Zucchini diet quick recipe - how to lose weight with pleasure? Zucchini diet: a quick recipe in the oven, slow cooker


Dishes from zucchini are delicious, healthy and light. In addition to the fact that the vegetable is a real storehouse of nutrients, it is also very satisfying. Its fibers cleanse the intestines, prevent constipation and regulate blood sugar.

Zucchini diet quick recipe - the basic principles of preparation

When it comes to diet, you have to give up most of the delicious, but not too healthy dishes. However, not everyone knows that from zucchini you can cook dietary dishes that will not leave indifferent even those who do not need to adhere to a diet.

First and second courses, appetizers and not even sweet pastries are prepared from zucchini.

Dietary dishes are prepared only from fresh, young zucchini. If your vegetable is overripe, it's okay, just peel it and select hay with fibers.

Delicious dietary soups and borscht are made from vegetables. On the second zucchini, you can stew or bake with vegetables or chicken breast, cook mashed potatoes or casseroles. Vegetables are stuffed with rice and lean meat. Zucchini makes tasty and satisfying pancakes or cutlets. For a snack, various salads and rolls are prepared from the vegetable. It goes well with almost all products.

Recipe 1. Zucchini diet: a quick recipe for soup puree


two young zucchini;

two bow heads;

5 ml apple cider vinegar;

egg white;

50 g of flour;

liter of vegetable broth;




white roots;

branches of greenery.

Cooking method

1. Pour a liter of water into the pan, put in it peeled onions, carrots, white roots and twigs of greens connected in a bunch. Cook the vegetable broth for half an hour. Then we remove all vegetables and greens from it, filter.

2. Zucchini wash, peel, cut into small pieces, put in a pan, add apple cider vinegar and simmer for about ten minutes on medium heat. We clean the second head of onion, crumbled with cubes and add to the zucchini. Stir and simmer for another five minutes.

3. In a separate dry frying pan, fry the flour, pour in a little broth and stir so that there are no lumps left. Pour the flour mixture into the vegetable broth. Here we send stewed zucchini with onions and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

4. Boil hard-boiled egg, cool, clean. Separate the protein from the yolk. Knead the last with a fork and add to the soup. Fresh ginger peel, finely three and add to the pan. After about five minutes, mashed everything until smooth with a hand blender. Pour into plates and put in each pinch of fresh herbs.

Recipe 2. Braised zucchini diet: a quick recipe in a slow cooker


a pound of zucchini squash;


two eggplants;

70 g of dill;

four stalks of leek;

70 g of celery greens;

two carrots;

200 g of frozen corn;

two pods of red bell pepper;

250 g of green beans.

Cooking method

1. Pour some oil into the appliance container and activate the “baking” or “frying” mode. Rinse the leek, dry and cut into rings. Put it in the heated oil and fry until half cooked.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into thin circles. Send it to the onion and mix. Pepper pods free from the stalk and seeds. Cut into thin slices. Peel the eggplant, chop a quarter with rings. Put all the vegetables in the appliance container and continue cooking for another seven minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Wash the zucchini and cut into cubes. Load the vegetable into the slow cooker. Send frozen corn and green beans to this place. Pour in about half a glass of purified water, salt and set the timer for half an hour. Close the lid and cook until the program ends. After about a quarter of an hour, add chopped greens of celery, and dill.

Recipe 3. Zucchini stuffed diet: a quick recipe


400 g minced turkey;

3 g of salt;

one carrot;

large onion head;

2 g of dried fenugreek;

two cloves of garlic;

150 g of Gouda cheese;


two small zucchini.

Cooking method

1. Wash the zucchini, rub it with a napkin, cut on both sides and cut into circles three centimeters thick. Carefully remove the pulp with seeds and fibers, being careful not to damage the walls. For each cup, cut a square of foil. Put it on a baking sheet and set the squash down.

