Women's envy: how to protect yourself from losers


Black or white - no matter what shade you are ready to paint the feeling of envy, to avoid its destructive power, lowering your pride and negative influence on relationships with other people will not succeed.

An unpleasant phenomenon, ordinary envy can be fully explained. Female envy can be compared with a powder keg, for the explosion of which you need to be ready at any moment. If it is impossible to understand the reasons for the envy of women to men, then there is nothing difficult for the ladies themselves. Increased emotionality affects the emergence of a whole range of feelings, ranging from intolerance and ending with the desire to humiliate in situations that a man does not even pay attention to.

Such insignificant trifles, like a new handbag of the best friend or a new outfit bought by her, cause not only women's envy, but also, much worse, the negative changes in the inner world of the envious person.

This feeling is inherently destructive in nature, as the woman prefers to direct her energy to a constant search for the causes to which she can find fault, she bears insidious plans in her beautiful head. Improving privacy, taking care of yourself a woman who is prone to envy, replaces thinking about tricks, as if it were more painful to "prick" the selected object. But such things cost precious moments of life, strength and health.

A lot of unpleasant moments have to endure those who by chance fell under the sight of female envy. In most cases, the victim is unaware that the taunts of a friend, ostentatious indifference of co-workers or gossip neighbors hide the most banal envy. Moreover, not only the one to whom this whole caustic fuse is destined to suffer, but absolutely strangers, drawn into the maelstrom of intrigues, can suffer.

From all that has been said, a conclusion arises about the need for the ability to render opposition to an overly envious person. Following simple rules will help protect your own life from destruction.

1. To get started, you should get rid of the habit of telling everyone about your achievements, luck, or major acquisitions. This will reduce the list of reasons for envy.

2. The second rule involves frequent compliments lovers envy. Since for the most part they consist of unfortunate, unsettled, notorious losers, the attention paid will partly brighten up their dull life.

3. If an envious woman hints that this behavior is not in your rules, if more often during conversations with colleagues to repeat the thought of the ugliness of envy, the envious woman will diminish her desire to continue to behave in such a way, especially in front of others.

4. A worthy answer, direct and frank, with humor, if possible, will show the lady all the absurdity of her claims and forever repulse the habit of tampering.
