Greedy or economical: how to understand a man and make him more generous


On the question of what kind of men do you like, almost every woman answers: “generous”! But, unfortunately, it’s not so easy to meet a really generous man, because, as statistics show, 56% of them save, and 12% are truly avaricious and miserly. How to determine what type your partner belongs to, we will try to understand our article.

Why do we love generous pugs

Why is it so important for women that the suitor be generous? As it turns out, women's mercantile spirit has nothing to do with it. Studies have shown that for women there is nothing in common between the generosity and the amount that a partner has. For example, a partner who has a low level of income but is ready to do anything to make his beloved pleasant receives a higher mark than a wealthy meanie who pities money even for chocolate.

The fact is that even an inexpensive gift or surprise is a clear proof of feelings. And if a woman knows that she is loved, she accordingly feels much more confident and happier.

How to identify a greedy man or thrifty

If you want to understand what type your man belongs to, try to draw your attention to his behavior in various situations:

First meetings

Even if the man did not give you flowers on the first date, this does not mean that he is a greedy person. Maybe he was in a hurry or just shy. Or maybe he is simply not romantic and believes that this is superfluous.

But if on a date he gave you one carnation, then here it is worth thinking about. So he saves on you.

Pay attention to how he spends money on himself. A generous, but not rich man, even coming to a date on public transport and in the same shoes, will indulge you with some inexpensive goodies or cute souvenirs. But if these same signs of attention you have a wealthy suitor with a good car and expensive watches, most likely, you are dealing with the meanie.

A greedy man will not give you even the tiniest of presents just like that. Be prepared for the fact that he will only do this on the occasion of his birthday, the eighth of March, the New Year. First, it will be cheap gifts, and eventually they will disappear.

Cafe or restaurant

Let the man choose the cafe or restaurant. If a man is practical, then instead of a restaurant he will choose dinner at home. And if he chooses a cafe, he would prefer a cozy and inexpensive establishment. He can carefully check the check, but only to check whether he has overpaid the excess.

Greedy will try to find all sorts of excuses and reasons, and if he does decide, he will order only the cheapest dishes and leave no tips. A miser will try to convince you that it makes no sense to pay so expensively for a bottle of wine in a restaurant. Moreover, he can even offer you to split the bill for two!


It is known that the cost of the day session is lower than the cost of the evening. If a man is economical, he will offer to go to the movies, but only during the day. He will consider that there is absolutely no point in overpaying.

But the meander instead of leading you to the cinema will offer to walk around the city. Be prepared for the fact that he will tell you about the beautiful weather and the environment around you, a great desire to “communicate” with you. Do not believe them! In fact, he just does not want to spend money! If this does not scare you, then think about whether you are ready to cross out from your life joint attendance of cultural events.


When going to the store, the behavior of an economical man will be as follows: he will carefully make a choice not only of purchases, but also of the store itself. But this is not because he wants to buy the cheapest product. Just it is important such an indicator as the ratio of price and quality. But the greedy to spend money seems to be and do not mind, but not on others. Therefore, any your purchase will disappoint him.

From such a man, you will hear a million reasons why you do not need all these things. Moreover, at the checkout he will pay only for his purchases. Be prepared for the fact that in the future such a man will control every ruble you spend. He will surely nag you for purchasing an expensive item.

How to make a man more generous

If it turns out that your elect is a greedy person, but he is the person with whom you want to live your whole life, the situation can be corrected by correcting his behavior and attitude to money. To do this, follow the following tips:

1. In the first stage of the relationship, do not behave too modestly. After refusing to dinner in a restaurant and gifts, you show the man that you do not need them. Accordingly, in the future we should not expect any signs of attention.

2. Be sure to praise your man, talking about his generosity, intelligence and care. Rejoice in all the signs of his attention and gifts. A man is very important to see the joy in your eyes.

3. Talk to a man about your desires, because very often he does not even know what you want.

And then maybe ...


Watch the video: The science of greed. Paul K. Piff. TEDxMarin (June 2024).