Instant porridges: benefit or harm? The most interesting facts about the composition, benefits and dangers of instant porridge


Instant porridge is a great find for any housewife. Fast, easy, cheap and tasty.

Or maybe it’s also useful? So what are the properties of instant cereals?

Instant cereals: quick and healthy, but how?

Fans of instant cereals probably think about how in a couple of minutes you can get a tasty porridge familiar to everyone. The production technology of such cereals is more complicated. It is worth noting that the composition of the porridge does not change. The effect of instant cooking is achieved by additional processing of the grains and bringing them to the stage of flakes. Flakes, as a rule, more actively absorb moisture and swell faster. The thinner the flakes, the faster the porridge will brew.

In pursuit of the speed of cooking, porridge producers are relentlessly developing new grain processing technologies. For example, you can find instant porridge, the flakes of which will be with notches, torn fibers or completely erased into powder.

Types of instant cereals

In today's world, manufacturers of instant cereals constantly surprise consumers with the variety of their product. The following types are mostly popular:

• Instant porridge

• Instant porridges

These two types differ from each other in cooking time. Instant cooking is simple enough to pour boiling water, and "quick cooking" means a few minutes of waiting, and sometimes cooking in special bags.

In addition to different cooking times, cereals can be ordinary or with the addition of additional components: berries, mushrooms, fruits, nuts.

Useful properties of instant porridge

Often, the opinion of instant cereals in people leaves much to be desired. However, "quick" cereals still have a number of advantages and useful properties. The following useful properties are distinguished:

• Cleans the intestines

• Rich in Vitamin B and Vitamin E

• Keep zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus in themselves

• Improve the condition of hair, skin, nails

• The benefits of individual cereals

That is, we can conclude that, of course, the list of useful properties of instant cereals is not great, but blaming “quick” cereals for an extremely harmful effect is wrong.

The benefits of individual cereals should be disclosed in more detail, because porridges are different. Manufacturers of “quick” cereals learned to turn into buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice cereal. This is not a complete list.

The most popular types of cereals are:


Everyone's favorite buckwheat is truly rich in vitamins and minerals. It positively affects cholesterol and boosts immunity. It should also be noted that buckwheat does not contain gluten, which is important for people with food allergies.


Oatmeal is one of the most healthy cereals. Its croup not only perfectly cleanses the intestines, but also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers blood cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels. No wonder oatmeal is the most popular breakfast.

Rice porrige

Rice cereal is an excellent breakfast, as it gives an energy boost for the whole day. Rice porridge is ideal for people with food allergies, as it is low allergenic. However, do not abuse it for people who have problems with the intestines and constipation.

Millet porridge

Millet is known for its huge list of contents of various beneficial compounds: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 and many healthy vegetable fats. Millet porridge has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and also cleanses the body, removing all toxins and wastes from it. But it should be noted that millet porridge is not nutritious, and it is not worth considering it as a hearty breakfast.

Harm of instant porridge

Despite the invariability of the composition and convenience, instant cereals still have their drawbacks. The main disadvantages of this "dish" are:

• Loss of nutrients due to processing

• High sugar content

• Chemical additives

The main disadvantage, of course, are the consequences of processing. In the process of poultry, grains lose most of the beneficial vitamins and minerals due to the high temperature used to dry the cereal. Only a group of vitamins B and vitamin E do not lend themselves to heat treatment. Obviously, the list is not large and most of the useful properties of grains still lose.

Another problem with instant cereals is the high starch content. Thus, cereals, which seem to give health and lightness, lead to disappointing consequences: obesity, diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. "Quick" cereals adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and metabolism.

Also, producers, in pursuit of savings, can use apples that are processed with special chemical flavors and flavors instead of whole pieces of fruits and berries. In this case, the benefits of individual fruits and berries are lost, and the consumption of chemicals increases.

Choosing a Healthy Instant Porridge

To find the very one - healthy and tasty instant porridge from a huge selection of products, you should, of course, pay attention to its composition.

Often it is crowded with long and unknown names of chemicals. But to look for instant porridge, which does not contain additives at all, is a disastrous thing. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of medicinal herbs, medicinal plants, natural pieces of fruits and berries in the composition of the porridge. Such cereals, as a rule, contain a special icon on the packaging that informs the buyer about the medicinal properties of the porridge. There are instant cereals that are recommended for people with a stomach ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also an important factor in choosing instant porridge is packaging. The safety of a special sealed bag is very important for this type of product, since its damage is fraught with bacteria and infections entering the flakes. Moreover, in case of damage to the packaging, the shelf life of the product is significantly reduced.

It is important to give preference to the recommended manufacturers of instant cereals, who care about their reputation and the quality of the components included in the product.

The most useful representatives of "quick" cereals are those that require cooking for at least 5 minutes. Most often they are crushed grains or large flakes after mechanical processing. It is such cereals that retain as much as possible all the beneficial properties.

Instant cereals, in the modern world and with a frantic pace of life, are just a godsend. Of course, “quick” cereals have some advantages, but you should not abuse them. Such cereals are recommended to be consumed rarely and due to strong need. Instant porridges do not act as a complete replacement for ordinary cooked homemade porridge.


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