Women who endlessly clever: what is wrong with them?


Cleverness is no different from female coquetry, and, in essence, is one of the strange ways of female interest.

The type of woman who, through omniscience, tries to seem interesting and extraordinary, often manifests itself during the breaking of the traditional foundations of society, during periods when a semantic vacuum is formed in culture.

Perhaps it is the nonsense of the world that contributes to the "female multi-knowing neurosis."

Companion of a waste of time: a woman "who knows everything"

Remember the "emancipated" Mrs. Kukshina from the novel "Fathers and Sons" or the beginning wizard Hermione from the Harry Potter fantasy? One interesting property unites these fictional heroines: uncontrollable omniscience.

Smart girl Hermione (which it would be more correct to call not a "smart girl", but a "girl who is smart"), she understands definitely everything, in addition, she is diligent and diligent, knows the solution to any problem and can find a way out of any situation, while the young sorceress is extremely intolerant of stupidity and laziness of others.

Mistress Kukshina (character of the second half of the 19th century), could not make a single movement, not a single gesture in simplicity. She kept herself cheeky, but at the same time awkward, constantly asked questions about everything, but did not wait for an answer to them, was extremely interested in the fate of the women of Russia, but could not restore order even in her own living room. Avdotya was busy with everything, sprayed in all directions, as a result: she could not figure out her own feelings and personal life.

The heroine of the late 19th century passionately wanted to be in the stream of liberal intelligentsia, and the aspiring sorceress no less passionately wanted to rise on a social elevator and get rid of the stigma of "Mudblood".

Uncontrollable Know-It-All Syndrome

  • At a very young age a quiet and unremarkable girl begins to notice: teachers and parents praise and strongly encourage smart and diligent children. Thanks to good grades, attention can always be paid to parents who are always busy, and "knowledge beyond their years" amaze even indifferent adults.
  • If a girl strengthens her "mental" superiority over other children, then the disease is progressing.
  • At the next stage, the young lady command notes appear: she, at her discretion, begins to manage the time, attention and powers of other people. At this stage, even the most quiet and modest girl becomes an impudent and tactless person who easily intervenes in everything: from the personal life of others to problems of a national scale. Moreover, the case taken can be easily abandoned or damaged without a twinge of conscience.
  • Meeting the rebuff of others, know-it-all becomes irritable, scandalous and almost unbearable in communication. As relations outside worsen, an unshakable inner confidence in one's own rightness grows, and anger, hatred and contempt for people fill the entire space of the soul.
  • In the extreme stages of the disease the desire to shame, humiliate and insist on your point of view on any occasion becomes the idea of ​​fix. Own righteousness is raised to the absolute: a person opposes himself to everything and everything.

Even all the adverse factors that affected the development of personality in childhood, taken together will not be enough for the disease to be unstoppable omniscience if it does not fall on the fertile soil of vanity.

How to recognize in yourself?

  • About such people they say: "On the world, and death is red."In order to pass for being smart, a woman is ready to talk for hours about something in which she does not have deep knowledge or competence. She gives advice and claims to wisdom, which does not possess.
  • Extreme impatience of other people's blunders and ignorance. A woman is not able to calmly and tactfully correct the mistake of another person without expressing discontent or anger.
  • Another's wisdom or competence is disheartening. As well as praise for other people.
  • Even with the slightest hint of one’s own shortcomings or incompetence, the know-it-all mood spoils. The situation can be instantly corrected by praise, even if praised for qualities that are not in sight.

Why the female claim to know-it-all causes internal hostility among accomplished men

Let's get back to Mrs. Kukshina. Still on the way to her house, someone Sitnikov tells bored Bazarov and Kirsanov that Kukshina can’t stand on ceremony at all, but she can easily have breakfast with champagne, arriving in the morning and without warning.

Bazarov’s cold inconsiderate treatment with Kukshina could be attributed to his “nihilism”, but further on the plot we see the same man, but already courteous and even, to some extent, frowning before another heroine of the novel - restrained Odintsova.

Superficial judgments are clearly visible to clever educated men, in whose eyes the know-it-all will at best appear to be a sweet clowness, and at worst - a woman who causes irritation.

Some men, due to the ability to flatter, very masterfully solve their financial and social problems with the help of women of this kind.

There is something to strive for

  • Any small talk is based on an understanding of the situation, time, place, age, status and occupation of those gathered. It requires tact and a special ability to maintain a conversation. A smart person, given the moment, can really prove himself worthy, while a smart person will go into long boring details, give a lecture, start giving inappropriate advice, and turn to personalities. Conclusion: the manifestation of knowledge, skills and abilities should be appropriate.
  • The activity in the lessons at school and the quick reaction to the questions of the teacher, for which the teachers praised and praised so much, is best left for the institution. Real life is not a blitz survey: if you look closely, you can see how high the gold is called “silence”.
  • A well-educated woman does not seek to acquire knowledge in order to humiliate other people with their help. Remember the “smart women” leading popular talk shows that invite guests to the studio for public humiliation: after the person is completely psychologically destroyed, the presenters try to make excuses to the audience that they wanted to “reveal” the invited guest as best as possible.
  • A real woman will never defend her point of view through a dispute, especially with a man. She does not need to convince herself of something or others. She adheres to her position, but does not use it as a tool in the fight against others.
  • A good antidote to conceited cleverness is a moderate sense of humor and self-irony., not turning into indicative self-abasement.

An educated woman, regardless of fashion trends, will not impose or even express her opinion until they ask about him. She necessarily uses her knowledge for creative purposes: to build relationships, smooth out acute situations, and find consensus.


Watch the video: Are Boys Stronger Than Girls? COLOSSAL QUESTIONS (June 2024).