The love that was predicted ...


This is a fascinating story about how a girl predicted love ...

I waited three months for this day. The thought that this day had come a little scared me. I never believed fortune-tellers, but that day, three months ago, for some reason I did not understand, I believed. Probably because I wanted it. And it was like that ...

My friend and I walked around the park. It was pouring a fine snow. We talked so much that we did not even notice this. I invited her to sit on the bench. And now, sitting on a bench and watching how the snow falls, we started a conversation about the guys. And before there was such a conversation, but I avoided it.

The fact is that I was afraid of relationships, and could not let someone, even my girlfriend, find out about it.

“You know, I don’t understand one thing: why aren’t you dating anyone?” After all, you are not bullshit yourself.
- I dont know. But, probably, I have not met the one whom I will love at first sight.
“Do you really believe in love at first sight?”
- Of course! What are you not?
- Not. It does not exist.
“But since I believe, it means she is.”
- How small. Stop doing that. You can only love what you know.
- Everyone has their own opinion.

Then a woman came up to us. She looked untidy: a gray, dirty dress, a faded red scarf, a worn bag on her shoulder, something in the shape of boots, but they were so trampled that they resembled galoshes.

- Hello! can i join you?
- Hello! Of course, only we are already leaving, answered my friend, who was not very polite, and also squeamish.
“I'm sorry to interfere with your conversation, but I involuntarily heard it.” I can help you by looking straight into my eyes, she answered.
- With what? - I answered with interest.
“You don't believe in fortune telling.” I see through your eyes. You are so hidden that you are afraid to open your heart to a person. You were raised by the mother that your father abandoned. And, probably, for this reason you are afraid that your heart will be broken to you, as your mother was broken. And salvation for you is love at first sight.

“Did you get drunk?” or get smoked? what are you chatting? my friend screamed
- Wait. Let her continue, I was curious - looking at a friend, I said.
“I live in the house opposite.” And every day at the same time I go out here to help people. Looking at me, you might think: “How can she help?” You know, I have a gift, after all. I see the future of people.

“And you saw my future?”
- Yes. You may not believe me, but listen.
- Good.
- March 8, Fate will give you His. You will understand that this is love at first sight. And he will not break your heart, but will protect him.
- And it's all? I wonder how did you help her? my friend asked skeptically.
“She has lost hope that she will meet her love.” Keep believing.
“Thank you,” I said, looking into her eyes.

My friend and I said goodbye to our friend, and went home. They walked in silence. Each thought of his own. A friend broke the silence.
“Strange, why did she only see your future?”
“I don’t know,” I answered, still thinking about my own.

We said goodbye near my house. Rising to my floor, I remembered the words of that woman about my parents. She did tell the truth. And all these three months I lived with the hope of meeting him. And now this day has come ...

Waking up at ten in the morning, I, as usual, looked at the phone. Messages have arrived with congratulations. And then in my head the thought: this day has come. I got up, congratulated my mother, did some household chores and went to a party that was planned by my classmates on February 23rd.

And while sitting at a classmate's apartment, I was tormented by thoughts: “Well, how can I fall in love at first sight here? The apartment was stuffy: there were not only my classmates, but also guys from high school. I went to the balcony. There was a guy there, he turned to face me and smiled sweetly. I smiled back.

You know, something inside turned upside down, and a sensation appeared in my stomach that I had not experienced before that moment.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hello,” I answered, looking him in the eye.
- Stuffy there, huh?
- Yeah. Many people.
- What is your name?
- Marina.
“Vitalik,” he said holding out his hand.

With this simple dialogue, our romance began, which continues to this day. I told him about that woman, about that conversation. I do not know if he believed me. But I can tell you that for all five years of our acquaintance He did not hurt me. As that woman said, "he takes care of my heart."

I never cease to be surprised that for several years we saw each other at school, but did not notice. And now, I can not help but notice his face among others. Now I can not imagine life without him. And I’m very grateful to that woman. She gave me hope that there is that love that I want.

It was she who helped me open my heart to him. Unfortunately, I could not thank her. Vitalik and I went to that park, we even arrived at the time at which my friend and I met her. They waited until late at night, but she never showed up.


Watch the video: Teaser พยากรณซอนรก Payakorn Sorn Rak Predicted to Love - James Jirayu & Ice Preechaya (June 2024).