Salad with sausage and crackers for every taste. Salad recipes with sausage and crackers for holidays and weekdays


Often, when they are going to cook "some tasty, new salad", the hostesses look over the pages of various culinary sites for a long time, looking for an interesting recipe for a salad with sausage and crackers.

We hope that everything you need will be in this article.

Salad with sausage and crackers - general technological principles

Experience in making salads is available to all. In order not to spend time on general theoretical questions on the technology of salads, which can be considered for more than one day, but to focus exclusively on preparing specific salads with sausage and crackers, according to the recipes described below in the article, we will focus exclusively on them.

Salad with sausage and crackers - if you fill it with mayonnaise or another sauce - it is a completely self-sufficient dish. True to it does not interfere with add a little juiciness, for example: vegetables, including leafy ones. In various variations, besides juiciness, it is possible to achieve both originality and various shades of taste.

Mixed salad can consist of meat ingredients: smoked, half-smoked, boiled and cooked-dried sausage products, any kind of meat ingredients, boiled and raw vegetables. Some combine with meat products, even fish and seafood - a matter of taste, as they say. Any salad can be prepared from what is on hand, collecting a composition of your favorite ingredients. There are no restrictions on this issue.

More stringent recommendations for salads are in other matters, not related to the personal taste of each.

A short list of what is unacceptable in the preparation of any salad:

• Sauces that add flavor to your favorite dish might as well spoil the salad. In combination with other products, they affect the dish and the human body with the effect of a time bomb. Any sauce - a moist environment, biologically active and feeding harmful microorganisms. If the salad, seasoned with sauce, remains for some time at room temperature - it is already impossible to eat it. In addition, even without taking into account the pests of the body, gathered "for a feast" in the dish. Such a salad does not represent any taste and nutritional value - vegetables and fruits released juice, turning the dish into incomprehensible biomass, and the vitamins evaporated into the atmosphere or turned into other organic compounds of dubious action and benefit.

Conclusion: Salad should be prepared only before serving, and, preferably, fill it in the plate, if the recipe allows. Only some salads can be stored in the refrigerator, and for a very short time.

• When using boiled vegetables or other ingredients in salads, be sure to cool them before adding to the dish in order to prolong the “life” of the salad. It would not hurry hostess, engaged in preparing for the meeting of guests, this rule can not be broken. The difference in temperature of the prepared ingredients will instantly cause a chain reaction of fermentation and food spoilage.

What principles should be followed in the preparation of salads:

• The harmony of taste depends largely on the methods of cutting. And it's not just the external aesthetics of the dish.

For example, coarsely chopped boiled potatoes and very small pieces of sausage: isn’t it, the taste “sounds” sadly - potatoes with the smell of sausage?

• For better taste, a balance is needed, which is important to think through when selecting the amount of ingredients. Fortunately, salads are often not difficult to correct the error when the dish is ready. If it turns out that the dish lacks the taste of cucumber, or cheese, or something else - just add to the desired amount and mix. But sometimes this technique does not work - either there is no additional amount of food left, or, in order to correct the error, you have to prepare too much.

Conclusion: Do not rush to combine all the components in one bowl, chopping them alternately. Use separate containers for each ingredient until the very last moment, mixing. It will take a lot of space on the kitchen table, but will save you from other troubles. In addition, with separate storage, in closed containers, the products will be preserved better and longer than in one large bowl.

Do not be afraid to experiment. Like the recipe? Did you find it interesting? Try. If the list of ingredients contains a component that does not suit for some reason, feel free to cross it out or replace it with another. Recipe dishes - not a recipe from the doctor. In this case, initiative and innovation are welcomed and, perhaps, something like “Olivier” or “Caesar” will appear in world cooking.

Recipe 1. Salad with sausage and crackers "Summer palette"


• Salad (fleshy) pepper 170 g

• Sausage (type "Cervelata") 350 g

• Peking salad 300-350 g

• Cucumbers (fresh) 250 g

• “Parmesan” or other hard cheese, 150 g

• Sweet onions, red 50 -70 g

• Crackers, rye 180 g

• Sweetcorn (in cans) 300-400 g

• Mayonnaise

• Chopped parsley, dill


We chop cucumbers with cheese very thinly and make slices. The remaining vegetables shred. Fold the corn through a sieve or a colander and add to the salad bowl. We refuel connected with chopped greens, thin mayonnaise. It is possible, and even better, instead of mayonnaise, to fill with sour cream. In this case, sour cream need to fill with lemon juice, a pinch of ground pepper and salt. During the season, Beijing cabbage salad can be replaced with young, white cabbage - it is important that its leaves are tender and juicy. In autumn and winter, all cabbage needs only to be chopped as thin as possible, and mashed slightly in a separate container, lightly seasoning it with salt and sugar to make juice.

