What a child needs in his first year of life: a list of necessary things. What you can do without, making a shopping list for a newborn


Modern checklists of purchases of parents awaiting the appearance of the baby do not always include basic necessities. Often, in trembling excitement, future mothers and fathers forget about the necessary things, shifting the emphasis to objects that can easily be dispensed with.

What does the baby need in the first 2 months of life

During the first two months, your baby is mostly at home. The duration and number of walks will depend on the time of year at which the baby will appear. Therefore, it is important to prepare in advance for the appearance of the child, without delaying important purchases at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital. Fortunately, the list of essentials is not long.

Children's furniture and accessories

1. Car seat to transport the baby from the hospital. It is worth noting that from many maternity hospitals mother and baby may not be prescribed if the necessary conditions for safe transportation are not provided.

2. Stroller The choice of model will depend on the specific needs of the mother: whether you need a place to store purchases made during walks, whether each day you have to raise and lower the stroller up the stairs. Choosing the right stroller will make parenting a lot easier.

3. Crib for baby. To approach the choice of cribs is with particular care. This piece of furniture will ensure the safety of your child for several years, so you should not save on it. It is important that the bed is made of natural materials. A pleasant addition will be the presence of a pendulum mechanism that facilitates the baby's motion sickness.

4. Mattress in the crib. It should be tough, pay attention to it. Preference should be given to a mattress filled with natural materials. This will help to avoid an allergic reaction.

5. Cocoon in a cribThe large crib will seem cold and uncomfortable to the newborn baby. To solve this problem, many parents buy a special cocoon that provides the child with a comfortable stay in bed. For the same purposes, you can use a special pillow for pregnant women, which future mothers buy to ensure their comfort during sleep.

6. Linens. Trying to provide the child with everything necessary, parents often think about purchasing sets of baby bedding. Do not rush into this. The kits include items, many of which are not used by newborn mothers: pillowcases, fluffy blankets, sides. Thick blankets can easily cause a baby to overheat. Pillows, and therefore pillowcases, are not recommended by pediatricians for use up to 3 years. Beads are not needed for newborn babies. On the contrary, doctors regularly remind that there should not be objects in the beds of newborns that can lead to asphyxiation of the child. Instead of ready-made sets, it is better to purchase or sew several diapers on your own, which you can use instead of sheets.

7. A blanket. It should correspond to the season, be made of natural breathable materials, be commensurate with the size of the crib.

8. Changing table or a regular chest of drawers with a changing pad. The latter option is more practical. It will last much longer than a changing table. Following current WHO guidelines, children are swaddled for up to 2 months. To get rid of the lining on the chest of drawers, in this case, is much easier and faster than from a whole changing table.


The child of the first year of life grows very quickly. It is worth remembering this when choosing clothes for crumbs. Buying the necessary wardrobe items is not difficult. 3-5 items of each item - the minimum required at the time the child arrives home from the maternity hospital.

1. Hats and caps (depending on the season);

2. Overalls. It is better if they have buttons or zippers along the entire length of each leg. Button options are not so convenient - fasten for a long time. Models with clasps with only one leg, or with a clasp ending in the pelvic area are not convenient to use.

3. Body. Short or long sleeves - great for making a set with sliders and panties. Unlike vests and blouses, they do not bully and do not interfere with the baby.

4. Mittens - Scratches.

5. Sliders and panties. It is convenient when the bottom of the pants is decorated with cuffs.

6. Socks.

7. Set of clothes for walkingappropriate to the season. In winter, it is convenient to use a warm envelope - a transformer, which, as the crumbs grow, easily turns into a cozy warm jumpsuit.

First-aid kit for baby

1. Disposable diapers. It is not recommended to buy large packs of disposable diapers for babies at once. Some of their types may not suit the baby, cause skin irritation or allergies. In this case, you should pay attention to diapers of other brands.

2. Digital thermometer. A non-contact temperature measurement method is preferred.

3. Wet wipes. The natural composition of the impregnation and the quality of the base material of the napkin are the main indicators of quality.

