Study: 70% of people can not brush their teeth


Did you know that only 30% of the population of our planet brush their teeth properly? Toothbrushing is a mandatory procedure for oral hygiene, and although most people are familiar with this statement, there are tips that can be used to make this process even more effective.

Proper brushing will protect against tooth decay, gum disease, tartar formation, which will not only preserve teeth, but also help to avoid other health problems.

Approximately 10% of people have a predisposition to the rapid formation of tartar. In this case, the most important thing is not to run. And for this you need to properly brush your teeth. Dentists offer the following tips on proper teeth cleaning:

- The movements should be short, but not strong, otherwise over time you will get ptosis of the gums, increased tooth sensitivity, which can lead to their loss. The inclination of the toothbrush is 45 degrees to the gum line.

- Brush your teeth not all at once, but in parts. When brushing the back of the teeth, hold the brush almost vertically.

- Do not forget to clean the tongue, the sky and gums. Bacteria that cause tooth decay, live in these places.

Thorough brushing requires at least 3 minutes of time. The bristles of the brush (soft, medium or hard) should match your type of teeth. The brush should be changed every three months, as well as after a cold. Dentists advise to combine the brush with dental floss and from time to time to visit the dentist for deeper cleaning and preventive examination.


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