Recipe 2. Salad with sausage and crackers "Good morning"


• Ham 350-400 g

• Croutons, white 100 g

• French fries 300 g

• Oil, garlic, rosemary, salt and spices (for frying)

• Marinated carrots 200 g

• Champignons marinated 150 g

• Green peas 250 g

• Lettuce leaves, greens (for submission)

• Sour cream sauce or mayonnaise (for dressing)


Three large potato tubers are cleaned, cut into strips and fry in boiling oil. When heating oil, add pounded garlic and a few peas of pepper. Put the finished "fries" on a napkin (use linen to keep the paper from sticking to the product) and, while the potatoes cool, and the oil drains, prepare the carrots. Cut it in the same straw as a potato and immerse it in cooked water (boiled) for 20 minutes, with salt, sugar and acid (vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice).

Boiled ham or ham sausage is also cut into strips, respecting the shape and size of all the ingredients of the salad. Small mushrooms cut into quarters, along the mushroom. Drain marinade, freeing carrots and peas from excess liquid. Combine all the ingredients in a common bowl, mix. We put salad leaves on a dish or a portion of dishes, on top - ready salad, sprinkle with leaflets of greens and pour over the sauce.

Recipe 3. Salad with sausage and crackers "Festive cocktail"

The number of ingredients indicated in the recipe is 25-30 g per serving.


• Canned pineapple

• Sausage, boiled

• Pomegranate Grains

• Eggs

• Cucumber

• Cheese, soft (rennet)

• Crackers

• Green pea

• Leek


The number of ingredients is calculated arbitrarily, depending on the number of servings.

All the ingredients are prepared and cut into small cubes. Each product is laid in tall and wide ice-cream panes in small pieces. If by chance there was no serving utensil at hand, for a salad, take a regular plate, cover it with a piece of lettuce. Then, from the tin can left over from the peas or pineapples, cut the cylinder with a can opener, removing the bottom and top of the can. Next, washing the resulting cylinder, put it on a leaf of lettuce, laid on a plate, and begin to lay out the ingredients, as is done when forming a dish in creamer. But in this case, the salad should be refilled with sauce more abundantly and press each layer, tamping with a spoon, so that after the form is removed, the cylindrical shape of the dish remains. The order of the layers should be formed by the color of the ingredients. The last layer is white cheese, decorated with bright greens and grains of peeled pomegranate.

Cocktail salads served in bowls only to emphasize the solemnity of the moment and create a refined setting. Eat them, laid out on a plate and mix all its layers. It is for this reason that when spreading in layers, it is not the flavor range that matters, but the combination of the colors that make up its ingredients.

Recipe 4. Salad with sausage and crackers "Hearty"

The weight of the ingredients must be the same in purified and prepared products.


• Sausages "Hunting"

• Carrot

• Crackers

• Beans, variegated

• Pepper (red, green, yellow), salad

• Pickled onion

• Celery root

• Salad dressing:

- oil;

- mustard, dry;

- salt;

- garlic;

- a mixture of ground peppers;

- vinegar (fruit);

- chopped parsley and dill;

• Fresh greens (leaves, for submission)

• Sesame (fried)


Soak the beans in water to swell and boil. Also cook celery root and carrots, after having washed and cleaned them. Diced onions pickled in acidified water - about a quarter of an hour is enough to remove the bitterness and peculiar smell. Peel large lettuce peppers of different colors from stalks and seeds.

Prepared vegetables cut into large cubes, sausages - in circles. From the listed ingredients we prepare gas station. Use any of the vegetable oils. Fill it with spices, acid, garlic and chopped greens.

The salad should be mixed well and let it brew.

To decorate the dish, use fresh lettuce leaves and leaves of your favorite herbs.

Recipe 5. Salad with sausage and crackers "Winter"


• Beet, baked

• Sausage, pig-beef, smoked

• Rusks ("sticks")

• Garlic

• Prunes

• Mayonnaise


Wash the beets with a brush, without peeling the skin, rub it with vegetable oil and bake until done. Let cool. Cut into thin strips. If the beets are not sweet enough, besides salt, drag them with sugar and mix well. After that, seal it with vegetable oil - pour in a little oil and move it again: this technique will preserve the color of the rest of the ingredients added to the salad - the beets will not color everything red.

We continue to cut the sausage and prunes into strips (pre-wash and steam). Chop the garlic and add to the mayonnaise. Served salad and serve, laid out a slide in a salad bowl.

Recipe 6. Salad with sausage and crackers "Kirieshki"


• Kirieshki with hot pepper

• Sausage (smoked or half-smoked)

• Boiled rice (round)

• An Apple

• Cucumbers

• Pork chop, roast

• Green onions

• Mayonnaise

• Beef liver

• Chopped greens

• Lemon juice and sour cream (for filling)


To taste the salad was balanced, the number of required ingredients must be the same.

Fry chops of pork and beef liver, and leave them to cool. If there are no necessary "Kiriyshek", in the same oil, where the chop was fried, fry bread sticks, 2-2.5 cm long, seasoned with hot pepper and garlic. Then all the ingredients for the salad are cut into the same size and put together, seasoning the salad with sour cream sauce or mayonnaise, if desired.

We spread a slide in a salad bowl, decorate with chopped greens and immediately serve.

Salad with sausage and crackers - tips and tricks

• Fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C and iron after cleaning, place in acidified water so that they do not become stained during the cooking process.

• Vegetables and fruits containing beta-carotene or vitamin A, as well as other fat-soluble vitamins, combine with dairy or vegetable fats to maximize the benefits of these foods in a salad.


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