comes out, slowly exhale. This helps increase lung capacity.

3) Get in a comfortable position. It is best to put your feet at shoulder level. Arms bent, imitating bird wings. Now you need to simulate the swing movements. On each upward movement, a breath is taken, on each downward movement an exhalation is made. At the exit, frequent breaths should be obtained. An excess of oxygen can make you dizzy. This is normal, but the child should be insured.

4) Take any comfortable pose. According to the account, "one" slowly inhale through the nose, as if wanting to smell a flower. Now you need to exhale through your mouth.

The complex of these exercises helps to develop the lungs and normalize cardiac activity.

The most effective breathing exercises for older children

Over the age of 8 years, children can perform complexes for adults. The most effective exercises:

• Get up. The back is straight, even. The breath is calm. On account of the "one" raise your hands above your head, hold your breath. On account of the two, exhale sharply, and also quickly give up.

• Stand up straight. Legs at shoulder level. According to the account, "one" to inhale, leaning in the belt. Now linger in this position for a couple of seconds. Then you need to exhale and slowly return to its original position.

• Get up. Legs at shoulder level. Sit as you inhale, stretch your arms forward. Hold in position for 3-7 seconds. Now you need to exhale and return to the original position.

• Take upright position. At the inhale, hug your shoulders, hold your breath. Stand a little. Now exhale, return the hands to their original position.

• Get up. Legs at shoulder level. Hands hang freely. According to the account, "one" take a breath, while taking an inclination to the right. Then you need to exhale, returning and the original position. Now repeat the same thing again, leaning in the other direction.

The described exercises are enough to improve the entire children's body. There are other complexes. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the presented video of respiratory gymnastics for children.

How to do the exercises correctly

There are several recommendations for performing breathing exercises.

1) It is impossible that the child is overworked. The exercises presented are not intended to develop strength.

2) If pain reactions are observed, it is necessary to refuse to perform exercises.

3) From intensive ventilation of the lungs (hyperventilation), the head may spin. This is within the norm and indicates the correct implementation of the complex. To prevent the child from falling, it is recommended to insure him.

4) Perform each complex 1-2 times a day. Better in the morning or evening.

5) The number of executions is 4-8 times for each exercise. No longer follows.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve maximum effect with a minimum of effort.

Breathing exercises can be a great help in the treatment and prevention of diseases.


Watch the video: My Surgery Guide: Deep Breathing & Coughing Exercises (July 2024).