Birthday prayer, which is read once a year, Orthodox


Birthday is an amazing holiday that brings joy to both children and adults. Everyone tries to celebrate it somehow in a special way, but few people know that on this day you can fulfill your most cherished desire, be cured of diseases, get the necessary protection and advice with the help of a special prayer that is read once a year on your birthday. Let us take a closer look at what you can ask the Almighty on your birthday and how to do it correctly.

What prayers are recited once a year?

Every Orthodox knows for sure that prayers are different. Some are read exclusively on holidays, others are used during church services, others are intended for special occasions and specific requests, there are also separate daily prayers included in the prayer rule. However, there is an exceptional prayer, which is pronounced once a year on one particular day — a prayer on the day of birth.

You can make a request to the homeland for:

  • fulfillment of desire;
  • healing from the disease;
  • love search;
  • getting married or married;
  • finding your own life path;
  • finding an answer to an important question;
  • protection from any troubles and misfortunes.

Particular attention should be paid to the recipient of the prayer, because the prayer will have a greater effect if it is heard by the desired saint. Most often, they appeal to the Guardian Angel with a request for protection and indication of the right path. Universal prayer is offered to the Lord, and the prayer for love and family is offered to the Virgin Mary.

Such a prayer does not require special preparation or attributes, it is enough to tune in to your request emotionally and mentally, to formulate the necessary message in the subconscious as clearly as possible, and sincerely believe in God's power.

Prayer on the birthday of the Guardian Angel

The most common birthday prayer is read to the Guardian Angel. Everyone knows that each person has his own defender and defender. Determine under the auspices of a Saint you can be by date of birth, to later address him with a prayer. Full list of dates and names of saints can be downloaded here.

The prayer for the Headmaster on his birthday is as follows:

"Guardian angel, soul Protector, destinies Patron, looking and looking after me (angel's name) I appeal to You! On the day of my birth you were near, I was blessed, so satisfy my request (briefly describe what you want in 1-2 sentences Do not turn away, but hear and help. Amen. "

It is advisable to say a prayer during the day or directly at birth hours.

Lord god

A prayer to the Almighty on his birthday is considered to be universal, capable of helping in any request and bringing to life all the best and positive. This one prayer is possible:

  • bring good luck in business;
  • to succeed in work;
  • improve well-being;
  • get rid of diseases;
  • find the right path in life;
  • to establish conflict relations.

In order to determine the main direction of the prayer, you need to properly tune and put the necessary washed away in the following text:

"Lord God, Lord of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, my gracious Father, that You have allowed me to live another year; I know that I am not worthy of this mercy because of my sins, but You show it to me because of your unspeakable humanity. Extend and still Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, peace, health, in peace with all my kin and in harmony with all my neighbors. Give me the abundance of earthly fruits and everything to the satisfaction of my needs. cleanse my conscience, strengthen me in the path of salvation, so that I, following it, after many years of life in this world, going into eternal life, deserve to be the heir to the Kingdom of Your Heavenly God myself, God bless the year I started and all the days of my life Amen. "

A prayer should be read exactly at birth hours; after it, it is necessary to cross three times and kiss the cross given at baptism. If there is none, you can touch the base of the icon or bible with your forehead.

Holy Mother of God

Appeal with a prayer to the Mother of God in the anniversary contributes to the solution of all conflicts, family problems and domestic troubles. Saint Patroness is especially supportive of requests for family and children and will certainly heed the petition.

Appeal to the Heavenly Mother should be from the early morning, being in complete peace and tranquility, with the words:

"Holy Mother of God, be glorified! The Slave (Slave) of God (God) (your name) is begging for blessing and help. The burden is exorbitant on the shoulders and there is no urine to throw off. So ease this burden, remove and replace with joy and the health of the family and mine own grace in my home and work, order in affairs and good in relationships. I will always praise You, Thy Son, and Our Father Most High, Amen! "

After reading the prayer, it is recommended to visit a church or a temple and collect holy water, which you need to wash yourself and allow the household to wash the face and sprinkle the rest on the rest.

To health

It is best to pray at a birthday for health in the morning, repeating the prayer text three times with 12 lit candles. At the same time they ask for the good and sound health of the main Wonderworkers: St. Nicholas and the Healer Panteleimon. And for improving well-being, and for healing from diseases, one prayer is used:

"O Prelate All-Needs, Wonderworker (Nicholas or Panteleimon)! I praise You and I appeal to You with a worldly request! I pray for your health, for your good health and painlessness and for your kind people. Give health and strength to you, endlessly through your grace, in order to praise the Almighty and further and managed to serve the good of the world and in the name of heaven. Amen! "

Another version of the prayer is addressed to the Matrona of Moscow and is read for three days:

  • on the day before the holiday in the evening;
  • at the hour of birth directly on the day of birth;
  • the next day in the morning.

It is enough to accept the prayer position and speak the sacred words:

"Matron mother, protector and patroness of everyone who suffers and in need! Help me to cope with the sickness, to get rid of pains and ailments, to become stronger and stronger. To pray for good health and good life so that no infection can harm, no pain will come to you With faith in the power of your healing and trusting in the Lord Almighty, amen! "

On love and marriage

Prayers for love and marriage are offered only before the prayer of the Virgin by a girl who wants to get a soul mate and enter into marriage, her mother or grandmother. A prayer is being read on the birthday of a woman whose family happiness is being asked for.

For help in love, they appeal to the Mother of God and the Saints with the words:

"Holy Mother of God and Saints of God! I trust in you and your mercy, I ask you for mercy! Grant true and sincere love to God's Slave (girl's name), bring a kind and faithful boy to her, so that you love each other and marry. In joy and In good health, let them live in perfect harmony, they sing God and they don’t know sorrow. As in heaven and peace and grace, so in their relationship everything will be bright and light.

To search for love, the guy and his marriage use a different doxology:

"Hail, Mother of God! Peter the great book and his wife Fevronia, be famous! Holy Xenia of Petersburg, glory to you! Help the Servant of God (the name of a man), find the beautiful maiden, destiny and the Most High predestinated! In order to love, protect and protect her, to marry a woman. was. Tie a strong marriage, so as not to swear, but live in peace and quiet together. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

Is it always possible to celebrate a holiday?

Knowing the basic rules of prayer, which include a ban on feasts, many will wonder: is it possible to celebrate a holiday if you read Orthodox prayer on your birthday? There are certain regulations concerning the celebration that must be observed.

First, it is possible to celebrate an important anniversary if:

  • prayer is not about healing;
  • you are asking for good for other people;
  • prayer was read in a church or temple;
  • On this day, the church did not light church candles and did not sprinkle it with holy water, which must be done after the celebration;
  • the birthday boy did not pass the recent communion.

In addition, the festival should also comply with several guidelines:

  • no frills, it should not be lush;
  • short feast;
  • alcoholic beverages are excluded, except for wine, preferably lighted.

Consider bans on birthday celebrations and their causes:

  1. You cannot celebrate if a prayer for healing is being read. It is believed that such a holiday can interfere with the pure energy sent from the heavens to the patient.
  2. If the desired date coincides with the church feast. Serving the Lord is paramount.

Having defined all the rules and the existing prayers, you can safely proceed to action. The main thing is not to forget that on this day everything will surely come true and succeed!


Watch the video: 130 Predestination, Providence, and Prayer - Fr. Thomas Hopko (June 2024).