It is not easy, but real - to remove the nasolabial folds. We use the entire arsenal to remove nasolabial folds and rejuvenate


Regardless of weight, the nasolabial folds sometimes clearly stand out on the face of many women, giving the expression a strict look, and adding a couple of extra years.

Advertising with excitement offers diets, promising weight loss of 5 - 10 kg per week, and many girls, women, especially magnificent ones, rush to this call without thinking that in a week they will rush around in search of methods that tighten the skin everywhere and think, how to remove the nasolabial folds that "gave" the face plus 10 years.

Nasolabial folds: causes

Analyzing the women passing by, one can notice that the nasolabial folds are especially visible in those women who have either too thin faces or lack of tone and elasticity.

Why do young children have such a problem as removing the nasolabial folds does not occur, even if they are a hereditary trait?

Whatever the heredity, it is hidden behind a dense layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, elastic muscles, and skin elasticity.

What is a nasolabial fold? This saggy skin, forming a fold along the nose, which subsequently becomes dense, convex, giving the face is not at all a girlish expression. To start the fight against this skin defect on our face, we’ll try to determine “where the legs grow from” this problem.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of folds along the nose..

1. Inheritance, when every member of the family has such folds, but it is not a taboo for you to start the struggle for youth.

2. Sharp weight loss promotes the removal of subcutaneous fat, in the absence of massage, facial gymnastics, the skin sags like a deflated ball.

3. The lack of a culture of regular facial care, the inability to apply tightening masks, select the right creams and, of course, use them.

4. The specifics of work, requiring a constant tilt of the head down, while the muscles of the face are shortened, spasmodic and do not hold the skin near the nose.

He will not go into the anatomy of the muscle structure, knowing what our body position will lead to, we will take the necessary measures, in the form of regularly conducted exercises, spending 3-5 minutes on them, but 4-5 times a day. Agree, 15 -20 minutes a day are worth it to get a pretty face.

Tired of struggling with your image in the mirror, you can turn to medicine for a solution to this problem.

How to remove nasolabial folds - pharmacy preparations and cosmetic procedures

The facial muscles are interconnected, therefore, to remove the nasolabial folds, you need to work with each of them, in combination, doing a full massage of the front surface, including the eyes, mouth, nose, and not just the cheeks.

Modern methods of medicine so improved that sometimes grandmother and granddaughter can look almost the same, constantly use these correction methods:

• laser resurfacing;

• contour plastic;

• chemical peeling;

• thread lifting and others.

The cosmetic industry is constantly working on the development of new drugs that can remove nasolabial folds, restore the volume of the cheeks, turn back the clock, and these can be fillers.

- Highly qualified doctors with the help of a very thin needle insert fillers under the skin, increasing the volume, lifting and smoothing the folds, working from the entire surface of the face, returning the image of a decade ago. At the same time, there are no age restrictions, if the problem of nasolabial folds excites you at 25, having the money, you can easily regain your girlish image, but you should not forget that time is an evil joker, after 4-6 months everything will have to be repeated.

- Proven Botox injections will also help solve the problem with nasolabial folds, but only for a while, only 4 months, after which the procedure should be repeated.

- Smoothing nasolabial wrinkles is not a problem for deep peeling, which, removing the upper ball of the skin, regenerates it, restoring elasticity.

With the inaccessibility of medical treatment, you can always find a way out in the use of folk remedies.

How to remove nasolabial folds: folk remedies

The purpose of the procedures that help to combat the nasolabial folds is to restore skin tone and strengthen muscles. Folk remedies have a whole arsenal to support this struggle, which includes:

• masks;

• compresses;

• ice cubes;

Gelatin - A Natural Alternative to Botox

You will not recognize your reflection in the mirror in a month if you pamper your face with a unique mask twice a week.

In a pre-prepared solution, for which 1 tbsp. gelatin is infused for 30 minutes in 50 ml of warm water, is added:

• 4 shredded spirulina tablets;

• ½ coffee spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• 3 drops of vitamin A.

All this is infused until lightly thickened, applied to a pre-cut gauze mask and applied to the face for a third of an hour.

Clay forms the contour of the face.

In any pharmacy, you can find blue, pink, green clay, which will be an ideal base for a tightening mask that can remove nasolabial folds even with mature skin.

To enhance the effect of the mask, the ear does not dissolve clay with water, although sometimes it also suits, but with herbal infusions of herbs that are at hand. It can be chamomile, mint, sage and others.

It’s nice to add a few drops of essential oil, the choice can be made from peach, coconut, grape seed or argan.

Clay is bred to such a state that it can be applied with a brush to the face without dripping. Put one layer, let the mixture dry a little, apply the next one and so on 3 times. Then we just wait until the clay is completely dry. Wash off with warm water and be sure to lubricate the face with a cream that has a lifting effect.

It is enough to do this mask after 1 - 2 days to soon see the effect of the disappearance of nasolabial folds.

Attention! While the mask on your face is prohibited from talking and making facial movements with the muscles of your face, including laughing and crying.

Life-giving acid Omega D3

Fish oil, sold in capsules, is practically odorless, so you can safely make a mask based on it, mixing 1 tsp. starch, vegetable (olive, linseed, coconut) oil, fish oil from 5 to 6 capsules, to a state of a homogeneous mixture, which we apply for a third of an hour to a cleanly washed face.

- Ice cubes, prepared on the basis of herbal infusions, perfectly stimulate rhythmic muscle spasms, while guaranteeing a rush of blood, increasing skin tone and reducing deep wrinkles, including nasolabial folds. The main thing is that we do ice massage regularly, moving along the main massage lines of the face.

- Using thermal compresses can help the body produce collagen. To do this, just boil, steam, insist one of the herbs:

• chamomile;

• stepmother;

• St. John's wort;

• sage;

• Birch buds.

To get a quick result, you should moisten the gauze mask daily in a warm infusion and apply on the face for a third of an hour.

How to remove nasolabial folds with massage

Lymphatic drainage massage works wonders, especially if you decide to remove the nasolabial folds.

- Especially popular is the simple one available for holding it at home, Japanese Asahi Massage. The methodology of its implementation offers the all-knowing YouTube.

The duration of this massage does not exceed 10 - 15 minutes, we do it in courses of 15 massages with a break of 3 months, so that there is no getting used to the body.

- Daily, 2-3 minutes massage of the nasolabial folds, will act like morning exercises, filling the muscles with energy and making them more elastic.

After applying day or night cream (which means we do this exercise twice a day), we pull the lower lip onto the teeth, leave the upper lip in a relaxed state, put 2 to 3 fingers of each hand under the nasolabial folds at the level of the nostrils and begin to move them up and down 30 times by pressing and creating a specific pressure. In the first days after such a massage, a slight pain will be felt, this means only one thing, the process has begun.

- A funny and effective exercise with a plastic bottle is guaranteed to strengthen the nasolabial folds.

To begin with, pour 100-150 ml of water into a small bottle of 300 - 500 ml, for confidence, you can twist the lid and put on the table. Now we bend over, grab the neck of the vessel only with our lips and try not only to lift, but also to keep this light weight on as long as possible, making several approaches. If necessary, the amount of water can be reduced or increased. The more often we do, the sooner we will see the result.

Want to be beautiful and young, be! Everything is quite simple and affordable, it does not need a lot of money, a lot of time, the main desire and regularity of execution.


Watch the video: Hollywood doctors claim superficial wrinkles are easily smoothed away (June 2024).