Tea diet is a great way to lose weight, says Dr. Oz. What is the secret to the effectiveness of the tea diet and the use of milk jelly?


Why tea?

The healing qualities of tea have been known for a long time.

Leaf tea contains enough antioxidants to prevent serious diseases such as cancer. It helps to remove cholesterol from the blood and helps slow down all the processes that cause aging of the body.

The caffeine, amino acid L-theanine and epigallocatechin gallate contained in tea leaves contribute to weight loss.

Caffeine - a natural antidepressant, has a general tonic effect on the body, stimulates brain activity. In addition, caffeine helps to increase the amount of free fatty acids in the blood, which speeds up the body's metabolism. This acceleration causes the body to replenish energy reserves due to the burning of fat deposits.

Amino Acid L-Theanine also helps to reduce depression and activates areas of the brain that are responsible for memory. But the main value of this amino acid is that it helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Epigallocatechin Gallate refers to polyphenolic compounds and is a powerful natural antioxidant. It helps to protect the body from such serious diseases as the prostate, lung cancer or breast cancer. Once in the body, epigallocatechin gallate protects cells from the action of oxidants even before they cause even the slightest harm.

It is these components that make tea the ideal choice not only to strengthen the body and protect against serious diseases, but also to reduce weight and get rid of extra pounds.

The basic rules of the tea diet

Unlike others, the tea diet has no strict rules or any serious restrictions on the consumption of products. This is one of the most gentle and gentle diets. Even following a tea diet, you can safely eat meat or fish, all kinds of dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits - without restrictions. But all sorts of sweets, flour products or fatty dishes from your diet still have to be excluded. Reducing salt intake will only increase the beneficial effect of the tea diet on the body.

The main condition of the tea diet is to drink a certain amount of freshly brewed tea per day. Liquid intake reduces appetite, but it is tea that speeds up all metabolic processes in the body, thereby provoking the burning of excess fat.

Proper brewing of tea leaves plays an important role in the tea diet. For brewing it is necessary to use only well boiled water. The brewing kettle is first rinsed with boiling water twice and covered with a lid so that the entire inner surface of the kettle is saturated with steam and dried. Tea leaves are poured into a heated teapot at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 300 ml of water.

Note! Do not pour the tea leaves just boiling water. Allow 2 - 3 minutes for the water to cool, and only then pour the leaves.

Fill a third of the teapot with water and let the leaves stand for 2-3 minutes. Only after that you can add water to the kettle with brewing. Only after tea is infused for 5 - 7 minutes can it be consumed.

Which tea is better to choose for a diet

Green tea contains more polyphenols and saponins, which suppress hunger. Drinking a cup of fresh green tea half an hour before eating will halve your appetite. And even eating only half of your usual diet, you will experience a feeling of fullness. Reducing the amount of food consumed will help to reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates that enter the body with food.

Oolong Tea It has a sweetish taste, therefore it is a natural substitute for sweets. The use of such tea for a diet would be an ideal way out for sweet teeth. And if you add a little cinnamon to a cup of Oolong tea, then the effect of such tea on burning extra pounds will only increase. Cinnamon has the properties of enhancing body processes that slow down the absorption of fats and the breakdown of carbohydrates.

But Black tea less effective in the fight for slimness. Due to the fact that tea is subjected to additional processing, the total amount of useful substances in it decreases.

Herbal teas and fees can be attributed more to vitamin supplements than to full-fledged tea. The effect and beneficial properties of herbal tea are completely dependent on its composition. Berry teas remarkably suppress hunger and saturate the body with vitamins. Hibiscus tea helps normalize bowel function. Generally speaking, herbal tea of ​​any composition works to enhance immunity and is an additional vitamin supplement for the body. But at the same time, it has some, not too significant, impact on the burning of fat accumulations.

Use tea with milk as a means for losing weight recently gained considerable popularity. But in fact, you can use tea with milk only occasionally. Due to the fact that milk protein and the main components of tea are practically not absorbed when mixed with the body, it is impossible to obtain the desired effect from such mixing.

Dr. Oz Tea Diet

One of the most famous doctors and showmen, Dr. Oz, has developed a unique tea diet. The main essence of this diet is to drink a cup of Puer tea during breakfast, a cup of white tea for lunch, and berry tea for dinner, best of all blueberry. You can replace these types of tea with green or black, but the effect will be weaker. The main thing is that tea matches your taste and mood.

