Fragrant chamomile tea: the benefits and harm of a delicate drink. Myths and scientific facts about the benefits and dangers of chamomile tea for people


Tea, which is not tea at all - this is how you can describe a drink known since antiquity. Ancient scientists and healers actively used chamomile, and not the leaves, but the flowers of this plant, knowing about the amazing antibacterial, sedative and anti-inflammatory properties. To this day, chamomile is added to cosmetics, creams, curative ointments, consumed both externally and internally. At the same time, discussions on the benefits and harm of chamomile tea do not stop - because, as you know, even the most valuable product can produce an undesirable effect.

Chamomile tea: how to cook correctly?

Those who are going to improve their body with chamomile, you should know that this plant has several varieties. If you plan to harvest the flowers yourself, you need to understand how the look you want looks like. Gather chamomile away from dusty roads and industrial plants. Picked flowers are dried in a bright room with good air circulation. Chamomile is best kept in paper packaging - an envelope or package.

To avoid mistakes in all this process, you can buy ready-made dried chamomile flowers at the pharmacy, and not in packages, but in bulk. Chamomile tea is prepared according to several recipes.

Option 1

1. A couple of spoons of crushed inflorescences stir in a mug of hot water and pour into a saucepan.

2. Prepare a "water bath". Put a pot of chamomile on it and do not remove it for 20-30 minutes.

3. Remove the drink from the stove and insist about an hour. During this time it cools down. Sweet lovers can add some sugar or liquid honey.

Option 2

1. The volume of powder equal to a teaspoon pour hot water (about a glass).

2. Close the saucepan with a tight lid and cover with a cotton cloth. Leave for half an hour.

3. Strain. The taste is also well complemented by honey or a slice of lemon. Chamomile goes well with other herbs: thyme, mint, melissa.

Chamomile tea: what's the use?

The benefits of chamomile tea are due to the high content of substances that are indispensable for the human body. Among them:

• multivitamins;

• essential oils;

• carotene;

• plant polyphenols;

• natural antispasmodic glycosides;

• tannins;

• amino acids.

Chamomile tea is useful for a number of problems. It strengthens the body and has a medicinal effect. In particular:

1. In disorders of the nervous system. A cup of tea drunk before bedtime will make the rest more comfortable and calmer. Flavonoids, which are present in large quantities in chamomile, help to cope with panic attacks and excessive anxiety.

2. In diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract. Chamomile components relieve inflammation on the mucous membranes, remove toxins. This is required for patients with gastritis and ulcers.

3. When problems with digestion. Chamomile tea normalizes gas exchange and reduces flatulence.

4. With an increased risk of formations in the gallbladder. Drink helps to cope with bile stasis.

5. With colds. This benefit of chamomile tea is perhaps the best known. It is not only drunk, but also used for rinsing. The decoction relieves inflammation and cures oral diseases. If you bury it in the nose, you can remove the swelling, for example, with pollinosis. A compress of chamomile infusion helps fight conjunctivitis. In order for the effect to be noticeable, chamomile therapy must last for at least 5 days.

6. With menstrual pain. During research, it was found that women who drank chamomile tea for two weeks increased the amino acid glycine. It relieves spasms and reduces the negative effects of PMS.

7. With dermatological diseases. Skin problems - this is what chamomile copes with perfectly - both as an additional drug and as a decoction for lotions. Even newborn babies can be given chamomile tea, however, not more than half a glass a day.

8. With an increased level of glucose in diabetics, with liver diseases, with toothache and many other health problems, the benefits of chamomile tea are beyond doubt. If you just drink one glass in the morning, it will improve the skin color and strengthen the immune system.

Chamomile tea: what's the harm?

Despite the richest potential, drinking chamomile tea can be harmful. The main reason is the intolerance of this plant. Flower pollen is an allergen that persists after drying. In allergy sufferers, it can cause various disorders - from intestinal to respiratory. Therefore, in the presence of such intolerance, chamomile tea is better to give up. Known and other undesirable effects.

