Weight loss: how important is breakfast?


"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," is a popular but unfortunately outdated opinion about healthy eating. According to a new study, the positive effects of morning buns, fruits, and quarks on the body and psyche are much less pronounced than previously thought. The research team proved that there is almost no difference between meals during the day.

Is breakfast not so necessary?

Lack of breakfast was considered by many health experts as serious dietary errors.

The explanation sounds plausible: since the body needs new energy from food during the day, the reserves spent overnight must be restored.

If this does not happen, sooner or later there will be hunger, which will increase the craving for unhealthy food. This point of view is also reflected in the national language: "Have breakfast as an emperor, have lunch as a king, and have dinner as a beggar." But so far it has not been clear how important the first meal is for mental, physical health and performance.

US researchers study the impact of breakfast on more than 300 people

American researchers from the University of Alabama in Birmingham have gained new knowledge. The positive effect of breakfast is much less pronounced than previously thought, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Scientists had a total of 309 subjects aged 20 to 65 years, but focused on people who wanted to lose weight. The participants were divided into different groups, each of which had different habits of breakfast for 4 months.

While some were supposed to have breakfast regularly, others were forbidden to do so. The third group was to stick to their old habits.

Researchers have come to an amazing conclusion. After 16 weeks, there were almost no changes, contrary to the expectations of nutritionists.

A total of 283 of the 309 randomly selected participants completed the intervention. This showed that the prescribed breakfast procedure did not have a significant effect on weight loss.

Breakfast is no more valuable than other dishes

According to the New York Times on its health and well-being blog, researchers at British University have come to similar conclusions. They conducted a study involving 33 volunteers, studying the effect of morning meals on resting metabolic rate.

Again, after 6 weeks with or without breakfast, scientists were not able to detect any differences in values.

Based on the new results, it can be assumed that breakfast in food science has so far been overestimated.

Instead, according to leading nutritionists, breakfast is "just food, like any other."

What really helps?

Capsaicin in spicy spices increases metabolism and energy consumption by about ¼ higher than food without pepper. People who sweat due to spicy foods can burn more fat.

But even those in the cold lose weight faster: brown fat cells become active. They burn body fat and turn them into heat.

Sleep deprivation and dysfunction disable the endocrine system. As a result, too few saturation hormones are released and too much hunger hormones are released.

Fat is an important carrier of taste. Whole milk and dairy products have a better taste than skim. However, the difference in calories is small: in a glass of whole milk, only 20 calories more than in a glass of nonfat.

Milk is one of the best suppliers of calcium. Studies show that eating a lot of calcium with food helps burn fat. Other substances in milk also have a fat burning effect - the amino acid leucine, natural ACE inhibitors and linoleic acid.

A new study found that women who drink a lot of milk have a much thinner waist.

New studies from China and the United States show that people with the highest leucine intake have the lowest weight.

If you consume 3-4 servings of milk and dairy products daily, you can get a sufficient amount of nutrients. There is also a large selection of suitable dairy products for people with lactose intolerance.

Breakfast can be left in the past. A breakfast rich in carbohydrates, fats or proteins will not help you lose weight.


Watch the video: The Best Times to Eat to Lose Weight (June 2024).