March 1: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays of March 1.


Holidays March 1

World Cat Day

As you know, March is the month of cat festivals and heartbreaking "concerts." It is not surprising that the "cat day" dates from just this number. Cute, gentle animals have been with us in one leg for many centuries. What only they have not undergone in their history of existence! They were respected and feared, undeservedly associated with witchcraft and exterminated. The roots of superstition go back to ancient Egypt, where "paranormal" abilities are attributed to cats. However, the Egyptians were very reverent toward their pets, unlike the future "offspring", because the cats, in their opinion, protected people and houses from evil spirits, driving them away. Today, a cat is not a messenger of darkness, but just a defenseless animal that needs us so much.

World Civil Defense Day

The holiday is celebrated in honor of the creation in 1972 (March 1) of a civil defense organization. It was originally referred to as the "Association of the Geneva Zones" and, at the initiative of many states, was founded in the capital of France. However, subsequently received intergovernmental status and transformed into the ICDO (International Organization of Civil Defense). World GO Day was established in 1990 and is celebrated by more than 50 member countries of the ICDO. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation joined the organization in 1993 and since then has been participating in all the events organized by the ICDO.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Independence Day

The state of Bosnia and Herzegovina annually celebrates Independence Day on March 1, which is associated with the referendum of February 29, 1992. As a result of the event, residents of the republic unanimously voted for the independence of their native country and its separation from the former Yugoslavia. Traditionally on this day, the cities and villages of Bosnia and Herzegovina hold mass celebrations, solemn concerts with evening fireworks, discos and salutes, as it should be.

March 1 in the national calendar

Yarilin day

Yarilo - the god of the sun, birth, renewal and fertility among the ancient Slavs, who drives the winter away and comes to warm the frozen Earth, give it new strength so that it can “get stronger”, give impetus to the birth of new vegetation, and, consequently, food for its dwellers. Often, with the first "rays of spring," people used to say: "Yarilo rose - take the man by the fork."

Pregnant women also lost no time. They believed that it was in the first days of March that they were given a unique opportunity - to receive a blessing from Yarila himself. To complete the ceremony, it was enough to warm up in the spring sun for a few minutes so that the future baby could gain strength, and mother - energy and patience.

If on the night of March 1 snow fell, people cleared the path to the well. It was believed that such a ritual would bring happiness to the house, and he would give his inhabitants good health. Until the 19th century, there was an unbreakable tradition - not to go to work on this day. People could allow themselves a little rest before the stormy spring days, the so-called Yarilins began to dance, arranged in honor of the arrival of spring.

Madder's Day

There is another folk festival celebrated on March 1, the day of Mary Marena, the Great Goddess of Winter and Death. Mara Marin, according to belief, was the wife of a very formidable deity - Kashchei, therefore, the people called her the one-eyed Kikimoroy. As a rule, on this day, people came to Kalinov's bridge, because it was believed that the possessions of Marena lay behind the river separating Nov and Yav, through which Kalinov’s bridge was thrown. According to the sign, if the sun does not hide behind the clouds at noon on March 1, then spring will melt the snow blanket very early, but a raging blizzard testified to the upcoming persistent cold weather.

Historical events of March 1

March 1, 1555 - Nostradamus publish a book of predictions

It was on this day that Michel de Notrdam, known to the public as Nostradamus, released his “brainchild” - a book called “The Prophecies of M. Nostradamus”, the contents of which are carefully encoded rhymed quatrains (quatrain). In the messages of Nostradamus no dates are indicated, but the researchers who study the predictions of the seer do not embarrass this fact. Thanks to the painstaking and hard work, they were able to compare many records with real historical events. However, the majority of Nostradamus’s poems are not taken seriously: in their opinion, these predictions are rather blurred and have many meanings, that is, they cannot be interpreted as any particular event.

March 1, 1564 - release of the first printed book in Moscow

The first Russian printed book entitled "The Apostle" was released by decree of Ivan the Terrible with the approval of Metropolitan Macarius. Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavts, who went down in history as the best first printers, were directly involved in the creation of the book. It turns out that the choice of the genre was not accidental. "Apostle" in Russia used to train the clergy. The first printed book served as an ideal model for the creation of subsequent masterpieces.

March 1, 1869 - Mendeleev compiles a table of chemical elements

The first version of the periodic system of atomic elements was installed by the eminent Russian chemist DI Mendeleev. The table initially included sixty-three chemical elements, but later scientists found more and more heavy substances that constantly replenished the table. Recall that to date, the periodic table of Mendeleev contains 118 chemical elements. Scientists do not exclude that this is far from the limit, and in the distant future they still have to solve many problems in atomic molecular chemistry.

March 1, 1954 - hydrogen bomb blast on Bikini Atoll

An explosion of tens of megatons produced the United States. As a result of the tests, several Japanese fishing vessels were damaged. The shock wave, as well as its consequences — radioactive fallout — stirred the whole world, including the experimenters themselves. A subsequent statement by the laureates of Einstein, Russell and Joliot-Curie led to the formation of a movement for nuclear disarmament. Since then, March 1 is celebrated by the Japanese as the "National Day of Struggle for Peace".

Born on March 1

- Alessandro Botticelli - the great painter of the Renaissance. It was considered the best in Florence at the end of the 15th century.

- Glen miller (1904 - 1944) - a famous musician, the head of an orchestra, organized in 1937 and later participating in the filming of some American films. For all his short activities, Miller recorded more than two hundred compositions.

- Borislav Brondukov (1938 - 2004) - a famous actor. I was remembered and loved by the public thanks to such films as "Afonya", "Prize", "Autumn Marathon", "Garage", "Cruel Romance", "Citizen Nikanorova Awaits You", etc.

- Boris Chertok (1912 2011) - the legend of the Soviet cosmonautics. Its activity was entirely aimed at creating a control system for rockets and other space objects.

- Thomas Anders (born in 1963) - ex-soloist of the popular group "Modern Talking", composer and talented actor, who played in two famous films. For all his creative work, Anders has recorded 19 albums.

Name Day March 1

Celebrate "Angel Day" on March 1 will be representatives of the following names: Daniel, Makar, Ilya, Pavel, Samuel, Porfiry, Julian, Panfil, Valentin, Fedul, Walent.


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