Warning, TOP 10 are the most dangerous dogs. Which breed of dog should be feared more than all the rest?


It is traditionally believed that a dog is a friend of a person, but it is also known that under certain conditions it can become its enemy. There are more than 400 breeds in the world, among which there are angry and aggressive dogs.

The most dangerous of them came to the attention of American scientists. They conducted a study in which they identified the 10 most dangerous dogs. The main criterion was a statistical study of cases in which a dog killed a person.

Most breeds from the list of the most dangerous dogs are large and strong dogs.

Often they do not have a pronounced aggressive character, but in the absence of proper treatment they can be dangerous precisely because of their size and strength.

10. Saint Bernard

This friendly breed was originally intended to save people, not harm them. Dogs participated in rescue operations in the mountains after avalanches. Thanks to the exceptional scent of the St. Bernards, it was possible to find people under a layer of snow up to 5 meters thick.

Saint Bernards are calm, loyal and obedient in nature. But the reality is that over 20 years of research, when the St. Bernards were the most popular, there were dozens of attacks on people, 7 of them fatal to humans. The fact is that St. Bernard is one of the largest dogs in the world, at the withers they reach 70 cm. And they are very devoted to their owners and always stand guard over their safety. It is easy to guess what will happen to a person if such a giant attacks him. The causes of aggression are called two: protection of the owners from danger and inappropriate conditions of detention, which lead to depression and impaired behavior.

9. Great Dane

Representatives of this breed are real giants of the canine world. The Great Dane from Michigan, nicknamed Zeus, holds a height record of 112 cm at the withers and 220 cm in height, standing on its hind legs, while another dog managed to move a record high weight - 3430 kg. This combination makes this dog dangerous to humans.

Despite the fact that today the Great Dane is considered a domestic dog with a calm disposition, still it is originally a hunting dog, and hunting instincts can make themselves felt. Dogs rarely show aggression, but gaps in the upbringing and training of such a dog can have sad consequences. This is evidenced by the figures: on the account of the Great Dane, there were 7 deaths only during the study by American scientists.

8. Chow Chow

A common phrase applies to this dog: appearance is deceiving. This fluffy ball of wool is not at all so fluffy in nature. Chow-chow is classified as the oldest dog breed in the world. Studies of the dog’s DNA showed that its closest relative is a wolf. Only this fact already makes her one of the most aggressive dogs in the world. Eight people were killed by this dog during the study.

Bred to protect livestock and ride in Chow Chow teams, they are very active in everyday life. The lack of great physical exertion contributes to the accumulation of energy, which can splash out in the form of aggression. In addition, these dogs are very loyal to their owners. They lend themselves well to training, but will only obey their own. Do not approach her on the street and demand the execution of commands. In addition, you need to be attentive to Chow Chow if a child appears in the family. A new family member can cause dog jealousy and a new surge of aggression.

7. Doberman.

This breed is known as a bodyguard dog; it is often used by police to capture criminals. As a service dog, a Doberman is very dangerous. He has a high speed of movement and a special manner of attack: he does not stick to the victim, like other dogs, but works in short swoops, knocking down and biting his limbs so that the criminal could not hide.

Despite the danger, Dobermans are suitable as a pet. It is only necessary to keep in mind some features of her character. Dobermans are distinguished by blind loyalty to the owner, and in combination with their suspiciousness, they can attack even in the case of a "comic" danger to their loved ones. Leaving children with Doberman should be done with caution only if they are 100% sure. Do not forget that, according to American scientists, over 25 people have died from Doberman paws and teeth over 20 years.

6. Alaskan Malamute.

The name of this breed of dogs speaks for itself: it comes from Alaska, designates its main activity - to carry people and heavy loads in a harness. The main character traits are pride and stubbornness. They are difficult to train, in inept hands turn into uncontrollable, and therefore dangerous, dogs.

Malamutes get along well with people, but require respect and attention. Neglect and ill-treatment provoke a corresponding aggressive reaction in them. It must be remembered that this breed appeared as a result of crossbreeding sled dogs and wild wolves, on the account of the Siberian Malamute 26 fatalities according to scientists over a 20-year period.

5. German shepherd.

This breed is known as one of the most intelligent and loyal. Most often, German shepherds can be seen serving in the authorities, and in different roles: to apprehend a criminal, patrol the territory, search for prohibited substances, etc.

A well-trained German shepherd will never cause unpleasant incidents. Most often this happens due to a person’s fault. The German Shepherd is one of the most controlled dogs: she unquestioningly carries out commands - this is both a plus and minus breed. In itself, it is not dangerous, but a person can use it with malicious intent. Also in service are cases of "abuse of authority" when the dog does not calculate the balance of its forces and the forces of the enemy and causes severe harm to human health. According to American scientists, 29 people were killed and more than 100 were seriously injured and injured due to the fault of German Shepherds.

4. Siberian Husky.

This representative of sled dogs and a descendant of wolves was bred by the Chukchi tribe many centuries ago. Due to their specialization - transporting people in sledges - they are not only well adapted for communicating with a person, but they themselves also need society. Huskies require a lot of attention and time, especially with regard to training. They do not tolerate neglect, so a person can lose the trust of a dog, and negligence in training will make a dangerous beast out of a husky.

Today this breed is gaining more and more popularity among the townspeople, in connection with which problems arise. The inability to provide sufficient activity leads to the fact that the dog, accustomed to heavy loads, spills his energy on the person and his property. The pogrom at home is the least it can do.

3. Wolfhound.

Wolfhound, or Wolfhound, as the name implies, is a hybrid of a wolf and a dog. This dog is used in security agencies, as well as in medicine. Exceptional scent allows you to capture not only the smells of various substances, but also to determine the presence of oncological diseases in humans.

This breed is officially banned for sale due to the high degree of danger. Wolfhound can be trained, but in certain situations, wolf instinct can prevail. Needless to say, such a dog cannot live at home. First of all, other domestic animals and small children suffer, which the wolf-dog can perceive as prey.

2. Rottweiler.

No wonder the Rottweiler is one of the most aggressive dogs in the world. It is believed that the Thorotweilers appeared in Ancient Rome, where they participated in gladiatorial battles among animals, and they were also taken into battles to attack enemies.

Today they found another application. This is a great guard dog with a great sense of "their" territory. If you want to find a reliable guard for your home, then the Rottweiler is the most evil dog for this purpose. As a pet, she does not quite fit. Attachment to the owners makes it aggressive towards outsiders, and strong jaws and a muscular body can cause significant damage to human health. In the United States alone, approximately 2 people die each year from a Rottweiler attack.

1. Pit bull.

The first place among the most dangerous dogs, of course, is pit bull. Their reputation is such that they are also called killer dogs. The number of people who died from the jaws of this animal in more than 20 years exceeded 150, and seriously injured many times more. Pit bull is banned in many European countries, and in many other countries there are serious restrictions on the breeding, keeping and transportation of these dogs.

The reason for such an incredulous attitude to pit bulls, besides the statistics of attacks, is their origin. Initially, this breed was bred for bullying large animals such as bears, bulls, etc., then it began to be used in dog fights, where it was second to none. This breed is small in size, but well-developed muscles and powerful jaws, together with an aggressive character, make it deadly.

One gets the impression that aggression is inherent in them at the level of genotype, but professionals say that this is not so. In their opinion, a pit bull is far from the most evil dog. It is an unfair attitude, human cruelty that makes her so aggressive.


Watch the video: Scientists Confirm Dogs Can Recognize a Bad Person (June 2024).