4. Hydrogen peroxide.

5. Brilliant Green Solution or other skin-drying and disinfecting preparation (for treating the umbilical wound).

6. Sterile Cotton Swabssterile cotton wool and sterile bandage.

7. Cream "Bepanten" or another wound healing cream for diapers.

8. Aspirator. (A device for removing mucus from the baby's nasal passages).

9. Baby oil or lotion.

10. Baby soap or a special gel for washing babies.

11. Soft bristle comb or a soft toothbrush. Necessary for combing the baby and gently removing seborrheic crusts.

12. Baby manicure scissors.

Feeding baby

Regardless of whether the baby is breastfed after birth, artificial or mixed, he will need bottles. With artificial feeding - 3-4 pcs., With natural - 2. There are cases when a mother needs to leave the house for a short time. Here at such moments and come to the rescue bottles, of which it is easy to feed the baby with expressed breast milk.

A little later, assessing the amount of breast milk and the frequency with which a young mother needs to leave home, you can think about acquiring bags for freezing and storing breast milk.

Nipples are dummies. This accessory is not necessary for everyone. But if you decide to use dummies, then you need to have a couple of pieces always at hand. Toddlers are very picky about choosing a nipple. You may have to try several of their varieties before the child stops his choice on a particular model.

Bathing a newborn

Bathing the baby is in a separate a bathwithout using the family bath for safety reasons. For the comfort of the child during the procedure, there are many overlays for children's baths. They help parents maintain the body of the crumbs, removing the load from the back and hands. Daily bathing is easier and more fun for both a small person and an adult.

What is needed for a child aged 2 to 6 months

At this age, the kids are already more mobile. They learn to hold their heads, roll from back to barrel and back, to sit down. They already recognize their parents and close relatives. Turn your head towards the sound of sounds. They smile and actively gesticulate.

The child is constantly growing, which means it's time to change the wardrobe. The little man needs more freedom in movement, which means that clothes should correspond to this need. Preference should still be given to models made from natural fabrics. The seams of underwear should be external so as not to damage the delicate skin of the peanut. The number and styles of clothing are individual for each baby.

From two months, the baby can be given small, meeting the standards of quality and safety, small toys - rattles. The child will try to follow her eyes, shift from hand to hand. All of these activities contribute to the development of cognitive skills. Above the crib can be fixed music module. Children can long admire the smooth movement of the figures fixed on it.

From three months the baby can be almost continuously an hour in highchair. Of course, provided that the stool is equipped with a mechanism to bring it into a horizontal position. This will greatly facilitate the life of a newly minted mother. The child will become more mobile. The stool can be placed in the kitchen and calmly do household chores without leaving your beloved child unattended.

What is needed for a child aged 6 to 12 months

When the baby reaches six months of age, it makes sense to think about acquiring developing rugs. They can be sensory, musical. The main thing is that the materials from which they are made are completely safe for the child. Children can be busy learning this toy for a long time. In addition, the mats are mobile and can easily be moved from one room to another.

Every day the baby develops more rapidly. Right now he needs additional ability development stimulants - toys. Their selection is huge. Here the flight of imagination of parents is limited only by the budget. The main thing is that the toys have safety certificates and, of course, the child liked.

Most of the children in the interval from 6 to 12 months learn to crawl, get up, walk with support and on their own. So it's time to make a choice shoes for crumbs. The first shoes should ideally fit in size, have an orthopedic block, be light and durable. No need to buy several pairs of shoes at once. The kid continues to grow rapidly, soon the size of the shoes will change.

Of course, shopping for the baby is a pleasant chore for parents. But do not lose your head in stores for children. Make your list of necessary acquisitions and follow it so that the euphoria from the expectation of the baby does not manage to globally affect the state of the family budget. Remember, the main thing that a child needs is warmth, affection and love of parents. And this is impossible to buy.


Watch the video: How to Prepare For a Baby: Newborn Baby Essentials (June 2024).