Thin kefir pancakes: step by step recipe, cooking secrets. Learning to cook delicious thin pancakes with kefir


Many experienced housewives, when preparing pancakes, prefer to use kefir instead of milk. Not surprisingly, kefir pancakes are tasty and tender.

Step-by-step recipes for thin kefir pancakes: general principles

To prepare the dough, they take kefir, flour, eggs, soda, a little sugar and salt. These are the main components, but other ingredients are often added, for example, vegetable oil, milk, water. For special taste use spices.

All prepared components are thoroughly mixed or whisked, achieving a test of the consistency of liquid sour cream. After giving the dough a little "rest", mix again and proceed directly to baking.

Thin pancakes are cooked on yogurt in a greased frying pan. Scoop the dough with a ladle, distribute it over the entire surface of the pan, keeping the utensils at an angle and making rotational movements. It is important that the pan is well warmed up, then the dough will spread well, without crumpling in one place, and the pancakes will turn out thin, delicate.

Each pancake is first baked on one side until the dough is set, after which it is turned over with a long knife or a special spatula to the other side, brought to readiness.

Ready-made thin pancakes on kefir are stacked, putting a piece of butter between each pancake.

Pancakes are served with sour cream, honey, jam, condensed milk, fresh berries, canned fruits, melted chocolate.

Also, kefir pancakes are perfectly combined not only with a sweet addition, but also salty, meat. For example, kefir pancakes can be stuffed with curd mass, grated cheese with greens, fried minced meat, mushrooms, eggs and other ingredients.

1. Thin traditional kefir pancakes: a step-by-step recipe


• medium fat kefir - 400 ml;

• 20 grams of wheat flour;

• a couple of eggs;

• a pinch of baking soda;

• vegetable oil - 30 ml;

• sugar - 40 grams;

• salt - 5 grams;

• ghee for greasing fried pancakes - 50 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Sift flour into a small plastic container.

2. Add soda to slightly warmed kefir, mix thoroughly.

3. In another bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk, adding salt, to a white thick consistency.

4. Pour the beaten eggs into the flour, stir well.

5. Add kefir, mix everything thoroughly.

6. Cover the dough with a clean, dry cloth and leave for half an hour to brew.

7. Add oil, stir.

8. Grease a frying pan with lean oil, pour the floor of a batter on a batter, distribute it, bake pancakes over moderate heat.

9. Lubricate baked hot pancakes with melted butter, roll four times and place on a flat portioned dish. Serve sour cream in a separate bowl.

2. Pancakes with kefir (thin, delicate): a step by step recipe


• kefir with any percentage of fat content - 300 ml;

• milk - 300 ml;

• wheat flour - 150 grams;

• two eggs;

• salt, soda, vanillin - 5 grams each;

• sugar - 30 grams;

• 9% acetic acid - two teaspoons;

• 60 ml of sunflower oil;

• sour cream for serving - 50 grams;

• 120 grams of butter to grease fried pancakes.

Cooking method:

1. In a suitable plastic bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk, adding sugar and salt.

2. Add milk and whisk thoroughly.

3. Pour vanilla.

4. Pour the egg and milk mixture into the sifted flour with extinguished acetic acid soda and mix thoroughly.

5. Pour in kefir, mix with a whisk until the dough becomes a liquid homogeneous consistency.

6. Pour in some vegetable oil.

7. Pour a little cooked dough into a hot oiled pan, distribute, bake pancakes for several seconds on both sides over moderate heat.

8. Lubricate hot pancakes with butter.

9. When serving, put pancakes on kefir on serving plates, four pieces per serving, pour sour cream or jam if desired.

3. Thin kefir custard pancakes with holes: a step by step recipe


• medium fat kefir - half a liter;

• egg - two pieces;

• salt, baking soda, sugar - 15 grams each;

• vegetable oil - 35 ml;

• flour - two glasses;

• one glass of boiling water;

• three large spoons of any jam for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the kefir into a bowl, break the eggs there and mix well.