1. Chamomile is able to thin the blood, so it can not be used by people taking anticoagulants (drugs that prevent blood clotting).

2. The decoction has a pronounced diuretic effect, therefore incompatible with diuretics. Otherwise, the harm of chamomile tea is obvious - it is dehydration.

3. The combination of tea and sedatives is undesirable because chamomile itself has a strong sedative property. Overdose causes a decrease in tone, depression of the nervous system, nausea and headache.

Chamomile tea for pregnant and lactating mothers: the benefits and harm

Chamomile is often the only treatment and prophylactic agent that pregnant women and nursing mothers are allowed to use. This tea soothes the nerves, reduces pain, relieves depression, normalizes digestion, which in pregnant and lactating women is often disturbed. And this is not the whole benefit of chamomile tea. Is he:

• reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, in particular, relieves nausea;

• removes muscle cramps and pain in the abdomen;

• has a beneficial effect on digestion, removing bloating and increased gas formation;

• is a natural antiseptic that allows you to cure inflammations or colds;

• It is a source of calcium and magnesium, which are essential during pregnancy and feeding.

In this case, you should always remember about the dangers of chamomile tea, which occurs when it is used improperly. So, you can not cook too strong drink. It is proved that chamomile increases the amount of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body, and its excessive excess can cause an early termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is especially important not to abuse - not to drink tea in large quantities and not to do it all the time. The optimal portion - 1 cup in 2 days after prior consultation with the doctor. If, before pregnancy or childbirth, a woman noticed a manifestation of allergy to chamomile flowers, it is also better to refuse to use them. A negative reaction of the mother's body to external irritants - allergens - can also affect the baby.

Chamomile tea: its benefits for weight loss

Among other, already listed advantages of this field plant, there is one more - extremely important. Already proven the benefits of chamomile tea in the fight against obesity. To lose a few kilograms per month only because of the exceptional properties of the drink is not a myth, but a reality that has long been proven in practice.

1. With regular use, chamomile tea "cleanses" the body, removes toxins and slags, and normalizes the process of assimilation of useful substances. As is known, it is this "garbage" that changes the human figure, disrupts digestion, forms excess body fat and improper distribution of nutrients.

2. Chamomile can control appetite. This is due to the fact that drinking tea evens out glucose levels.

3. The soothing properties of the drink allow a person not to seek solace from stress in food, as is often the case. A cup of fragrant chamomile tea has a much more tangible soothing effect than the "jamming" of anxiety and anxiety with various sweets. As a result, there is a lack of extra calories, which means a slim, fit figure.

4. Chamomile removes excess fluid from the body. Along with it, those extra pounds are "leaving".

Some secrets of chamomile tea

1. Chamomile tea of ​​own collection is especially useful for weight loss. If you do not prepare it yourself, you should only buy a clean collection without any additional ingredients.

2. To insist on tea you need at least 10 minutes, and preferably half an hour. During this time, the flowers will fully demonstrate their capabilities. Drink tea warm or cold.

3. Chamomile tea should be taken before meals. It stimulates the formation of juice in the stomach. It activates digestion, reduces weight.

4. It will be extremely useful and a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. She calms the nervous system. Intermittent, troubled sleep is not the best way to affect the production of hormones. Hormonal changes are the most common cause of overweight. Chamomile tea should be drunk whenever there is a threat of stress or anxiety.

5. By itself, tea completely will not solve the problem of extra kilos. It is only an effective addition to other methods and techniques.

This is physical activity, sports and moderate food intake. Diet, preventive fasting and regular exercise are the key to a beautiful figure, and chamomile tea will only help along the way. As in all other cases, it can be eaten only by those who have no contraindications to this.


Watch the video: Podcast #93 - Primal Movements w BJ Baker - Bulletproof Radio (June 2024).