The best official and folk remedies for cough. What will relieve cough quickly and for a long time?


Unfortunately, every person sooner or later faces colds, including coughing. To get rid of it, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy, since there are many ways to treat this unpleasant symptom with folk remedies. Moreover, they are harmless to the body. But if subsequently such treatment does not improve, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment with traditional means.

Cough Medicine: Which one to choose

Coughing may be the result of a serious illness, which is worth paying attention to and starting a fight against it. But for this you need to find out whether a dry or wet cough is present. An improperly selected medicine can not only not bring the desired effect, but also exacerbate the situation. Next, consider the best cough remedies offered by pharmacies.


Very effective in the fight against wet cough is ACC. It will help thin the sputum, both mucopurulent and purulent. In addition, the ACC has an anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect.

The form of the medicine can be granulated with a pleasant orange flavor, as well as in effervescent tablets. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women, and nursing mothers should use it with caution.


Effective in the fight against cough are drops from the cough of the Synecodswisz manufacturer. Its advantage over analogues is the lack of sugar in the composition, which allows the use of the medicine for children with diabetes and obesity. It is possible to treat cough with the help of synecod in children, starting from 2 months. It is used for the following diseases of the respiratory tract:

• flu;

• pharyngitis;

• laryngitis;

• bronchitis;

• whooping cough.

It is capable of quickly blocking a cough thanks to butamirate - the main substance that can directly affect the cough center. Therefore, it can be considered one of the best cough suppressants.

Popular ways to combat cough at home

Many articles have been written on the topic of thinking about what came first: an egg or a chicken. But you will not find anywhere, cough or medicine appeared first.

The answer is on the surface: a cough found a person with a weakened system and did not wait for methods to get rid of him. In fact, Hippocrates also wrote about dry cough in children as an unpleasant phenomenon.

Treat bitter radish cough

The bitter radish, popularly called "black", will help to achieve the fastest effect in the treatment of cough. To do this, you need to take a radish not young, but reached a large size. In this case, the root crop is already saturated with vitamins and minerals that will help the rapid removal of sputum from the body.

To prepare the medicine, they take a radish, cut off the lower part, in its place make a recess in which honey is poured or sugar is poured. The hole can be covered with a cut part of the radish and wait until it is filled with healing juice. For the allocation of 30 grams, 6 hours is enough.

An adult will need 100 grams of this juice for one use, so at the same time it is better to prepare several pieces of radish so that the right amount of juice has time to stand out 3 times a day.

Interesting! In the Ancient Greeks, black radish was considered a panacea for many diseases, so they brought it several varieties. Before each meal, the Greek had to use radish juice or its pulp in order to prevent various diseases.

Homemade elixir made from milk, garlic and onions

To prepare the best cough remedy, you need to take garlic, onions and milk. In a glass of milk, add chopped onion and garlic, put on low heat, cook for 40 minutes. After that, add a tablespoon of honey to the hot "broth", mix. Elixir is ready.

The tool will bring the expected result in the evening, if you take it every hour throughout the day. Sore throat will decrease, and cough will soften.

Aloe medicine

Recipe 1. To prepare a medicine from this plant, squeeze the juice and mix it in equal proportions with honey and butter. It should be taken three times a day for 2 teaspoons for a week, then after a three-day break, the course should be repeated.

Recipe 2. Aloe leaves (200 g) should be finely chopped, add 1 kg of honey, 200 g of olive oil, 150 g of birch buds and 50 g of linden flowers. Pour 500 ml of water in the last two ingredients, boil for a couple of minutes and strain. Add the finished broth to the remaining ingredients and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Take the medicine 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

Viburnum with honey (suitable for the treatment of cough in children)

Kalina is noted for the presence of ascorbic acid in its composition, the amount of which is so large in these fruits that it is difficult to compare even citrus with it. Her taste is also very pleasant, especially if honey is added to it.

The following medicine from honey and fruits of viburnum can be given for the purpose of treating cough and children. For its preparation, you should take 100 g of berries, which we mix with 200 g of honey. Boil the mixture on low heat for 5 minutes. The medicine is ready to use. The child should be given 5 times a day, one dessert spoon.

Milk with cough honey - an old proven way

The preparation of this tasty and healing medicine is extremely simple, time is short, but very effective. You need 250 ml of milk and a teaspoon of honey. It is good to use such a remedy before bedtime. Good sleep in this case, both for adults and children, is guaranteed.

Treat a cough with a compress

To make a compress, moisten gauze in vodka or alcohol, put it on the chest in the bronchial region, cover with parchment or a warm scarf on top. The compress should be left for half an hour, while the patient should be covered with a blanket.

Compress helps children well, but not always a child can be forced to lie for half an hour with a compress. Alternatively, you can mix alcohol with sunflower oil (1: 2) and rub the breast with such a mixture.


Watch the video: Chronic Cough Treatment for Children - Mindy Ross, MD. UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital (June 2024).