2. Pour kefir with eggs into a blender bowl, add salt, sugar and beat well at medium power.

3. Pour the resulting mass into a metal container, put on low heat, bring to a boil.

4. Sift the flour into a dry cup.

5. Pour the hot mixture into the prepared flour, mix thoroughly in a blender until a soft, liquid consistency.

6. Dissolve soda in boiling water.

7. Continuously stirring the dough, pour boiling water with soda into it, stir well.

8. Pour in vegetable oil, stir.

9. Pour a small amount of dough into a hot oiled pan, bake pancakes with moderate heat for several seconds on all sides.

10. When serving, roll the pancakes with a roll, put on a portioned flat plate, pour with any jam.

4. Thin kefir pancakes: a step by step recipe for buckwheat flour without eggs


• buckwheat flour - 150 grams;

• kefir with any fat content - 350 ml;

• ten grams of baking soda and salt;

• granulated sugar - 40 grams;

• 40 ml of vegetable oil;

• some butter to grease fried pancakes (optional).

Cooking method:

1. In a large bowl, mix kefir with buckwheat flour.

2. Add all other dry ingredients, mix well.

3. Add vegetable oil, mix. The dough should turn out to be a delicate, liquidish consistency.

4. Pour a small amount of dough into a hot oiled pan. Fry for a couple of minutes on one side, after the same amount on the other.

5. Lubricate all hot pancakes with butter and put on three or four pieces per serving plate, pour jam as desired.

5. Thin vanilla-cognac pancakes on kefir: a step by step recipe


• two eggs;

• kefir - 6 glasses;

• 155 grams of sugar;

• salt, vanillin - ten grams each;

• cognac - 30 ml;

• baking soda - ten grams;

• flour - 16 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them slightly with a fork or whisk.

2. Pour all dry ingredients except flour, mix thoroughly.

3. Add brandy, stir well again.

4. Pour the flour, after sifting it, stir to a consistency, like thick sour cream (in case of lack of flour, you can add a little).

5. Pour three tablespoons of dough into a greased frying pan, bake pancakes, turning from one side to the other, five minutes until golden.

6. When serving, roll the pancakes with an envelope or a roll, put on a flat portioned dish, pour with some jam, sour cream or condensed milk.

6. Thin kefir pancakes: a step by step recipe with poppy seeds


• two village eggs;

• kefir - 350 ml;

• poppy - 40 grams;

• 300 grams of wheat flour of the first grade;

• vegetable oil - 20 ml;

• salt - ten grams;

• sugar - 50 grams;

• half a liter of ordinary purified water;

• a small piece of butter to grease fried pancakes.

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a plastic or metal container, mix with sugar and beat with a mixer until a thick, tender mass.

2. Pour in kefir and half the required amount of water, add salt, mix well.

3. Pour, while stirring, the sifted flour in small portions, beat to a smooth, smooth consistency without lumps.

4. Poppy soak in boiling water for fifteen minutes.

5. Add the swollen poppy to the dough and mix well.

6. Pour in the remaining water, whisk with a mixer.

7. Pour a little dough into the hot oiled pan and bake the pancakes, turning from one side to the other, a few minutes until a slightly brownish-golden color appears.

8. Grease hot pancakes with butter.

9. Serve on a flat serving plate, put a small amount of any jam or sour cream next to it.

Step-by-step recipes for thin kefir pancakes: tricks and useful tips

• If you get thin pancakes without holes, and you want them to be openwork, just pour a little mineral sparkling water into the dough.

• Do not forget to sift the flour, there the dough will turn out more uniformly, with oxygen bubbles, and then the pancakes will turn out beautiful, thin, delicate.

• To make kefir pancakes especially tasty, beat the proteins separately from the rest of the ingredients, only after you have a stable foam, introduce the protein mixture into the bulk.

• Dessert kefir pancakes served with sweets will be more aromatic and tasty if you add a little cinnamon or vanilla to the dough.

• You can put a little spicy herbs in the pancake dough used for serving with hearty toppings.

• You can experiment and put cocoa in the dough, then you will get chocolate pancakes with kefir, they can be served with a dessert of banana and chocolate.

• To prevent pancakes from floating in the oil when frying, grease the pan with silicone acid. No tassels? It doesn’t matter, you can use a piece of gauze or just take a half of the potato, oil it and hold it on the surface of the pan. In order not to have to pan the pan, use cast-iron utensils or with non-stick coating.


Watch the video: Perfect Buttermilk Pancakes - from scratch (June 2024).