Apple diet - a detailed description and helpful tips. Reviews of apple diet and sample recipes.


Apple diet is one of the most popular ways to lose weight. It is based on the beneficial effects on the human body of fiber, fruit acids and potassium, the content of which apples are among the fruits, as they say, "champions".

They also contain many vitamins of various groups and iodine. Apples help to eliminate toxins and fat from the body, accelerate the metabolism and normalize the work of the digestive system. In addition, experts see in the apple diet an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

An average-sized apple contains up to 90 kcal, so it is easy to calculate that with weight loss per day, you can safely eat up to one and a half kilograms of these healthy fruits. At the same time, due to the fact that apples contain glucose with fructose, a person who is losing weight does not have an obsessive desire to feast on forbidden sugary foods - chocolate, baked goods, etc. It is better to eat apples along with the peel, rich in various beneficial substances. In order to somehow diversify your diet during a diet, you can make it from apples of different varieties.

On average, when the apple diet is observed, 1 kg to 1.5 kg of excess weight is lost per day. For some people, due to certain circumstances, it is difficult to eat some apples for several days. In this case, it is better to arrange regular apple fasting days, for example, once or twice a week. So simple and quite a pleasant way to teach your body to cleanse and burn excess fat. Especially such apple fasting days are useful for those who have problems with the intestines, as they, increasing the intestinal motility, very effectively help to fight against constipation.

Apple diet - what foods you can eat

Of course, eating some apples for some period of time is very difficult for most people, unless you like apples more than all other foods. Therefore, there are several options for apple diets. Some of them involve eating only apples. However, nutritionists believe that mono diets are harmful to health. Therefore, they advise fans of the apple diet to supplement the diet with a small (up to 100 grams per day) amount of animal protein in the form of chicken meat, lean fish, light cottage cheese, eggs, and there are diets that take these recommendations into account. In some diets, rye bread is occasionally allowed. Without restrictions, green tea or water (not carbonated) is allowed. Apple diet does not imply restrictions on the color of the apples or their taste (you can eat sour apples and sweet ones).

Apple diet - what foods should not be consumed

When apple diet can not eat those products that it does not provide. Special ban on the use of salt, sugar and alcohol. Smokers should either completely abandon cigarettes during a diet, or limit their number.

Apple diet - menu examples

Apple Diet 1 (7-day)

1st day - apple

Breakfast consists of 2 grated apples, mixed with lemon juice (to your liking). A handful of walnuts is allowed.

Lunch consists of a salad made from 3 apples with green onions (30 gr.) And parsley (20 gr.). Apples are better to grind with a large grater, and green onions with parsley - finely chop. You can add boiled egg, also grated.

Dinner consists of 3 medium apples.

2nd day - apple and rice

Breakfast consists of 1 plate of rice, cooked without salt, and 3 apples.

Lunch consists of apples with rice. Boil rice. Then, peeling apples from the skin, they cut out the core. Prepared apples pour hot water. Adding juice and lemon zest, boil the mixture until soft. Boil the rice, mix it with the resulting apple sauce. The resulting dish should fit in a soup bowl. This portion will be dinner.

Dinner consists of half a serving of cooked, non-salty rice.

3rd day - apple and curd

Breakfast consists of 2 apples and 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch also consists of apples and cottage cheese, prepared as follows. Cut apples into thin straws, they are kept in lemon-acidified water. Then in a low-fat cottage cheese add two teaspoons of honey, a handful of walnuts and apple straw, soaked in lemon water.

Dinner consists of 50 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.

4th day - carrot and apple

Breakfast consists of 2 large carrots and one apple, which should be grated.

Lunch consists of a salad of carrots and apples. For its preparation, they are cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grater, then flavored with 2 teaspoons of honey with lemon zest and mixed.

Dinner consists of 2 baked apples and 1 teaspoon of honey.

5th day - carrot and beetroot

Breakfast consists of 1 boiled carrot and 1 boiled beet, grated.

Lunch consists of 1 egg, 1 boiled beet and a plate of oatmeal.

Dinner consists of grated raw carrots with cane sugar or honey. The number of carrots is not limited.

6th day - repeats the first.

7-1 day - repeats the second.

Apple Diet 2

The diet does not have a strict duration, its duration is determined by the capabilities and goals of losing weight. During such a diet you can eat only apples. It is important to drink enough liquid all this time.

Apple Diet 3

Proponents of this diet, on the contrary, believe that the liquid that apples contain is enough, so they are advised to eat only up to one and a half kilograms of fresh apples every day.

Apple Diet 4

Kefir-apple diet, during which up to 5-6 times a day, eat an apple and a half cup of yogurt.

Apple diet - useful tips and reviews

If the diet does not contain clear indications about the drinking regime and drinks, it is better to give preference to ordinary boiled or mineral non-carbonated water. Allowed green tea or herbal teas. If possible, it is better to refuse the use of juices.

It is believed that the most complete apples are absorbed when they are used in a grated form.

When starting an apple diet, one should also remember that in case of a duodenal ulcer one cannot eat sour apples; Gastritis is a contraindication to the consumption of sweet apples. In the presence of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, it is better to use apples with sugar in the amount of 100 grams per 1 kilogram of apples.

Pros and cons of the apple diet

The undoubted advantages of the apple diet should be attributed to its high efficiency and the ability to get results in a very short time. This is also confirmed by the reviews of those who have tried the effect of the apple diet on themselves. At the same time, apples are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for man. Moreover, apples are the main natural source of pectins, which, as is well known, must necessarily be present in the diet of those who want to lose weight.

Pectin has the ability to dramatically reduce the calorie intake and reduce the effects of excessive carbohydrate intake, as a result of which overweight appears. Pectin normalizes the intestinal flora, has a regulating effect on the motor function of the intestines and the process of absorption of food. But that's not all! When passing through the intestinal tract, pectins adsorb toxic substances and fats that enter it from food. They contribute to the removal of radionuclides, collateral cholesterol and stagnant fat deposits. Therefore, the process of losing weight on an apple diet is much easier.

If we talk about the shortcomings of the apple diet, then it should be mentioned that, like most effective diets, it does not belong to the lungs. Apples stimulate the appetite, and not everyone can cope with it. It all depends on the reaction of the body: some calmly eat apples for 10 days, while others by the end of the first day, unable to withstand the agonizing feeling of hunger, by evening they escape from it with a hearty dinner.

It has an apple diet and contraindications, because apple juice can irritate the stomach quite a lot. Therefore, people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the form of gastritis, ulcers, etc., it is better to choose for themselves another way to get rid of extra pounds. The same applies to those with increased acidity in the stomach. Therefore, before you go on an apple diet, do not forget to consult a doctor!


Vera Moscow 03/22/2016
That's what apples appetite for sure. I do not understand how you can sit on an apple diet, if you eat one apple and you already want to eat, and then there's half a kilogram))

Tabu 03/22/2016
Smokers should stop using cigarettes - why ??? Well, I can not get rid of this scourge, and almost all diets prohibit smoking. But what about being overweight, it is stronger than me ....

Albina 03.22.2016
And that's what interests me, today they sell apples on the market, you can lose weight with them, or are they also stuffed with chemicals ??? I would not want to poison them.

Mariana 03/22/2016
Here, really, rejuvenating apples. After giving birth, apples were advised to me because of the fiber. I did not know that they will help me to lose weight. I thought that just a child was harassing me, so losing weight. And then it's in the apples))

Katerina 03.22.2016
One apple contains 90 calories. It never even occurred to me that there are so few calories in an apple. I thought that if they are so tasty, then certainly more. And apple diet is paradise for me. I love them ...


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