Sore hand - causes. Why the hand hurts and what treatment is the most effective.


Strong, dexterous and at the same time fragile, defenseless hands are in the first place in terms of the number of ruthless injuries. If the hand hurts - the reasons are possible various, from rupture of ligaments to a fracture. However, very often the pain signals a pathology inside the body, warning of the danger and demanding to take urgent measures.

Sore hand - causes

The reasons for hurting the hand are many, but the presence of specific symptoms helps to accurately distinguish diseases, it is not too difficult. The main illnesses, among the symptoms of which there is pain in the hands, are the following:

1. Tunnel or carpal syndrome

Sit at the computer for days on end and it hurts the hand - the causes are capable of covering up the infringement of the median nerve. It lies in a rather narrow carpal canal, which stretches from the forearms to the hands. As a result of monotonous activity and prolonged exertion, pathological thickening of the tendons adjacent to the nerve and swelling of the nerve are possible. The disease begins with fear-causing numbness of the fingers (except for the little finger), then it spreads to the entire hand. In the course of the median nerve there is discomfort and pain. Especially a lot of torment brings illness at night - severe numbness and soreness do not give rest. And in the morning the state is not better - the hand refuses to obey, fingers do not want to hold small objects, the pain can spread to the entire length of the hand. If you ignore the first "bells" of the disease, because of the atrophy of the muscle fibers of the thumb, you can remain disabled.

2. Inflammation of tendons and ligaments - peritendinitis

There is swelling, a barely audible creaking, there are signs of inflammation and a sore hand - the reasons should be sought in the state of the tendon responsible for this part of the limb and for the condition of the ligament. The leading sign of peritendinitis is a rather tangible aching pain, which is activated even with slight pressure and the slightest movement. The illness depends on the same reasons as the previous illness - long work at the computer, knitting and embroidery, lifting weights in an uncomfortable position of the brush, monotonous movements with it.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis

This is the most common cause of a sore hand. Middle-aged people are most affected, but children may also suffer from its manifestations. Beginning in the joints of the index and middle fingers, arthritis begins its victorious ascent upwards, striking the joints in the way. If the hand is annoyingly and perceptibly sore, it is worth looking for the reasons in the wrist area, where small joints can be affected.

Painful manifestations are not too annoying for arthritis, they are moderate, but the joints are swollen, the skin over them is reddened and warm. The main confirmation of the correctness of the diagnosis after a visual inspection is the symmetry of the affected joints in both hands. In the morning, the mobility of the hands is restored with great difficulty, sometimes it takes several weary hours. With arthritis, not only the joints are attacked, but also the cartilage tissue and bone. If you ignore the treatment over time, the tissues are destroyed, motor difficulties increase, the hand is significantly deformed. Often occurring cases of dislocation of the affected joints can change the position of the hand, sometimes directing it to an unfamiliar side, to the elbow. If the hand aches and hurts around the wrist joint, from the back side, the cause is a precursor of a serious trouble - rupture of the tendon that has been destroyed.

4. Arthritis

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, normal arthritis is caused by the presence of an infection in the joint. In the acute form there is a pronounced swelling, severe pain, fever and redness of the skin over the joints. A sluggish chronic process almost does not bother, only sometimes gently reminding oneself of pain. This is the main danger of the disease, because the joints are slowly collapsing, and the person, not suffering from pain, does not hurry to the doctor. Arthritis of the wrist joint is distinguished by stiff movements in the morning and constantly annoying pain, regardless of the load.

5. Osteoarthrosis

It hurts the hand - the reasons can be searched in the state of cartilage tissue. Her early wear shows dehydration and cartilage thinning. Specific growths in the form of thorns exert pressure on all adjacent tissues and cause constant pain. Most often, the disease "attacks" on the hip and knee joints, but often causes pathological processes in the hands.

The pain is present in the small joints of the hands and in the area of ​​the metacarpal joint of the first finger. It increases after loading and with light pressure. At night, the pain recedes, and in the daytime it attacks with a new force, which is facilitated by stress during some actions. Gradually, the disease progresses, the pain does not recede even in a state of rest, and specific crunching is heard in the joints. Exacerbations are replaced by remission, acute attacks can last for several days and months.

6. Injuries

It hurts the hand - it is likely that the cause of injury. They can be divided into three groups:

- Damage to the bones - more often fractures that occur due to falling or hitting. Some of them can manifest a minor tumor and quite tolerant manifestations, others demonstrate the deformation of the brush and torment with merciless pain. Therefore, incorrect diagnosis is possible, the mistakes of which are fraught with dangerous consequences - complete loss of joint mobility.

