Is radish useful or harmful, what is included in its composition? The story of radish, its calorie content, useful and harmful properties


Radish, as a healthy and tasty vegetable, was eaten in ancient Egypt. Even on the pyramids of Cheops this wonderful vegetable is captured.

At that time there were no pills and as many chemical drugs as now, the usual products in different forms were both food and medicine. In what cases is a radish, the use of which is undeniable, a medicine, and when is a radish harmful? And what determines the properties of this vegetable? To begin with, we will figure out what types of this root crop are found in our country.

Types of radish

Black radish. The benefits of this species prevail over all others. Due to the high content of methyl mustard oil glycosides in its composition, which give it bitterness, it is bitter that they say about black radish.

Green, or, as it is also called, Margelan radish. Her green is not only the skin, but also the flesh. This look differs from the previous one in a milder taste and juiciness. By the number of nutrients, it is slightly inferior to black.

White radish, daikon, or Japanese. The large white root of the daikon has a sweet juicy pulp. Of course, there are not many glycosides of methyl mustard oil in it, but at the same time, daikon has many other useful properties of radish.

There are other species, but the above varieties are the most common in our country.

Regardless of taste and color, radish is a healthy and low-calorie vegetable. With proper storage of radish, it preserves useful properties until spring, apparently, therefore, in Russia it enjoyed special honor during Lent before Easter.

Radish: its composition and calorie content

Eating it as a food, you get many useful substances, such as:

A large number of dietary fiber. In combination with a low calorie radish, they help everyone who wants to lose weight. Fiber in root crops cleanses the body of toxins.

• The largest amount compared to other vegetables potassium makes the radish useful for the human body in cardiovascular diseases.

Glycoside methyl mustard oil. They give the radish useful properties necessary in the treatment of bronchitis or pneumonia. The root crop will help prevent inflammatory joint diseases, help with gout, as a choleretic agent, to strengthen immunity.

Vitamin C gives the vegetable antioxidant properties, which means that radish is useful for the body in the fight against aging. Vitamin C enhances the human immunity, it takes part in hematopoiesis and has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels.

• Carbohydrates give a sufficient amount of vital energy. Thanks to this, radish, whose calorie content is only 36 kcal per 100 grams, helps to easily withstand dietary restrictions.

The presence of many substances necessary for the body makes the radish a vegetable useful for human health.

How to cook radish with health benefits

It is good to add radish when cooking hot dishes, for example, in lagman, in goulash, any gravy with meat.

Radish, the calorie content of which is low, and the nutritional value is high, no less tasty and raw:

Quick Salads.

With olive oil:

Cut the peeled root crop into four parts, chop with thin plastics, pour olive oil, salt. Let stand literally 3-5 minutes. For this salad, it is better to use green radish or daikon.

With carrots:

Grated carrots and radishes, salt, you can add garlic to taste, pour any vegetable oil pre-heated in a pan. Mix everything thoroughly. Such a salad is very tasty to eat with pilaf.

This salad can be varied according to your taste: for example, season with mayonnaise, you can not add garlic, there are enough essential oils in the radish, giving the dishes from it aroma and bright taste.

Preparations for the preparation of medicines and masks from radish

As a medicine, usually use her juice. It can be obtained in several ways:

• Cut the upper part of the fruit, carefully cut and remove the pulp, making a recess. Add honey or sugar to it, leave for several hours. Do not discard the pulp that has been taken out - make flour flour from it (see below).

• Peel the radish, cut into cubes, put in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar or pour honey, squeeze the juice after 7-8 hours.

• Grate the vegetable on a coarse grater, pour it with honey or add sugar, this method allows you to get the juice after 2-3 hours. Squeeze out well. Do not throw out the squeezes, it is better to make a nourishing face mask with them.

Usually, decayed root crops are thrown out, but from them it is possible to make a product base for various purposes.

• Cut vegetables with plastics, dry in the fresh air or in the oven over low heat. Absolutely dried plastics are ground into a flour grinder.

Rare flour can be used as a thickening additive in various dishes, for the basis of masks or compresses. In radish flour, the beneficial properties of the vegetable are preserved for a long time, only it needs to be stored in a cool, dry place.

