What should a child be able to do at 3 months. Skills and physical parameters indicating the normal development of the child at 3 months.


The development of a child at 3 months is very rapid. The period begins when it is a pity to miss at least a moment nearby, so quickly it changes. After all, it was not in vain that it was at this time that the next scheduled physical examination was to take place.

Doctors will evaluate the health status of your baby, draw conclusions about the development's compliance with age criteria. But will doctors be able to notice everything in a matter of minutes of communication? Of course not. You should help them, because no one knows as much about the peanut as loving parents, with bated breath watching every smile and sigh of tiny Happiness. Let's see what new skills and abilities appeared in him.

What should a child be able to do at 3 months

The grown-up baby simply admires her growing curiosity. The body is changing, and the world begins to play with completely new colors. Put the baby on its tummy and it will raise its head, holding it in this position for up to 15 seconds. The child easily turns her on hearing a sound.

Now it gives him incredible joy to watch the faces of adults and their facial expressions. And with what pleasure he examines bright objects that have come into view! Attention: reflexes have improved and now he is not just reaching for the coveted toy, but also must be able to grasp it. The fate of the first trophies is known - they instantly find themselves in the mouth. This is normal, because in this way the child gets to know the world around him. But you can not allow small items to be accessible with which he can choke.

The kid has already become much more active and is able to roll over from the back to the barrel. In addition, he began to rise on his elbows. Such independence contributes to the self-awareness of the man as an individual in the vast space around him.

Based on what a child should be able to do at 3 months, you can understand if there is cause for concern regarding the formation of necessary skills.

A doctor must be consulted if at three months of age the baby:

- does not hold the head for 1 minute, lying on the tummy;

- not able to upright hold the head for at least 30 seconds;

- does not react with eyes to the sound of a bell or rattle;

- does not follow a bright toy moving in the field of view;

- Does not smile when he hears and sees mom;

- lying on his back, does not play with his own legs and arms, does not examine them.

Mental development of the child at 3 months

The baby’s smile has ceased to be a reflex and differs in various situations: either joyful in the whole toothless mouth, then a little wary, uncertain. Have you already heard the first real laugh of your little one? If not, this is about to happen. And it’s simply impossible not to laugh back - the sound, so similar to the ringing of a crystal bell, is so contagious. Be sure to answer, smile and talk with him - this is how the strings of future understanding stretch from heart to heart.

Your child’s crying is different now. Mastering the science of managing parents, the baby learns to act up. Now, if you listen carefully, you can already distinguish by crying when the baby has a real problem, and when he is just outraged: “Where did my mother’s smile go?”

The kid now needs the presence of people dear to him. Leave him alone for a short while - after a short time he will begin to groan and even cry. And as soon as you get to the crib, he smiles and begins to actively move his arms and legs. At 3 months, the baby even knows how to "greet" his beloved mother with such charmingly funny sounds in his performance: "rrrrr", "ve", "eige", "hey hey".

By the way, have you already learned to distinguish between the types of crying of your little miracle?

1. When weeping, rubs her eyes and lowers her head to mom’s chest or pillow - tired, wants to sleep.

2. Hear quiet sobs, and then a sharp increase in crying to piercing - very hungry.

3. Very loud, sharp, irritated crying indicates pain or severe discomfort. Can't understand what's going on? Be sure to invite a pediatrician, or visit him yourself (if there is no fever).

Physical development of the child at 3 months

Over the past time, your baby has added about 800 g in body weight, body length has increased by about 2.5 cm, and head circumference by 1.5 cm. Of course, these are average indicators, they may not coincide with the real ones, because each baby has its own characteristics.

If you want to make sure that the physical development of the child at 3 months is normal, then look at the recommendations of the World Health Organization. According to the criteria compiled by the leading doctors of the world, the following parameters must be observed at this age:

- the mass of girls is in the range of 5.2-6.6 kg, and boys - 5.7-7.2 kg;

- the growth of future beauties ranges from 57.7 to 61.9 cm, and the heroes - from 59.4 to 63.5 cm;

- head circumference approximately corresponds to the head circumference.

Does your baby fit perfectly into the proposed framework? Oh, that's great! And if not, then there is no need to panic. At lower rates, you may not have enough nutrition, and at higher rates, you are likely to feed your child. You should consult with a pediatrician who monitors the baby to determine how to correct existing deviations from the norm.

Exercises, massages and games with a baby in 3 months

Everything that a child should be able to do at 3 months is formed gradually. Active growth and development of the peanut should be helped by regular, daily activities. Physical exercises contribute to the formation of coordination skills of movement, strengthen the most important systems of the child's body (respiratory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular).

The best time to warm up is the wakeful period of the baby, when he has excellent health and good mood. Do not forget to warm your palms so that there is no discomfort from cold touching a delicate skin.

1. Put the child on his stomach, let him learn to hold his head more confidently and train the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Turning it over on the back, take the baby’s arms in your own and cross them several (5-7) times in front of the chest, then bend - bend the legs about the same time.

2. Infants love to “swim” if their parents correctly accustomed them to swimming. Therefore, let the baby whip for 10-15 minutes with arms and legs in warm water, supporting under the tummy or back.

3. You can buy a fitball and use it for exercise. After inflating the ball, check if it is cold. Lay the baby to the surface, spreading his knees to the sides. Shake the child from side to side, holding him by the back. Talk calmly and with a smile to him so that the little one is not afraid of a strange movement.

Massage should not be done for more than 10 minutes, as the child is tired. Mom's hand movements should be energetic, but not rude. There are various massage techniques (kneading, vibration, shaking, striking, rubbing), but the simplest is stroking:

- several times from the bottom up lead along the back with the back side, and with open palms - from top to bottom;

- put open palms under the back of the crumbs at the level of the lower back, then simultaneously move them to the navel until the arms are joined - so the transverse and oblique muscles are massaged;

- holding the legs of the baby at the heels with one hand, with the other, perform circular movements in a clockwise direction around the navel.

- putting the child on the back, raise the left handle with his right hand and stroke it with his left, moving from the brush to the shoulder, then change hands and perform massage for the right handle;

- the exercise for legs is similarly performed, the direction of hand movement is from the foot to the thigh.

Games contribute to the full physical, mental and mental development. They are simple, do not cause fatigue and are very popular with children.

1. Help the baby roll over on his tummy. He will lift the upper body, resting on his forearms. Raise a bright toy in front of your face, then lower it. The baby will follow an interesting little thing, simultaneously training muscles.

2. Ring the bell (you can use a squeaker toy, a rattle) in front of the baby so that he sees the object. And then get out of sight and make a sound again. Ideally, the little one should look with his eyes for the source of the sound he heard.

3. Play hide and seek with the crumbs. Covering your face with your hands, ask: "Ku-ku, where is mom?" And retracting your hands, exclaim joyfully: "Here is mom!" You will not notice how quickly the baby learns to be naughty the same way.

4. Do not forget about our favorite “Forty-white-sided”, “Trash”, “Finger-Boy” and other games-nurseries, which we simultaneously develop thinking and entertain when massaging our hands and feet.

The number of such games is limited only by your imagination.

The foundations of the future success of the child - in society, when studying at school, in adulthood - are being laid right now, during close communication with mom and dad. The feeling of constant contact (physical, emotional) is a very significant condition for its full formation. Be always near so that he constantly feels your love and care, talk to him whenever possible: bathing, playing, before going to bed. Indeed, new achievements are ahead!


Watch the video: Measuring Infant Head Circumference: An instructional video for healthcare providers (June 2024).