Diet for diarrhea: permitted foods and strict restrictions. The advice of a dietary diarrhea specialist


The result of the harmonious work of the gastrointestinal tract is a regular, normally decorated chair.

Diseases of the digestive system, the use of poor-quality products, poor hygiene, infection can lead to diarrhea. The main symptom is frequent, loose stools 3 or more times a day. In severe cases, there may be a rise in temperature, nausea that ends with vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Diet for diarrhea will help to restore the microflora, to normalize the processes of fluid intake, because you need to follow some recommendations.

Diet for diarrhea: general rules of nutrition

• First time needed limit the use of any food. The preference is given to plentiful drink. During the day you need to drink 2.5-3 liters of water. With diarrhea, a large amount of fluid is lost, and if vomiting is observed, then the body becomes dehydrated even more. Cells and tissues can not function properly, the work of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver is disturbed. Because it is important to replenish water supplies, thereby reducing the risk of complications.

• Lost with liquid electrolytes, especially potassium, sodium, chlorine. You must eat foods rich in these substances or use ready-made solutions (Regidron).

Fractional feed. In diarrhea, there is increased intestinal motility, the food is rapidly promoted by the digestive system, injuring the mucous membrane. Meal should be small, ideally - a little more than your own fist. In such a volume, the intestinal walls will not be irritated, the body will not need to spend additional forces on its digestion.

Temperature. Hot or cold food is contraindicated, a sharp temperature drop also stimulates the intestines, irritating it. Food should be warm, the optimum temperature - 35-65 ° C.

Gentle mode. Diet for diarrhea provides that the food mechanically and chemically does not traumatize the mucous membrane. Therefore, dishes are mashed, mashed, spicy, salty, spicy food is excluded.

Use of choleretic products is unacceptable., stimulating fermentation, gas formation.

Diet for diarrhea: energy needs

It is not recommended to reduce caloric content, the body should receive all the basic substances, but their ratio slightly changes. The amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 240 g, the diet for diarrhea excludes sweets, sugar, pastries. The daily rate of protein is 90-100g, preference is given to lean meat, fish, dairy products should be excluded. They enhance the work of the intestines. The rate of fat - up to 80 g, due to vegetable oils, egg yolk. Salt is a necessary component of the diet for diarrhea, because the body loses not only water, but also trace elements. It is also impossible to abuse this product, it is recommended 7-8 g per day. Vitamins should come with fruits, vegetables, they contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane, strengthen the body's defenses.

Diet for diarrhea: prohibited foods

1. Fatty foods are poorly tolerated by a weakened body, so you should not eat fat, fatty meats, offal (heart, liver). It is important to remember about the method of processing, all dishes are steamed, baked or boiled. Diet for diarrhea excludes fried foods.

2. Dairy products, despite the large amount of protein, calcium, are not recommended. They enhance motility, especially kefir, whole milk, because it is better to refrain from their use. Some fresh, low-fat cottage cheese is permitted to dairy lovers.

3. Fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs are excluded, they cause increased bile secretion, increase the number of pancreatic enzymes.

4. Bakery products, with the exception of white bread. Black, rye, muffins, pastries, cakes, cream cakes ferment, enhance digestion.

5. Not recommended the use of hot sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, seasonings, canned products, salted, smoked fish.

6. Prohibited fruits are high in fiber, which stimulate motility: avocados, citrus fruits, apples, pears with peel, raspberries.

7. Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs. In addition to a large number of vegetable fibers, some of them have laxative properties.

8. White cabbage, broccoli, fresh carrots, beets, green beans, legumes, corn are rich in fiber, increase flatulence, inflate the intestines, therefore, are prohibited in diarrhea.

9. Carbonated drinks irritate the mucous.

Rice - the main product for diarrhea

This product is a good alternative to medicines. It is harmless, has a fixing effect. Rice porridge or broth will help get rid of the liquid stool very quickly. The starch that is contained in rice plays an important role in tying up free water in the intestines, as a result of which the contents become more viscous. Also, the croup itself envelops the intestines, soothes it, reduces peristalsis. In this product, the minimum amount of fiber, but a lot of nutrients that are needed to restore function. Therefore, diarrhea diet necessarily includes rice.

Rice decoction

Three teaspoons of rice pour boiling water, about 500 ml, put on medium heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Broth should turn white and become more dense. Remove from heat, strain, let cool. Drink half a glass every 3-4 hours.

Rice porrige

Put the cereal in the ratio of 3: 1 in boiling water, cover with a lid, put on a slow fire, bring to readiness. Eat in the form of heat for 250 g of the finished porridge.