Puer tea enhances the processes contributing to the burning of subcutaneous tissue. The basic rule of consuming Puer tea is not to abuse it. The effect of drinking three or four cups in a row is comparable to a smoked hookah. Puer tea is especially not recommended for people with high blood pressure or heart problems, with severe kidney diseases, rheumatism and other joint diseases, as well as gout.

White tea, drunk at lunch, consolidates the effect after the morning intake of Puer tea and prevents the re-deposition of fat reserves released in the morning. During the week, you can alternate white tea with tea from woodlice.

Mokritsa promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, improves digestion and is an excellent cough remedy. To buy wood lice is best in a pharmacy or specialized tea shops. To properly brew tea from woodlice, two teaspoons of dried woodlice leaves will be enough per liter of hot water. Before drinking tea, you will need to strain and cool a little.

Using berry tea during dinner, you thereby replenish the minerals and vitamins lost during the day. The body produces more glucose, which reduces cravings for sweets, and a feeling of hunger will not bother you all night, until the morning.

But do not forget that 250 ml of freshly brewed tea contains up to 150 mg of caffeine, while the daily intake of caffeine is only 500 mg. In addition to tea, caffeine is also found in coffee, chocolate, special energy drinks and some supplements. That is why it is not worth getting too carried away with drinking tea, especially strong tea, since an excess of caffeine in the body will not bring any benefit.

To a greater extent, this restriction applies to people with problems in the work of the cardiovascular system. For them, the daily intake of caffeine is limited to 300 mg. During pregnancy, green and black tea should also be replaced with herbal tea or non-carbonated mineral water.

Milk Tea: Milkweed Diet

To prepare a milk tea drink, it is necessary to bring a liter of milk, the fat content of which does not exceed 2.5%, to a boil. In a teapot, pour two tablespoons of any tea and pour in unboiled milk. In order for the drink to infuse, it will be enough to leave it to brew for 10 minutes. Consume milk-tea drink need throughout the day, after having filtered it. It can also be poured into a thermos and consumed at work during the lunch break.

Such a drink can be used as fasting diet. Green tea infused with milk is a strong diuretic and choleretic agent, and also has enhanced cleansing properties. Therefore, the daily use of a milk-tea drink will lead to dehydration and possible, more serious, consequences.

Two weeks tea diet - menu

This diet originated in faraway Japan and is currently one of the most popular methods of losing weight. Following a tea diet according to the Japanese method, you can consume all fruits and vegetables, except for tomatoes, bananas and grapes.

Any snacks between main meals should be completely eliminated, replacing them with the use of mineral water without gas. It can be consumed without restrictions.

The main condition of this type of tea diet is to drink a cup of tea not earlier than half an hour before a meal and after the same amount of time after it.

First day. For breakfast, the best option would be low-fat cottage cheese. During lunch, you should eat no more than 250 g of stewed or steamed vegetables, as well as two boiled eggs. Dinner limit fish and steamed vegetables, about 200 g each.

Second day. For breakfast you can eat some unleavened cheese with savory biscuits. For lunch, cook yourself a fish and cabbage for a couple - 250 g each. You can also use fresh cabbage by sprinkling it with lemon juice. For dinner - a little boiled beef, steamed vegetables and a couple of eggs.

The third day. For breakfast, two white bread toast will do. At lunch, you will need to eat a serving of vegetable stew and a green apple, preferably without a skin. You can have dinner with boiled veal with vegetable salad as a side dish and boiled egg.

Fourth day. Breakfast - 200 g unsweetened cottage cheese. For lunch, you need to make a salad of grated fresh carrots with sour cream and boiled egg. For dinner, you can eat several fruits.

Fifth day. A couple of loaves of jam with jam will be enough for breakfast. For lunch, you will need to cook steamed fish and homemade tomato juice, but without salt. For dinner, you can eat a few slices of hard cheese with raw vegetables.

Sixth day. For breakfast, rye crackers are perfect for tea. At lunch, you can spoil yourself with boiled chicken breast and boiled egg. But for dinner, it will be enough carrot salad, which can add an egg.

Seventh day. A couple of pieces of hard cheese brighten the morning and enhance the taste of tea. Boiled veal eat at lunch. But for dinner - only fruit.

Next seven days are a repetition of the first week of a tea diet. If you follow all the recommendations, then after two weeks you can easily part with an extra 3-4 kg. In addition to body shaping, such a diet will help cleanse the liver, kidneys and intestines from unnecessary and harmful substances.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (July 2024).