Coenzyme q10: health benefits and harms, how to apply. What is the use of coenzyme q10? Is there any harm?


Coenzyme q10 is a powerful natural antioxidant that functions in every cell in the body.

Not enough substances can be obtained from food and various additives. But before filling the deficit, you need to get acquainted with the benefits and harms of coenzyme q10.

The benefits and harms of coenzyme q10 for rejuvenating the body

Human skin is the largest organ. Dermis is always exposed to pathogens. They contribute to its aging. Such agents can be not only external, but also internal. Internal damage cells and cause hormonal disorders. External are ultraviolet rays. Such negative effects cause dryness of the dermis. Layers become thinned.

The use of coenzyme q10 on the skin reduces this bad effect. Increases antioxidant protection. A substance applied to the dermis reduces oxidative damage. The depth of wrinkles also becomes smaller. People with low levels are more likely to progress to skin cancer.

With excessive use of coenzyme, a person may develop a rash or dizziness. Before the procedure, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

With age, a woman's fertility is inhibited. This is directly related to some age-related processes. The quality and quantity of eggs in the ovaries is very much reduced. Coenzyme is actively involved in reproductive processes. Over time, its production becomes slower. This makes the body not so strong when protecting the eggs from the oxidative process.

The use of an additional amount of substance serves to improve the protective functions. This greatly increases the possibility of fertilization. The antioxidant properties of coenzyme improve sperm quality.

Diabetes and heart disease: the benefits and harms of coenzyme q10

Oxidative stress of the body cells contributes to diabetes. Pathological mitochondrial function is directly related to counteraction to insulin. Coenzyme q10 increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors in cells. This helps to lower the resistance.

The body can independently control blood sugar. Its additional use increases the concentration in the blood by three times in diabetics. Coenzyme q10 helps prevent the development of this disease. The decay of fats is stimulated and the accumulation of fat cells is reduced. These cells can cause obesity and diabetes.

Heart failure very often is the result of other cardiovascular ailments. This may be high blood pressure or pathology of the coronary arteries. They lead to a decrease in energy production, inflammation of the arteries and veins.

Heart failure begins to develop when it is a disease that takes on a chronic form. The functioning of the heart is relaxed. The body cannot make the right amount of beats. This becomes the root cause of the conditions characteristic of a small supply of oxygen to organs and tissues.

The benefit of coenzyme q10 is that medications help to establish the production of the required level of energy. It helps to reduce oxidative damage and improve heart function. This will greatly reduce the symptoms and risks associated with heart failure.

Sources of coenzyme q10

It is possible to extract coenzyme by using special additives. But it is also possible to maintain a proper diet. It is possible to obtain the right amount of coenzyme from the food consumed. The effectiveness of absorption when eating food and medicines is the same.

Products rich in coenzyme:

· Offal: liver, kidney and heart;

Oranges and strawberries;

Peanuts and lentils

Soybean oil;

· Pistachios and sesame seeds;

· Herring, trout, sardine;

Chicken, beef and pork.

Instructions for use of coenzyme q10: benefits and harms

In order to benefit only after taking coenzyme, you must always follow the instructions for use. The exact schedule of admission can only be selected by a specialist after examining the patient. But there are some general tips.

Absolutely healthy patients who do not expose themselves to heavy loads should use 200-300 mg every day for 21 days.

After this period, switch to 100 mg.


1. Absolutely healthy people who are moderate in fitness should take 200-300 mg daily and do not lower the dosage in the future.

2. For arrhythmias and hypertension, 200 mg is recommended.

3. In case of heart failure, the dosage varies from 300 to 600 mg, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

4. The daily dosage should be divided into 2-3 uses per day. Thanks to this, a high concentration of the active substance in the blood can be achieved.

Coenzyme can alleviate the patient’s condition even with such a terrible disease as Parkinson’s. In this case, you need to take 1500 mg per day. Coenzyme medications are needed to prevent ailments like Alzheimer's.

Since up to the age of 25, a healthy person produces coenzyme in the right amount, there is no need to consume it additionally. Young people should take it in small quantities. The daily dose is only 10-15 mg. When taking drugs that lower blood sugar, you need to remember that the effect of coenzyme is reduced.

Take coenzyme is necessary:

1. With frequent stress. Useful for students at the time of the sessions.

2. People who prefer hard physical labor. Coenzyme in this case will be consumed very quickly. Regular replenishment is required.

3. At the time of any illness, even the most common colds.

4. Individuals with hypertension and cardiac problems. To maintain the functioning of the heart, an increased level of coenzyme is necessary.

5. Patients with reduced immunity. It has a good effect on patients with AIDS and HIV.

6. In the case of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.

7. Women are much more in need of coenzyme than men.

8. Patients after 40 years. Their substance is produced in small quantities, which is not enough for the normal functioning of all organs. Together with food, it is extremely difficult to fill its deficit.

9. Before complex operations, coenzyme should be additionally taken. In this case, they will not be tolerated much easier. Postoperative recovery will be more rapid.

Harm Coenzyme q10

According to experts and according to the reviews of patients taking the substance, it is tolerated very well and does not provoke any negative effects. But despite this, taking coenzyme q10 must be strictly according to the instructions. There are a number of contraindications that must be considered:

1. Since coenzyme q10 affects the functioning of statins, patients taking medications can start taking the substance only after prior consultation with a specialist.

2. The enzyme lowers a little blood sugar. For this reason, diabetics who take the necessary medications should first consult a doctor. Masterful reception can provoke undesirable consequences.

3. Nursing women and pregnant women should refrain from the use of coenzyme q10. Its effects on the fetus and breast milk have not been studied.

There were cases of coenzyme intake in the second half of pregnancy and in the lactation period. No harm was done to the baby, but there was no more research. For this reason, during these periods it is necessary to use coenzyme with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the appearance of undesirable reactions can be provoked.

Uncontrolled use of coenzyme can provoke such third-party reactions:


Digestive disorders;

· sleep disturbance;

Dizziness and headaches.

If, when using the daily norm, such effects are still observed, then this daily norm should be divided into two or three doses.


Watch the video: CoQ10 - WARNING:5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Bottle (June 2024).