Like saying “yes”, my friend changed her fate


The story of how abruptly you can change your fate by saying once “yes” where others would say “no”.

Who does not dream of a prince? She did not dream. Her tale has already been told. So she thought, perhaps, the last fifteen years.

Her first marriage was short, and her love was even shorter. This was what is called the "mistake of youth." Converged quickly, scattered even faster. The second marriage was civil, but not much happier. So get acquainted. Her name is Eve. Balzac age is about her. It is difficult to call her beautiful, but you can’t call her a ugly girl for sure.

It’s the first time in Spain. She has only two weeks. In the country of eternal sun, heat and endless beaches, it is warm and cozy. She is delighted with the country. She likes everything: sea, air, food, and especially people. But there is one disadvantage in Spain - time flies inexorably quickly. And now the suitcases are already collected. Tomorrow evening, the plane will take her first to the clouds (that’s how she felt these two weeks), and then she will be lowered to the ground.

And this land is gray and cold, and its current civil husband, who is always dissatisfied and rarely sober, walks on it. But it will be tomorrow, and today she still has a whole evening. And she will spend it with a friend who has been living here for several years. Once this same friend asked: "Why don’t you leave your husband if you are unhappy with him?" “Because each subsequent husband is worse than the previous one,” Eve answered sadly.

So the evening has begun. Where can I have fun, noisy and with the feeling that you are young, beautiful and happy with life? That's right, in the disco. If someone is not familiar with night Spain, I’ll explain: here you can find a disco for any age and taste. Eve had fun and danced as if it were the last disco in her life. Or maybe it is? In her hometown, drinking cocktails and dancing until the morning is the lot of young people.

Unnoticeably, a rather interesting gentleman joined our happy dancing friends. A twinkle in his eyes, a smile on his lips - a typical southern Spaniard. It was easy to guess that he laid eyes on Eve. There was no longer a light in the eyes, but a flame. Of course, a friend helped them communicate. She was amused to watch how two people trying to establish contact did not know a single phrase in any common language. The evening was smoothly replaced by night, which was replaced by morning. Tired but happy, they returned home.

The Spaniard still did not take his eyes off Eve, openly expressing enthusiasm for her beauty and charm. Eve, hearing the translation, only shrugged and smiled. She was not used to beautiful words. When the Spaniard heard that Eve was leaving tomorrow, he was shocked, excited and ... confessed his love. It was the turn to dumbfound and Eve. The whole next day he did not leave her house a single step. He was asked only about one thing: to allow him to be near the rest of the day. And she allowed. She was frightened by this openness and assertiveness, but she could not remain indifferent to such attention.

And in the afternoon he invited her to dine. And they began to communicate already without a girlfriend, more and more with gestures and eyes. She had no doubt that they were going to a restaurant, but they arrived .... to his parents. The acquaintance was so unexpected that Eve ceased to understand the essence of what was happening. She later learns that on that day he introduced her to his parents as a bride. It is later that she will understand that by doing so he tried to make her understand that he was taking her seriously. Everything mixed up in my head. Twelve hours ago, she was still the civil wife of her unloved husband, and now she is the bride ....

There were four hours left before the plane. The Spaniard spoke to her about something, warmly and convincingly. He asked her to stay. He knew that if she left now, he would lose her. They cannot communicate over the Internet, over the phone because of different languages. He asked her to give him two weeks so that Eve would know him better. If after this period she decides to leave, he will buy her a ticket. And Eve, serious and careful always and in everything, suddenly said: “Yes.” Four hours later, her suitcase was lying on a bed in one of the bedrooms of his apartment.

It's time to introduce myself to me. I am that friend who helped develop this story. Five months passed, I was away and did not see Eve, and yesterday I met and asked: "How are you? Have you HERE more than you lost THERE?" And she replied: "Nobody treated me like that. I feel like a queen."

And there was so much warmth and light in her eyes !!! Here it is, love in Spanish: came, saw, fell in love.


Watch the video: Daniel Caesar - Freudian Lyrics (June 2024).