Birthday magic: rituals and rituals for birthday


Birthday is a special day for every person from an esoteric point of view. It is on this day that we have the strongest connection with the higher powers, our guardian angel. Even according to numerology, a person has two life cycles that run parallel to each other: a calendar year cycle and a birthday cycle. On this day, we are completing the old cycle and starting a new one, so it's time to enlist the support of higher forces, charge ourselves with positive energy, and attract good luck.

Only once a year do we have the opportunity to change our lives for the better, to direct them in the right direction.

For this, special rituals and ceremonies are held on the birthday.

Birth and signs

During his birth, the child experiences a whole gamut of sensations, and not the most pleasant ones: fear, suspense, discomfort due to a change in familiar conditions, pain. Children experience this moment as hard as their mother. These sensations are forever stored in our subconscious. That is why often on the eve of a birthday, melancholy can overcome, a feeling of anxiety, hopelessness. This is especially acute if in our life things are not going so smoothly. On our birthday, our energy sector is slightly weakening.

Since ancient times, signs and superstitions related to our birthday have come to us that can protect us:

  • Everyone knows that you can not celebrate a birthday ahead of time. We expose ourselves to the threat of impairment, the evil eye, various troubles can happen.
  • Before your birthday, you need to mentally forgive everyone who offended you. It doesn’t matter if it was done on purpose or by accident. Release the situation, do not transfer the negative into a new life cycle.
  • Try to go to church and light a candle for the health of your foes. So you cleanse yourself, free from bad thoughts.
  • Be sure to ask for forgiveness from all those whom you yourself have offended, with whom you have quarreled. It is not necessary that you be held evil or resentment, this can also negatively affect your energy over the next year.
  • For the same reason, you need to pay all debts, fulfill promises.
  • It is necessary to evaluate your achievements for the entire current year, to draw up a plan for the future. After the birthday begins a new round of the life cycle, it is important to try to live it with benefit. Think about what you want to achieve, what you would like to change in your life, what is missing, what is eating.
  • On the very birthday, do not quarrel with anyone, do not get angry, do not lend, do not condemn and do not spread gossip. In Russia, it was still forbidden to spit on the ground.

All these signs are associated with the purification of energy, preparation for a positive charge for the next life cycle. In addition, on the day of our birth, our energy industry is weaker than on other days, do not endanger yourself.

To make adjustments to fate and enlist the help of higher forces, rituals and ceremonies are performed. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Rite with ribbons and flowers.

This ceremony is quite simple to perform, while it has powerful power. You will need three items: a flower, a ribbon and a church candle. But here it is not so simple.

It is advisable to choose a flower by date of birth and flower horoscope.

If this is not possible, choose one of the bouquets presented to you or just buy in the store - just take the flower to which you have "laid down your soul", which you liked the most. This means that the flower has a close energy to you, it is suitable for the ritual.

We take the tape from any material, but choose the color purposefully, depending on our goal:

  • green ribbon - improvement of material well-being:
  • red - love and marriage:
  • blue color will help to improve health:
  • orange - luck:
  • a dark green ribbon will help protect against enemies and enemies:
  • pink color symbolizes beauty:
  • brown - harmony in the family:
  • yellow color will help you subjugate a person, make sure that he fulfills your desires;
  • black tape is used to get rid of unnecessary or destruction;
  • universal white candle.

To perform the ritual, you need to be alone. At midnight, we shut the windows, turn off all electrical appliances, close the doors. A church candle is lit, placed on the table, next to it we put the selected ribbon and flower.

On the stem of the flower we tie a ribbon in a knot, mentally ask what we need and pronounce special words:

And just continue the sentence, voicing your desire out loud.

Do you want to make a puzzle several times, tie other ribbons and repeat the plot. At the very end, you must say the following:

We put the flower with the ribbons tied on it on the table next to the candle and leave it until the morning.

Then we take the wax remaining from the candle and throw it out of the house, it is better to bury it in the ground at the intersection or throw it into the water.

And we wrap the flower with ribbons in a cloth or scarf, hide it in a secluded place and store it.

On a birthday, you can independently make a protective and helping amulet. Any jewelry or jewelry is suitable for these purposes. There is only one condition - this little thing should be presented to you, bought on your own will not work. Moreover, the giver should have only good intentions, ideally this is the best friend, relative, husband or wife, child, parent. If you are not sure that a person wishes you only the good, do not use his gift.

First of all, the decoration must be cleaned. This is recommended to be done just like that, even without making an amulet.

If you bought or received a decoration as a gift, carry out energy cleaning.

Let's go back to the amulet, at night after the birthday, put the jewelry in a container with consecrated or spring water. Go to a secluded place in the house and light a candle. We choose the color according to our goals, the description of which is above in the description of the rite with ribbons and flowers.

We take the decoration in our hands, look at the flame of a lit candle for a couple of minutes. Then we put the future talisman on the table, put a candle over it and say:

We continue the proposal, voicing our wish, the area in which we need help. If you need something specific, pay attention to the details. To attract general assistance, for example, good luck, health, love, success, you can make a generalized request.

When you finish, say the following:

Thus we charged the jewelry, made it a magic talisman. Now put it on and wear it without taking it off. If it is a pendant or chain - the closer to the body and heart, the better.

Such a magical helper will retain his strength for several years, but it is better to play it safe and charge it for every birthday.

If the jewelry acts as a protective talisman, it can accumulate the negative reflected from you, conduct energy cleaning before charging.

The above are examples of the simplest, most affordable, yet powerful rites of a general nature. Of course, we ask for something specific, only attributes, candle and ribbons are selected according to the goals that can be changed. There are a lot of rituals and rituals conducted for a specific purpose without options and discrepancies, for example: on love, marriage, health, money, career. All actions and conspiracies direct energy to a narrow channel.

However, the rituals that we talked about can provide powerful magical help and protection, if everything was done correctly. Try it and over time you will surely notice how your life is changing for the better. Only you yourself must also take actions to achieve goals, count on your own strengths. The talisman is only an assistant, an amplifier of your energy, it cannot do everything for you.


Watch the video: BIRTHDAY RITUAL :: for GOOD LUCK & MANIFESTING WHAT YOU WISH. Anita Goa (June 2024).