Caution! Do not eat too much rice, as constipation can occur. It is better to use white polished rice, because untreated is harder to digest, inhibits the absorption of calcium, iron due to the presence of phytic acid.

Diet for diarrhea: the basis of the diet

• The source of protein is lean meat, skinless chicken, fish boiled or baked. You can diversify the menu by preparing patties, meatballs, souffles, chops.

• Cereals in boiled form are necessary for normal digestion, it is also a storehouse of vitamins. It is undesirable to use barley porridge, it is more rough.

• Soups should be skimmed or vegetable broth. Add cereals, vegetables, meat or fish.

• The diarrhea diet includes only stale white bread or crackers.

• Eggs are boiled softly or it can be a steam omelette. It is advisable to use no more than 2 yolks per day, whites without restriction.

• Vegetables are boiled or baked without peel. Potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins.

• It is allowed to eat jelly, mousse, jelly, or baked fruit without peel.

• Bananas are another way to fight diarrhea. They are rich in potassium, the fiber content is minimal, the structure is puree. One fruit every 3-4 hours will improve digestion.

Diet for diarrhea: fill fluid loss

Drinking fluids prevents dehydration. In addition to plain water, it is recommended to use compotes, teas, decoctions of herbs. Many of them have a fixing effect, therefore they are included in the diet for diarrhea.

Strong tea

Traditional medicine recommends taking this drink at least 4 times a day for a positive effect. Suitable only loose leaf tea, the use of packaged such results does not. 200 ml of liquid put 2 teaspoons of tea leaves, that is, the usual amount of tea leaves should be doubled.

Be careful! This recipe is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, as tea contains a lot of caffeine, as a result of which a hypertensive crisis may occur.

Oak bark

The plant contains tannins that have an astringent effect. Also an advantage is anti-inflammatory effect, infusions, decoctions of oak bark relieve inflammation, pain, soothe the intestines. When bound to proteins, tannins protect the mucosa from toxins, bacteria, and the irritating effects of food.

1. Decoction. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured with a liter of boiling water, kept on low heat for 5-7 minutes, allowed to cool, filter. Use half a glass 3 times a day.

2. Tincture on alcohol. Dry matter (50 g) is poured with vodka, allowed to stand in a cool place for a week. Apply 25 drops twice a day.

Diet for diarrhea: an exemplary menu

Breakfast: rice porridge on water (160 g), crackers made from white bread 50 g, 1 banana, tea.

Snack: Omelette steamed with 3 proteins and 1 yolk, tomato 150 g.

Dinner: soup with vegetable broth with rice and chicken meatballs 300 g, stale white bread, 30 g

Snack: cheese curds with low-fat cottage cheese 250 g, berries chopped in a blender (raspberries, strawberries, currants) as a gravy. Tea / weak coffee / compote.

Dinner: steamed fish or in the oven 200 g, buckwheat porridge 130 g, vegetable salad, dressed with olive oil.

This menu can be used during the recovery period. On the first day as much as possible to use liquids, if hunger is strong, crackers, boiled rice are allowed. Gradually expand the menu.

Diet for diarrhea: dessert recipe - rice balls

The diarrhea diet includes desserts, but they must be correct and beneficial. If without a sweet hard, this recipe will help diversify the menu.

Boil rice, keep it on the stove longer than usual, so that it is well boiled soft. Water is not salted, porridge should be fresh. Grind a ripe banana in a blender to a state of mashed potatoes or using a grater. Add it to the rice, mix thoroughly. If the sweetness of a banana is not enough, you can use honey. With the resulting mass roll balls, you can roll in coconut chips, put in a cold place to set.

The composition of this recipe includes rice and banana, which have a fixing effect, the dish is not only tasty, but also healthy.

It is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. Because you need to adhere to several rules to reduce the risk of diarrhea:

• Always wash hands before eating, after contact with animals or after the street.

• Vegetables, fruits are thoroughly washed before consumption.

• It is necessary to monitor the shelf life of products, not to buy already spoiled. If food is prepared at home, it should be stored in the refrigerator for a certain amount of time.

• Do not eat food with a dubious smell or taste.

When diarrhea, it is important to follow the recommendations on nutrition, because it is poor-quality, dirty foods that cause disease. It must be remembered that food has a different effect on digestion: some foods can stimulate it, have a laxative effect, others - on the contrary. In order not to aggravate the situation, but to calm, relieve the gastrointestinal tract, there is a special diet that complements the treatment and promotes rapid recovery.


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