Is osteochondrosis curable with folk remedies? Alternative help for osteochondrosis: folk remedies for relieving symptoms


It is known that the spinal column not only holds our entire skeleton, but also provides flexibility to the whole body.

It consists of vertebrae, interconnected by intervertebral discs (cartilage layers). They are good shock absorbers and provide flexibility to the vertebrae.

However, with age, these shock absorbers lose their elasticity. The disks gradually become denser, the vertebrae come closer together, and the nerve endings extending from the spinal cord are pinched. Hence the back pain, frequent dizziness, tinnitus and vision problems.

All this the symptoms such a dangerous and very common disease like osteochondrosis. Suffice it to say that more than 90 percent of Russians to one degree or another suffer from this disease.

Why does osteochondrosis occur?

• prolonged and excessive loads on the spine

• spinal injury

• hard physical work

• flat feet

• lack of trace elements and vitamins

• stoop or curvature of the spine

• metabolic disease

• subcooling

• additional load on the spine due to walking in high heels

• obesity

• genetic predisposition

The danger and harmful effects of osteochondrosis

The gradual destructive process in the intervertebral discs, as a rule, leads to other equally dangerous diseases. If you underestimate the danger that osteochondrosis hides in itself and not treat it in time, then over time the edges of the intervertebral discs will begin to extend beyond the spinal column and pinch the nerve roots of the spinal nerves.

And this contributes to the formation of intervertebral hernia and radiculitis. In medicine, this state of affairs is called procrusion. It leads to circulatory disorders, which, in turn, negatively affects the work of internal organs and muscles.

Types of osteochondrosis and its symptoms

Distinguish osteochondrosis:

• cervical

• chest

• lumbar

Lumbar - The most common osteochondrosis. It causes pain in the lower back and pelvic region.

Cervical characterized by pain in the shoulder girdle and in the head.

Breast osteochondrosis is considered especially dangerous. It is more difficult to recognize, because it skillfully disguises itself as other diseases. And although the disease is not simple, with the help of X-ray, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, doctors learned how to quickly examine the condition of the spine, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective medication.

However, there are simpler folk remedies for the treatment of osteochondrosis. Herbal infusions and decoctions, compresses, massages and physical exercises help not only to relieve acute pain symptoms, but also stop the development of the disease.

Simple folk remedies for the treatment of osteochondrosis

1. Sea salt relieves attacks of a disease. Dilute a spoonful of sea salt in a liter of water. Boil and cool. Rubbing your neck and spine with a towel dipped in this solution, you will soon feel the back pain go away and make you feel better.

2. Laundry soap grate. Add a spoonful of soda, 100 g of vegetable oil and a little sea salt. Mix everything well, let stand 3 days. With your ointment, lubricate your back for the night of 2 consecutive weeks. After a 5-day break, repeat the procedure again.

3. Horseradish leaves dip in boiling water for a second. When cool, apply to a sore spot, tying on top with a warm scarf or scarf. And the attached steamed bay leaf with gelatin will not only relieve pain, but will also raise a spoiled mood.

4. Take a natural canvas dipped in kerosene. Depress it well so that there is no kerosene fumes. Coat the back of the fabric with soap. Apply the fabric in the form of a compress, wrapping cellophane and a warm scarf on top for a couple of hours.

Attention! If it starts to burn strongly, immediately remove the compress and wipe the skin dry.

5. Knead dough out of 200 grams of rye flour is not difficult. It is only necessary to let him stand for 2 days. At the very beginning of the treatment procedure, you need to drink a glass of milk.

Then place the dough on cheesecloth and put in the form of a compress on a sore spot, previously lubricating it with turpentine. Cover with cellophane and a towel.

Soon you will feel a tingling sensation and even a slight burning sensation on the body. What can you do, have to be patient. But then, especially after the repeated procedure, the back pain will pass, there will be lightness and confidence in the movements.

6. Two spoons honey pour boiling water and put on fire. Cool and add a third glass of blackberry juice. Take a decoction of two tablespoons in the morning, afternoon and evening. The very next day you will notice how the back pain begins to subside.

7. If desired, you can use another honey remedy of alternative medicine. One tablespoon walnuts chop well and mix with a spoon honey. Use as a regular medicine: one spoon three times a day.

8. Tablespoon flour and 100 grams butter can put the most hopeless patient on their feet if these components are mixed with an egg and add a spoonful of vinegar. The resulting mixture must be kept for a couple of days in a dark place, remove the film, stir and rub in those places that are especially disturbing.

9. In addition, such a well-known folk remedy as cure osteochondrosis and radiculitis will help. radish juice, which must be mixed with honey and added to the composition of half a glass of vodka. If all this is thoroughly mixed and let it brew, then you will get a wonderful healing grind, which is not inferior in price and effectiveness to the best overseas counterparts.

10. Lemon and garlic. Pass three lemons through a meat grinder, add 150 g of garlic. Place the resulting mixture in a two-liter jar and pour boiling water. Drink balm before meals, several sips at once.

11. It is good in such cases to drink a decoction of elderberry leaves. Steam the leaves in boiling water, put the mixture on the stove and boil them for 15-20 minutes. After the broth has cooled, drink half a glass a day.

Simple massage as an effective folk remedy for the treatment of osteochondrosis

Rolling pin for rolling dough - good folk remedy from a crunch in the neck and stiffness in the spine.

I often use it as a massage device. The rolling pin is picked up and lightly tapped on the shoulders, shoulder blades, and spine. Tapping should be rhythmic and light. The main thing is not to overdo it.

But it’s best to lie on the floor with a rolling pin under your back and start to ride on it back and forth, back and forth. However, you must do these exercises regularly every day for twenty minutes.

Some useful tips

There is a misconception among people that osteochondrosis is the lot of fat people and the elderly. But in fact, this is not entirely true or even completely wrong. Science has established that in recent years, osteochondrosis noticeably younger.

Vertebral problems began to bother young people, starting from the age of twenty. In order to protect yourself from this dangerous disease, in addition to using the most popular alternative methods for treating osteochondrosis, follow simple guidelines:

1. It is necessary to evenly distribute the load when lifting weights.

2. If you still had to lift something heavy, it is advisable to use the weightlifter belt.

3. Any burden should not be carried in one hand. The best option is the distribution of heaviness on both hands.

4. For a long time at the computer, you must do a warm-up every 20 minutes. You can get up, do exercises, or just change the position of the body more often during work.

5. Beware of hypothermia. Ultimately, this can cause an exacerbation of the disease. The back and neck should always be warm.

6. Proper, balanced nutrition. Eating foods high in calcium helps strengthen bones and cartilage.

7. Morning exercises, skiing or cycling are the key to strengthening the muscles of the back and internal organs.

8. Refusal of too high heels. While the woman is young, wearing trendy shoes does not affect her. But this is a misleading opinion. By the age of 40, or even earlier, lovers of high heels will definitely feel the consequences of the race for fashion.

In conclusion, another good advice: try to protect your health. Engage in hardening the body. This will help strengthen your muscle corset.

Avoid stressful situations. Live with everyone in the world, enjoy life, as small children rejoice in it. Do more good to others, and all your good to you will return in the form of health.


Watch the video: Cure Cervical Osteochondrosis Using This Natural Remedy Healthcare Home Remedies , Home Remedies (July 2024).