Braised cabbage: health benefits and harms. What does science say about stewed cabbage, what benefits does the vegetable bring to the body?


Cabbage - a large leafy vegetable of the family of cruciferous (cabbage) plants Brassicaoleracea, which has a round or oval shape and consists of layers of leaves. Representatives of this group of vegetables include broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Beijing, Savoy cabbage, etc. One of the most delicious and popular dishes prepared from this vegetable is stewed cabbage, which goes well with other products.

Cabbage - a famous vegetable

Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetables in the world, which still remains a staple food. Even in ancient Rome, it was called "healing food" because of the high composition of nutrients. Cabbage was first grown in Europe in 1100 BC. e.

There are hundreds of varieties of cabbage in the world, but the color of the leaves is the most common way of dividing this vegetable into types: green and red. Some varieties of light green cabbage are called "white cabbage."

Since ancient times, people have eaten both raw and cooked cabbage. There are different ways of cooking this vegetable - steamed, boiled, stewed, fried, stuffed, etc. For stewing, they usually use traditional green ("white") cabbage.

Braised Cabbage Nutrients

Stewed cabbage is considered a healthy food and is famous for its nutrients. This cruciferous vegetable, even when cooked, has a high content of vitamins A, B, C, K, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, and folic acid. It is also a rare source of phytonutrients that act as powerful antioxidants. The total antioxidant activity of cabbage is largely due to the content of phenol and polyphenol. Cabbage is also unique in that it is rich in glucosinolates. These nutrients are converted by the body into isothiocyanates, which have detoxification and anti-cancer properties.

Benefits of Antioxidants in Braised Cabbage

Cabbage is extremely rich in vitamin C. It contains more of this substance necessary for the body than in oranges, the leaders in this regard. Vitamin C, as the best antioxidant, destroys free radicals in the body that cause premature aging. Therefore, the antioxidants that are present in stewed cabbage protect the body, maintain good health and keep the skin youthful.

Braised cabbage contains about 20 flavonoids and 15 phenols, which exhibit an antioxidant effect. This impressive list of antioxidant phytonutrients is one of the main reasons that consuming this dish reduces the risk of various diseases. In addition, stewed cabbage contains a significant amount of antioxidant polyphenols - nutrients that provide anti-inflammatory properties.

Help Braised Cabbage Slimming

Braised cabbage is often recommended to be included in the diet of people who seek to lose weight. This product is considered a diet food, because with a high content of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, it is a low-calorie product in which there is practically no fat. 100 g of stewed cabbage accounts for only 20 calories, 5 g of carbohydrates (including about 3 grams of fiber and 2 g of sugar), 1 g of protein.

The consumption of 100 g of stewed cabbage provides 30-35% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. The portion also provides: 81.5 μg of vitamin K, 11 mg of magnesium, 22 μg of folate. It also includes vitamin B, potassium, calcium.

Health Benefits of Braised Cabbage

Some stewed cabbage lovers do not even imagine what great health benefits this dish brings. The factors of a successful effect on the body of this food include:

- reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Polyphenols in stewed cabbage reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, preventing a decrease in blood pressure and platelet accumulation. Potassium dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation, and cellulose prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and helps maintain heart health;

- improvement of the digestive system. Braised cabbage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and digestive tract as a whole. Due to the high concentration of vitamin C and sulfur, it is a good detoxifier: it purifies the blood and removes harmful toxins, especially free radicals and uric acid, which cause rheumatism, gout, arthritis, the formation of kidney stones, skin diseases, eczema. Water and fiber provide the correct regulation of Helicobacterpylori bacteria in the stomach and improve digestion. Therefore, the consumption of cabbage helps to lose weight;

- reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Stewed cabbage is one of the best sources of vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, which are necessary for bone health, reducing the risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This dish helps in preventing the development of osteoporosis - a disease in which bones become fragile and undergo fractures;

- strengthening the immune system. Cabbage food contains a large amount of beta-carotene (an oxidizing agent that turns into vitamin A), which is necessary to strengthen immunity, including the elimination of bacteria and viruses. The beta-carotene present in cabbage improves vision. Cabbage, saturated with iodine, also helps in the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system along with maintaining the glands of the endocrine system in a healthy state. Braised cabbage is good for the brain to help treat depression, nervous disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's disease;

- cancer prevention. Phytonutrients glucosinolates (sulforaphane, sinigrin, glucobrassicin, etc.) are accumulated in the tissues of cabbage - organic substances from sulfur that perform an anticarcinogenic function. In the body, glucosinolates are converted to isothiocyanates, which have anti-inflammatory, detoxifying properties and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

This is not all the health benefits of stewed cabbage, but only the main effects of the positive effect of this food on the body.

Harm from consuming stewed cabbage

Cabbage, valuable health benefits, in case of excessive consumption can also harm the body. The negative effects that can be caused by eating an excessive amount of stewed cabbage (more than 300-400 g per day) include:

diarrhea. Braised cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which speeds up the processes in the digestive tract. Therefore, the use of this product in excess can lead to indigestion and symptoms of diarrhea;

- hypothyroidism. Excessive consumption of stewed cabbage can affect the thyroid gland's ability to absorb iodine, which is used to produce thyroid hormone. This is because the vegetable contains in abundance substances containing sulfur and nitrogen - glucosinolates. Chemical reactions with these substances can interfere with the production of thyroid hormone or cause the release of a specific ion, which interferes with the body’s ability to absorb iodine. Processes that limit the amount of iodine cause the development of hypothyroidism. However, such a consequence is rare;

- incompatibility with drugs. Braised cabbage is characterized by a large amount of vitamin K, which is involved in blood coagulation. However, taking excessive amounts of this food may interfere with the action of drugs designed to thin the blood. But even a double portion of the dish provides vitamin K, without causing a negative effect and without causing harm. The daily recommended intake of vitamin K is 90 mcg for women and 120 mcg for men.

The harm of stewed cabbage is not limited to these effects, but in most cases, side effects are associated with excessive consumption of this food.

Preservation of beneficial properties in stewed cabbage

Cooking cabbage has little effect on the content of nutrients in it, especially if it is not cooked for long. However, with prolonged cooking, it loses some of its useful qualities, since heat destroys chemicals that give healing properties and a special taste. Therefore, in order to maximize the health benefits of stewed cabbage, it is advisable to cook it until it becomes soft, preserving the color and aroma.

Thus, stewed cabbage, being a popular dish in many countries of the world, reduces the risk of a number of diseases and brings great health benefits. Harmful stewed cabbage can occur as a result of excessive consumption, however, when taking a moderate amount of this food, side effects, as a rule, do not appear.