- Muscle injuries - usually occur as a result of a bruise, without damaging the skin, but with the appearance of hematomas. X-ray is compulsory, it must refute or confirm the presence of a fracture.

- Injuries of the articular-ligament apparatus and tendons - sprains and ruptures of ligaments, dislocations, subluxations. Usually they pass on the background of a rather pronounced pain syndrome and, unlike a fracture, can be diagnosed visually.

Attention! If there is swelling of the hand due to injury - remove the jewelry, fix it in a stationary state and immediately apply a cold.

7. The absence of reasons for pain in the hand in the form of injuries or damage to the joints should raise suspicion about the involvement of the cervical spine. In this case, if the hand hurts - the reason may be:

- osteochondrosis;

- radiculitis;

- intervertebral hernia;

- protrusion, or protrusion of the disc.

Attention! Left hand hurts - the reasons can be extremely serious. When combining pain syndrome with severe pallor, shortness of breath and significant difficulty in breathing, nausea and anxiety, pain behind the sternum and under the scapula to the left - call an ambulance. Possible exacerbation of ischemic disease or the presence of myocardial infarction.

Sore hand - diagnosis

Any pain is an unsafe symptom, especially when it is observed for a long time. If the hand hurts - the diagnosis is made by a traumatologist, surgeon, rheumatologist or neuropathologist. First of all, the doctor seeks to eliminate life-threatening painful conditions - spinal cord injuries, disc protrusions, and cardiac pathologies. The main assistant in this is radiography. Additional methods, if necessary, are ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, if the hand hurts, the diagnosis includes clinical research methods - examination, anamnesis, palpation. Often the doctor prescribes a variety of tests - for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, diabetes. After a full examination and diagnosis, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Sore hand - treatment

Pain in the hands not only deprives sleep and rest, but also makes it impossible to perform many of the usual actions. Therefore, when the hand hurts - the treatment is carried out in three main areas:

- elimination of pain;

- removal of inflammation;

- normalization of blood flow;

- restoration of functionality.

Treatment depends on what caused the appearance of unpleasant syndromes. When the hand is long and intensely sore - self-treatment is strictly prohibited in order to avoid complications and permanent loss of working capacity. The doctor deals with the effects of the injury with elastic bandages, plaster or tight bandages. When a pathology is detected, a conservative or, only sometimes and rarely, an operational way of solving the problem is assigned.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, if the hand is in pain, medication treatment is necessary. It includes painkillers, anti-inflammatory, and glucocorticosteroid hormones. Special ointments that relieve pain and contribute to the gradual disappearance of the inflammatory process help enhance the effect of medicines.

When the hand hurts - treatment using physiotherapeutic procedures gives excellent results. Magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, the use of laser promote faster recovery. The timeliness of the start of treatment and the combination of methods that complement each other effectively give hope for a quick result. After a successful exit from the acute stage of the ailment, it is possible to continue treatment in the form of manual therapy, massage, therapeutic gymnastics. At this stage, the use of recipes of traditional medicine gives good results.

Sore hand - treatment of folk remedies

Traditional medicine is time-tested methods of treatment that can effectively supplement the treatment prescribed by a doctor. You should not use them yourself, it is safer to enlist the support of the attending physician. If the diagnosis is made and it is known what hurts the hand, treatment with folk remedies can be very effective.

1. Honey and vodka - the perfect combination for the treatment of pain in the hands. The first component has a nourishing effect on the joints, the second - warms them. Conventional bandages are impregnated with a mixture of components taken in equal amounts and wrapped around sore hands for the night. The effect is observed after the first use.

2. Kalina and lilac have long been famous for saving and positive effects on joints. You can lubricate sore spots with tinctures based on them or make lotions. It is better to carry out procedures before bedtime, wrapping the gruel imposed on sore spots with polyethylene and a woolen scarf.

3. If your hand hurts - treatment with daily baths with essential oils will bring the desired relief.

Sore hand - prevention

To never experience all the troubles with your hands, it is enough to foresee them and take preventive measures. This is especially true for those who have already experienced the pain and inaction of the joints. Sore hand - prevention will help avoid exacerbation of the disease. Work at the computer should be interrupted by a little rest, during sports or physical exertion - to protect hands from bruises and other injuries, to protect from hypothermia and not to neglect gloves. Only healthy food can be present on the table, and cigarettes and alcohol should be prohibited.


Watch the video: The Pain, Swelling And Stiffness of Rheumatoid Arthritis (July 2024).