The best varieties of red and yellow cherry tomatoes for different regions of the country: with photo and description. Low and tall cherry tomatoes - the best varieties


Small-fruited cherry tomatoes have gained popularity due to their taste and small size. They are used to preserve and decorate dishes. Breeders have bred many varieties of this vegetable with different fruit colors, which take root well both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Popular varieties of red cherry tomatoes: a selection of the best varieties for preservation and growing tips

Sweet cherry tomatoes are used in cooking not only for fresh consumption, but also for preservation. Not all varieties of this vegetable are suitable for salting. Preference should be given to the sweetest varieties with dense skin, which are most resistant to cracking in banks. Among them, one can single out how much are the best:

• "Myo";

• "Elf";

• "Cherry Blossam";

• "Margol".

Grade "Mio" considered an early ripe hybrid. It is grown mainly in sheltered soil, but in the southern regions, planting in open ground is allowed. Bushes are hardy, tolerate insignificant cooling, well-yielding. Tomatoes are rounded, saturated red, sugary, on branches formed by clusters. Tomatoes weigh about 35 g, which is quite a lot for cherry varieties. Hybrid "Mio" is suitable for conservation, the skin is dense, does not crack.

Tall hybrid "Elf" It is considered the most productive, however, to achieve the maximum number of fruits, regular feeding will be required. Bushes grow up to 2 m, require support and pinching.

Beautiful oval tomatoes with red pulp, juicy and sweet. The peel does not crack from the weather and during conservation. Harvest is well transported. Vegetables are small, the average weight of tomatoes is not more than 15 grams.

Tomatoes are no less good for conservation varieties "Cherry Blossam". This is a mid-season variety; it takes more than 115 days to ripen the crop. In the middle lane it is grown in greenhouses and film shelters, in the southern regions they are planted directly in open ground. The culture is characterized by extended fruiting, the crop is harvested until the frost.

Bushes are tall, their height reaches three meters. To achieve a large crop, experienced gardeners recommend forming tomatoes of this variety in three stems. Yields are above average, up to 8 kg of fruits are harvested from the bush.

Fruits are formed by brushes similar to grapes. On one brush grows up to 15 finger-shaped tomatoes. Dense tomatoes with sugary pulp, crispy, practically without seeds. The color of the fruit is saturated red.

Good reviews received tomato varieties "Margol". This is an early ripe tall cherry hybrid, which is grown mainly on a support. Bushes are powerful, require garter and pinching. Gardeners recommend forming this variety in one stem in order to collect the maximum yield.

Fruits of the correct rounded shape, red color, with good taste. The average weight of tomatoes is up to 25 gr.

Yellow cherry tomatoes: the best yield varieties with description and photo

No less popular tomatoes are yellow, honey and orange. They differ not only in the color of the fruits, but also in their taste. There are several most popular varieties of yellow tomatoes:

• "Caramel yellow";

• "Date yellow";

• "White Muscat."

Variety "Caramel yellow" early ripe, among tall tomatoes it is famous for moderate branching and high productivity. The bushes form into one stem, their average height reaches two meters. Stretched fruiting, tomatoes continue to pluck until the frost. Average yield up to 4 kg per bush.

Tomatoes of medium size, not more than 25-30 grams, plum-shaped, honey-yellow color. The skin is dense, does not crack. The pulp is sweet, not watery, but contains a lot of seeds.

A variety of Russian selection, it is grown in any region of the country mainly in greenhouses and hotbeds. The crop is well stored and transported, suitable for fresh consumption and whole-canning.

Variety of Russian selection "Date Yellow" It is famous for its unusual fruity taste of fruits and a bright orange-yellow color. Bushes of medium size, hardy, suitable for greenhouse cultivation and open ground. The variety is medium late, the crop begins to ripen by the end of June. The variety tolerates small frosts and temperature fluctuations, is resistant to diseases and pests, and the yield is stable.

Oval tomatoes with dense yellow flesh. The taste is dessert, fruity. Universal variety, suitable for baby food.

A variety of tomato is no less popular among summer residents Cherry White Muscat. This is a mid-season hybrid that resists major diseases and pests well. In the north of the country they grow it in greenhouses, in other areas it is allowed to plant in open ground.

Bushes are tall, reach two meters. Fruits ripen for more than 100 days. Pear-shaped tomatoes, beautiful yellow in color, pleasant to the taste, not watery. Tomatoes weigh more than 35 gr.

Cherry tomatoes for the open ground of the southern strip: the best low-growing varieties

For undersized cherry tomatoes of nature, an early return of the crop. Bushes of medium size, suitable for growing in open ground. There are varieties for indoor breeding. The following are considered the most fruitful and delicious:

• "Cranberries in sugar";

• "Coin";

• "Button".

Cranberry Sugar Variety grown everywhere. This is an early hybrid, which begins to bear fruit on 70-75 days. Bushes are high-yielding, from one square they collect up to three kg of fruits. Tomatoes of the correct roundish form, red color, weigh no more than 12-15 gr. The taste of tomatoes is good, with some acidity. The variety is resistant to diseases, does not need pinching and garter.

Undersized Tomatoes "Coin" They are highly resistant to late blight and other diseases. The variety is ripe with small fruits, the weight of which does not exceed 10-12 g. Tomatoes of beautiful yellow color, pleasant sweet taste, are more suitable for fresh consumption.

Fans of exotic indoor plants should pay attention to Cherry Button. The variety forms low bushes, the shoots of which do not need pinching and additional care. Productivity good ripening fruit friendly. Plum tomatoes, red, average weight 20-30 gr. The pulp is tasty, aromatic, characteristic of ordinary varieties of tomatoes. The variety is suitable for all types of processing and baby food.

The best tall cherry tomatoes for greenhouses: the toughest varieties and hybrids

Tall tomatoes are more suitable for greenhouse cultivation. Such varieties give a greater yield than undersized. Among them, the following varieties can be noted:

• "Madeira";

• "Marishka";

• The Golden Bead.

Variety "Madeira" differs in early ripening of fruits, bears fruit together to the very frosts. Tomatoes are small, rounded, bright red, taste sweet. Bushes are resistant to fungal diseases. A variety is formed in one or two stems.

Tomato "Marishka" differs in resistance to viral diseases. Variety of universal use, ripens early. Tomatoes of the correct round shape, red, sweet, reach 25-30 gr. Form bushes in two to three stems.

No less hardy and resistant to various diseases tomato "Golden bead". This is an early hybrid with small yellow fruits. Tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption and processing, weigh no more than 15 grams. To taste sugar, not watery, the skin is dense.


Watch the video: High Yield Tomato Plants: 50-80 lbs per Plant (June 2024).