Radish will help you become even more beautiful

• Add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil and sour cream to 1 tablespoon of squeezers remaining after receiving the juice (or a mixture of honey and radish flour in a 1: 1 ratio). After holding the mask on your face for 10 minutes, rinse it with warm water. A radish mask is harmful to sensitive skin!

• To lighten and rejuvenate the face, you can mix 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of aloe juice and a spoonful of strong green tea, 2 tablespoons of grated radish (or flour from it), if you have dry skin, it would be better for you if you add 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply on face and neckline for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

• For oily skin, please treat it with such a mask: mix one egg yolk and a tablespoon of grated radish (or radish flour) on the face, twenty minutes later with a cotton pad dipped in a strong tea leaves of green tea, carefully remove the mask. Rinse your face with cool water.

• Juice, half diluted with water, wipe the skin if you want to whiten it. Only in this case you do not need to add honey to the juice.

Healing Radish

Radish juice is good for health as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, wound healing and choleretic agent. By mixing juice with honey, you will help yourself and your family in the treatment of certain diseases:

Bronchitis, cold with cough. Drink a tablespoon of the mixture for several days 4-5 times a day;

Cardiac arrhythmia. Drink one tablespoon of the drink three times a day before meals;

Cystitis. Also, three times a day, one tablespoon after a meal;

• If you have urolithiasis disease, try to drink two tablespoons of juice in the morning on an empty stomach, this also helps with worms;

Diabetes. Drink 2 tablespoons of juice three times a day;

Body cleansing. After eating, first drink one teaspoon of juice, gradually increasing the amount of juice to half a glass. For cleaning, you need juice from 10 kg of root vegetables. It is best to make a fresh serving every day, so the juice will not lose its healing properties. Be sure to monitor your condition, if there is pain in the right hypochondrium - it began to clear the liver. Stop drinking juice, let the body "expel" part of the toxins from itself, and then start all over again slowly.

Burns. Grind the radish, put on a clean napkin and attach to the burn.

Rheumatism, sciatica. Take a quarter cup three times a day after meals such a mixture: 0.5 cups of vodka, 1 tablespoon of salt, radish juice 1.5 cups, honey 1 cup. You can use this mixture as grinding.

Wound healing. Grind the seeds of radish with water: 1 tbsp. spoon of seeds, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water and apply the mixture to the wound.

Radish: what is the harm to health?

Not always a radish is suitable for the treatment of diseases. Moreover, there are situations when radish is harmful to humans. Useful in one case, the properties of a vegetable, such as the presence of coarse fiber, a large amount of essential oils, in other situations can cause disastrous reactions of the body.

Particular caution is important in the use of radish as a medicine in the following cases:

• During pregnancy;

• During inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;

• With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• if you have gout;

• For some cardiovascular diseases.

In any case, during treatment, you need to pay attention to how the body responds to changes in nutrition, it is even better to consult a doctor before using radish as a medicine.

In case of unpleasant symptoms, try to exclude radish from your diet. If it becomes much easier for you, it means that radish does not bring benefits to your body and it is better not to use it.

Is radish harmful to pregnant and lactating mothers?

Pregnancy for a woman is a special period in which serious changes occur in her body and in her life. Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to be especially careful to listen to yourself.

Radish is good for the body, as we have already found out, but you need to remember that with inflammatory processes of the digestive tract, radish is harmful.

On the one hand, the low calorie content of radish will help to adjust nutrition and help control weight during pregnancy; on the other hand, applying black radish juice against cough can cause unwanted reactions of the body, for example, an increase in uterine tone can occur. And this, in turn, can lead to a miscarriage.

Therefore, you need to be very careful, and be sure to monitor your feelings.

But while feeding the baby, the radish will help improve lactation, for this you need:

three times a day, ten minutes before a meal, drink a drink made from one glass of radish juice and a small amount of honey or sugar. You can’t store juice, so every day you will need to make a new portion of juice.

Radish for children

Usually, children do not like radish very much for its sharp taste, but there are times when the radish is good for the health of the child. Especially during colds. Black radish juice with honey is a proven old cough suppressant.

Radish is an amazing vegetable that gives health and harmony, its properties help in various situations.

Love the radish - and be healthy!


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