Vitamins in pregnancy planning: which ones to choose? Is it necessary to take vitamins to conceive a child


Normal birth without complications and the birth of a healthy baby largely depends on how a woman is prepared for pregnancy. With a planned pregnancy, it is understood that future parents should be screened for chronic diseases, STIs (sexually transmitted infections), determine the hormonal background, take a course of certain vitamins. When planning pregnancy, vitamins are prescribed with the aim of getting into the body the necessary substances, which during pregnancy will be quickly consumed by the tissues and organs of not only a pregnant woman, but also the developing fetus.

Pregnancy Planning Vitamins: Folic Acid - The Golden Component of Pregnancy

Vitamins for conceiving a child are indicated for mandatory intake not only for women but also for men, since the health of the unborn child is directly dependent on the health status of both parents. Regardless of the gestational age and general condition, a woman reveals a need for folic acid at a dose of 400 mcg per day. This is vitamin B9, it is called "leaf vitamin" - it is found in herbs, vegetables, and legumes. Also in some quantities found in meat, eggs, dairy products. Heat treatment destroys it. Therefore, what you can, it is advisable to eat raw (greens, vegetables). It is impossible to compensate for such an amount of vitamin with food for various reasons. A synthetic vitamin is prescribed from the time of pregnancy diagnosis. Reception continues up to 12 weeks. If the pregnancy is planned, the reception should be started earlier, six months before conception.

Vitamin B9 is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells. Its deficiency causes a violation of the form of red blood cells, and, accordingly, a decrease in the hemoglobin content - sickle cell anemia develops. In addition, folic acid reduces the development of neural tube pathology in the fetus. If vitamin B9 is taken before conception, the development of such severe malformations as anencephalopathy, hernias of the spinal cord and brain, and spinal bifurcation can be prevented. A similar pathology occurs at a period of 12 to 20 months of pregnancy.

It is proved that folic acid promotes the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which plays an important role for the overall well-being of a woman.

Hypovitaminosis during pregnancy

If hypovitaminosis was not disturbed before childbirth, and therefore vitamins were not taken, the baby will be born normal, weighing no more than 3 kg, without pathology and functional abnormalities. The mother will have all the signs of hypovitaminosis: lifeless dull hair, which is lost in large quantities, brittle nails, dry, flaky flaky skin and many stretch marks, tooth decay.

In the case of a deficiency of vitamin before pregnancy and the absence of correction during the period of gestation, the situation worsens: hypovitaminosis takes on critical dimensions. In addition to changes in the skin, hair, nails. The general condition of the woman is deteriorating: general weakness, poor sleep, and hearing and vision impairment are growing. A child is likely to have developmental defects.

If pregnancy is planned, the intake of vitamins for conceiving a child is recommended to start 6 months before conception and continue taking during the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. This is necessary to maintain a "perfect" menstrual cycle with regular ovulation, successful conception and preparation for a 9 - month pregnancy. Similarly, vitamins for the conception of a child should be taken by a man to improve the quality of sperm and the birth of a child without gene pathologies.

Tocopherol excludes chromosomal pathology

The second most important vitamin is tocopherol (vitamin E). His admission is obligatory for everyone, even with good nutrition. Tocopherol and folic acid control cell reproduction and are involved in the synthesis of hormones. They are responsible for increasing the number and motor activity of sperm. Therefore, they are also used to prevent and treat certain types of infertility.

Tocopherol is involved in the formation of sex hormones in women - progesterone, estrogen. Vitamins when planning pregnancy, and, above all, tocopherol, regulate the balance of hormones. This is important for fertilization and in the initial stages of pregnancy. With a deficiency of E, pregnancy failure or infertility may occur.

Vitamin E for men - an important vitamin for conceiving a baby

Men also need to take vitamins for conceiving a child. Vitamin E controls the production of male sex hormones that synthesize normal sperm. When taking vitamin E in the right dosage before conception, the number of defective sperm is reduced. This significantly increases the chance of conception and reduces the possibility of the formation of chromosomal pathologies in the child.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant - it prevents the destruction of cells of tissues of various organs by active radicals.

Retinol - its role in pregnancy planning

Retinol (Vitamin A) is also one of the important vitamins for conceiving a child. It plays a role in the formation of all the organs and systems of the child - the heart with blood vessels, kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. Its reception is necessary when planning a pregnancy, if even small deviations were detected at the observation stage. In addition, retinol forms cellular immunity, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth depends on its level in the body, it inhibits the aging process. It affects visual acuity, improves twilight vision. Being an antioxidant, just like tocopherol, retinol protects cells from destruction by free radicals.

But with the use of retinol, care must be taken: its overdose (hypervitaminosis) is dangerous for a woman and for an unborn child. A child may develop malformations when using uncontrolled high doses of vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), being a vitamin in pregnancy planning, boosts the immune status and protects both a woman and a fetus from infections. In addition to improving immunity, it relieves fatigue, increases the body's resistance to colds, and increases endurance. It is prescribed not only to women, but also to men, especially smokers, in order to avoid health problems in the child.

If necessary, the doctor decides on the appointment of B vitamins. They play a role in the formation of the normal nervous system in the fetus, saturate the blood with oxygen, and facilitate the flow of nutrients to all organs and systems.

Vitamins in planning pregnancy are necessary for every woman and her partner. Their specialist appoints after the examination. This is important in order to avoid hypervitaminosis, which is dangerous for its mother and child in some cases, more than a deficiency of vitamins.

Developed special vitamins for conceiving a child:

• Vitrum prenatal forte;

• Elevit Pronatal;

• Gendevit;

• Drive and others.

For pregnant women, you can use: The alphabet for pregnant women, Femibion, Materna.

For men, there are also combined vitamin complexes with a balanced composition: Alphabet for men, Velmen, Centrum, SpermaPlant, Speroton.

In addition to vitamins for the conception of a child, it is important to change your lifestyle (stop smoking and drinking alcohol), especially during pregnancy, be sure to relax in the fresh air and start eating right. In this case, everything will be successful, and the baby will be born healthy.


Watch the video: The Importance of Prenatal Vitamins (June 2024).