Salad from sauerkraut - the best recipes. Cooking salads from sauerkraut correctly.


From time immemorial sauerkraut has been, is and, of course, will be a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Cabbage, cooked in this way (fermented) is considered to be harvesting, but universal, as it is added to salads, in the second and first courses. At this, the versatility of cabbage does not end there:

- firstly, it is an ingredient with a pronounced taste, used all year round, and not at certain times of the year;

- secondly, sauerkraut is “friendly” with all vegetables, greens, mushrooms, cheese, herring, meat, honey, and even with many fruits, nuts and berries;

- thirdly, sauerkraut is a useful product containing mineral salts, vitamin C, lactic acids;

- Fourthly, salads are filled with only healthy dressings - sunflower, olive, sesame, nut and other vegetable oils.

Salads in which sauerkraut is present can be so varied that including them in the daily menu, you will not get tired of this wonderful product.

Recipe 1. Salad "Spring" of sauerkraut

With the onset of spring, warm salads and high-calorie salads, seasoned with mayonnaise, fade into the background. Our body is weak and requires vitamins that can be obtained from vegetables, and fresh greens. This spring salad is a vitamin, non-nutritious, vegetarian food.

Ingredients Required:

- sauerkraut - 400 grams;

- parsley, dill, celery - 100 grams of each greenery;

- carrots - 400 grams;

- feather (greens) onions - 100 grams;

- pepper, vegetable oil (not refined), salt, cumin ,.

Cooking method:

A detailed plan for making spring salad from sauerkraut.

Preparatory stage:

- Sour the cabbage slightly.

- Raw carrots are grated, the nozzle depends on your preferences.

- Dried greens finely minced.

- In one bowl combine sauerkraut, greens, cumin. Vegetables are seasoned with spices, vegetable oil and mixed. Salad "spring" is served in a deep salad bowl, the best in clay. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2. "Hearty" salad with beef, sauerkraut and eggs

Most men think that salads, where the main ingredient is sauerkraut, are light and dietetic, in a word, it is a diet for girls and women on a diet. This salad dispelled the myth, especially since sauerkraut has a beneficial effect on male power.

Ingredients Required:

- sauerkraut - 500 grams;

- Beef - 400 grams;

- hard cheese - 150 grams;

- parsley root - 2 pieces;

- eggs - 3 pieces;

- onions - 100 grams;

- sunflower oil - 60 grams;

- salt pepper.

Cooking method:

A detailed plan for cooking salad "hearty" with beef, sauerkraut and eggs.

Preparatory stage:

- Pickled cabbage is pressed from brine.

- Beef is boiled in a standard way. The cooled meat is cut into cubes, approximately 10x10 millimeters.

- Onions, parsley root is cut into strips, boiled eggs and cheese are chopped with a grater.

All ingredients are laid in a salad bowl, pepper, pickle and refuel with oil. Salad is combined with potato and meat dishes. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3. Salad with grilled eggplants and sauerkraut

The salad prepared according to this recipe, in spite of the simplicity of the ingredients (eggplant, cabbage, green peas and greens), has an unusual taste due to the fruit dressing and bitter pepper.

Ingredients Required:

- sauerkraut - 150 grams;

- Eggplant - 2 pieces;

- canned green peas - 0.5 jars;

- Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;

- olive oil - a tablespoon;

- dill - a bunch.

For salad dressing:

- orange juice (natural) - 1.2 cups;

- Wine vinegar - 1.2 tsp;

- pepper, salt

Cooking method:

A detailed plan for cooking salad with fried eggplant and sauerkraut.

Preparatory stage:

- Pickled cabbage is pressed from brine.

- Eggplant, cut into thin circles and sprinkled with olive oil, fried golden brown.

- The form of slicing Bulgarian pepper straws, dill is ground.

Cooking dressing: combine spices with orange juice and vinegar.

All ingredients are laid in a salad bowl, pepper, pickled and seasoned with fruit and pepper dressing. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4. Salad with pickled mushrooms and sauerkraut

Habitual and even banal combination of products - mushrooms (fried, pickled, salted, dried) and sauerkraut, formed into a salad that will appeal even to children.

Ingredients Required:

- sauerkraut - 150 grams;

- marinated mushrooms - 150 grams;

- white onion - 1 small head;

- parsley - a small bunch;

- sunflower oil, sugar, cumin (seed), salt.

Cooking method:

A detailed plan for cooking salad with pickled mushrooms and sauerkraut.

Preparatory stage:

- Pickled cabbage is pressed from brine.

- Mushrooms are cut into plates, white onions - small cubes.

- Parsley is better to break hands or coarsely chopped.

All the ingredients are put in a salad bowl, pickled, salted, and dressed with sunflower oil and sugar.

Salads with sauerkraut - the recommendations of the chefs

Sauerkraut cooked according to all the rules does not need any additional preparation, but if the cabbage taste does not suit you, you can correct it using the following methods:

- if sauerkraut is too salty, it can be washed with water and squeezed or reduce the degree of salinity directly in the salad, using fresh ingredients (potatoes, beans);

- if sauerkraut has a sour taste, it can be smoothed with sugar or again with the help of fresh ingredients;

- if sauerkraut has a large cut, it is not convenient to eat it, so it makes sense to reduce the length of the cabbage.


Watch the video: How to Make the Best Cabbage Salad Recipe (July 2024).