2. Peel and wash the onion head, garlic cloves and carrots. Put everything in a blender bowl and beat until smooth. Combine the minced turkey with the vegetable mixture and beat the chicken egg. Salt, season with fenugreek and mix thoroughly. With the minced meat, start the zucchini rings. Instead of turkey, you can use minced meat made from chicken breast.

3. Cover the stuffed zucchini with a sheet of foil and wrap the edges. Put in an oven preheated to 185 degrees and bake for forty minutes.

4. After half an hour, remove the top layer of foil. Sprinkle each zucchini ring with cheese chips and send it back to the oven. Cook before time runs out.

Recipe 4. Zucchini diet: a quick recipe in the oven with sour cream sauce


two young zucchini;


100 ml of vegetable oil;

freshly ground pepper;

50 g of parsley and dill;

150 g of hard cheese;

three cloves of garlic;

250 ml low-fat sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Turn on the oven 220 degrees.

2. Wash the zucchini, wipe with a paper towel and cut the stem. Cut the vegetable into centimeter-thick circles.

3. Rinse and finely chop the greens. Put in a cup, add vegetable oil, pepper, salt and mix. Put in the zucchini and stir everything with your hands so that all the circles are covered with this mixture.

4. Zucchini shift on a baking sheet and put for 20 minutes in a preheated oven.

5. Grind the cheese on a fine grater and combine with sour cream. Add finely chopped greens and mix.

6. Remove the zucchini from the oven and pour them with sour cream sauce. Continue cooking until the sauce is rosy. Season the finished dish with finely chopped garlic and garnish with sprigs of dill.

Recipe 5. Zucchini diet: a quick recipe for casseroles in a slow cooker


kilogram of squash;


300 g of hard cheese;

vegetable oil;

50 g low-fat sour cream;

50 g semolina;

two cloves of garlic;

three chicken eggs;

dill and parsley.

Cooking method

1. Wash and wipe the squash. Trim the stalk and grind in small sections. Transfer the mass to a sieve so that the glass has excess liquid.

2. Peel and pass the garlic through a press. Finely grate the cheese.

3. Squash the squash mass and put in a deep bowl. Add garlic, cheese and finely chopped greens to it. Beat eggs, add semolina and season with low-fat sour cream. Mix thoroughly and leave the mass for a quarter of an hour to make the semolina swell.

4. Start the slow cooker in the "baking" mode. Grease the container with lean oil. Put zucchini mass in it and smooth the surface. Install a container in the appliance, close the lid and start the timer for an hour.

5. Take the finished casserole out of the bowl using the steam cooker, cool, cut in portions and serve with kefir.

Recipe 6. Zucchini diet: a quick recipe for lasagna


300 g of large tomatoes;


a pound of young zucchini;

250 g of cheese "Russian";

half a kilogram of chicken.

Cooking method

1. Wash young zucchini, remove the stalk and cut into thin plates. Salt and mix.

2. Wash the chicken fillet, dry it with a paper towel, finely chop or chop in a meat grinder with a large grill. Salt the meat. If you wish, you can add spices. Mix.

3. Wash fresh tomatoes and cut into thin circles with a sharp knife.

4. Cover the baking dish with parchment. Place zucchini plates on the bottom so that there are no gaps. On top of the zucchini, spread the chicken and half the grated cheese evenly. Cover with another layer of zucchini. Top with circles of tomatoes.

5. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for forty minutes. Ten minutes later, remove the zucchini from the oven, sprinkle with cheese and send it back into the oven. Remove the prepared lasagna from the oven, divide with a spatula into small portions, arrange on plates, pour sour cream or sauce based on it and serve.

Zucchini diet quick recipe - tips and tricks

  • Young zucchini do not need to be peeled, it is quite tender and soft.
  • Add the grated cheese to the zucchini fritters. He will give them a pleasant creamy taste.
  • With zucchini, you can cook a diet olivier, replacing them with potatoes.
  • Baked zucchini will turn out to be less high-calorie if you cook them in a slow cooker.


Watch the video: What I Ate In A Week - Keto Friendly - SAHM (June 2024).