Ex-doctor "Formula 1" is convinced that Michael Schumacher will live no more than two years


Gary Harstein, the former medic of Forumumu-1, is convinced that Michael Schumacher has no chance of a full recovery, he was in a coma for too long.

The doctor is convinced that Schumacher will live no more than two years.

Statistics show that, as a rule, the average life of people who have been in a comatose state for a long time and whose neurological condition has not qualitatively improved, live from several months to several years.

According to Harstein, now we are just saying goodbye to the legendary racer for a long time and there is no point in rejoicing at the slightest improvement in his health.

Recall that Michael Schumacher received a severe head injury while skiing in the Alps. The racer spent more than half a year in an artificial coma, coming out of which was sent home, where he was created all the necessary conditions for recovery. The attending physician driver claims that Schumacher will need at least three years to fully recover.


Watch the video: When your ex girlfriend is your doctor. (June 2024).